
8 things you need to know about Ebola

The confirmation of outbreak of Ebola virus in Lagos necessitates increased information-sharing on the virus, particularly ways to avoid contracting it. Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer (pictured with her daughter), died at a Lagos hospital after being taken ill on arrival in Lagos.

Here are eight things to know about the viral disease.


The intention is not to scare anyone, but Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is deadly. According to the World Health Organisation, EVD outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%, which means that 90 out of 100, or — if you like — nine out of 10 cases are likely to result in death.


One more proof of its deadliness: Sheik Umar Khan, the doctor spearheading the treatment of Ebola in Sierra Leone — he had, in fact, treated more than 100 victims — has now contracted his disease, and has been transferred to a treatment ward run by medical charity, Medecins Sans Frontieres.

Formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, it is a severe, often-fatal illness primarily occurring in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rain forests.

  1. Clinical washing with measured quantities of soap or detergent with flowing water, after contact with the public, is recommended. However regularly washing ones hands, forearms, feet and the soles of ones shoes regularly, with dis-infecting solutions, as often as one contacts the public, is even more effective as Chlorine, boiling water maintained for 20minutes, min., and heat, kill 99.999% of known microorganisms and viruses, including EBOLA virus. It is essential that ones environment, most especially public places, like market stalls, eating places, halls, are frequently, at least daily, scrubbed with Chlorine water. Common disinfecting solutions, which contain specified measures of Chlorine include Milton, PURITIL, etc.

  2. God, we tnk U for providing the drug for ebola virus treatment, without U, its nt possible, accept our tnx IJN. My pple, this is to show us how mighty our God is n dat we are in end tome according to d word of God. Let us move closer to God n always seek for His Mercy.

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