
THE INSIDER: Agwai fired as SURE-P chairman for preaching ‘change’ at Obasanjo’s birthday

Martin Luther Agwai, a retired general and former chief of defence staff, lost his job as the chairman of the Subsidy Reinvestment Programme (SURE-P) for talking about “change” at the 78th birthday of former President Olusegun Obasanjo, TheCable has learnt.

His removal was announced Tuesday afternoon by Reuben Abati, presidential spokesman, who did not offer any official reason.

However, a source in the know of the development has told TheCable that Agwai lost his job the day he appeared at Obasanjo’s birthday party in Abeokuta.

“General knew his job was over the moment he started getting calls from senior government officials querying his use of the word ‘change’ in his lecture at the birthday. They also questioned his fraternisation with Obasanjo,” the source said.


Agwai, 66, was appointed chief of army staff by Obasanjo in 2003, and was elevated to the rank of full-star general and chief of defence staff by him in 2006. He retired in 2009.

Not only is “change” the slogan of the opposition party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), Agwai also committed the “fatal” mistake of being seen in the company with Obasanjo, who has been openly critical of President Goodluck Jonathan ahead of the 2015 elections.

Agwai, TheCable understands, is currently out of the country but he is said be “unruffled” by the decision to sack him one year and one month after he was appointed chairman of the intervention agency following the resignation of Chris Kolade, the former chairman who quit suddenly.


The former chief of army staff was the deputy chairman until February 2014 when he was elevated to replace Kolade.

“He had been expecting the sack since last week because of the way he was antagonised over his speech. Unfortunately, change and transformation (the president’s slogan) mean essentially the same thing,” the source said.

A Kaduna politician sympathetic to Jonathan told TheCable: “The president has just worsened his case for re-election among the southern Kaduna people. You cannot treat a distinguished retired general like that. This has hurt a lot of people.”

Although his replacement, Ishaya Dare Akau, is also from southern Kaduna, “the damage has already been done”, the politician said, referring to a series of pronouncements by the president’s supporters that offended the retired military fraternity in recent times.


Agwai was deputy force commander of the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone and force commander of the African Union-United Nations hybrid operation in Darfur.

He has a post graduate diploma in public administration with distinction from the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) and a master’s degree in national resource strategy from the National Defence University (NDU), Washington DC, USA.

At NDU, Agwai won the ambassador’s award for excellence in research and writing — the first foreigner to be so honoured.


Leadership remains one of the most relevant aspects of an organizational context, more so, that we are in a world where the security and business climate are increasingly competitive and volatile. It is probably correct to say that leadership has been a feature of all cultures throughout history. It is difficult to imagine any country where effective leadership is more important than our country, where drum of insecurity and songs of ethnic solidarity and national disintegration are going on daily, and every day can present life and death challenges. As John Maxwell stated, “everything rises and fall on leadership” . More than anything else, leadership will determine our success or failure, and history has continued to show us frequently the impact of leadership. It is absolutely necessary that our leaders at every level should be visionary and strategic.


The world has changed and continues to do so in a very profound and disturbing way. The future is already here in the present, and for most leaders, and nations it may have come as a surprise or shock. In this new reality of chaos, uncertainty, interdependency, and opportunities, the challenges for leaders are greater and the need for a new type of skillful and competent leadership becomes more urgent. The challenges being presented to the leaders of the present and the future are greater and can be divided into 3 components -changing challenges to leadership, changing social structure and changing economic dynamics. The only constant factor in all the 3 components is ‘Change’ and that is part of what (informed me to introduce the Change Management in the Nigerian Army in 2004.) is to be addressed by the leaders of today and tomorrow.

The transformation in our national affairs should concern with creating a culture that brings out the best intelligence, patriotism and creativity in our citizen through agreed and acceptable core values. Making national learning, innovation, adapting to future challenges, tapping into its collective wisdom to solve its adaptive challenges. The Nigerian should have the global awareness and understanding of forces shaping the world and concerned with creating a sustainable global civilisation. These dimensions when added to the agreed core values will equip our citizens in future to tide over the changing scenario effectively and establish a solid change by doing things according to laid down rules and procedures for the greater benefit of all.


Citizens today do understand the implications of the changes taking place at all the strata of the society and the way the change touches them governs their behaviour. For a leader, the essence is to be alive to the governing factors of the behaviour of the people. The challenge to a political leader is how to channel this behaviour in the ever changing scenario. However, it is not that leadership has changed, but our perception of leadership. The world is now a ‘global village’ with occasions of conflict in one country having far reaching consequences beyond its borders. This transformation in world affairs has necessitated that nations take a probing look at the past in order to prepare their selves for the future. Moving into the future requires a change from the old to the new.

According to Concise Oxford dictionary, transformation is ‘a marked change in nature, form or appearance’. For a nation to have stability and development it must transform and reduce the threats to its national security by concentrating its efforts on increasing human security which encompasses human right, good governance, access to education, good healthcare and ensuring that each individual has opportunities and choices to fulfill his or her own potential; rather than just physical security, which is an anachronistic perception of what constitutes stability. There can be real security when nations concentrate on finding solutions to acute food shortages, population explosions, and low levels of productivity and per capital income, low technological development, inadequate and inefficient public utilities; and chronic unemployment as stated by McNamara. All these call for nations to have strategic and contingency plans with long-term perspectives, continuity, consistency and commitment.


To enable us have effective, competent, courageous and visionary leaders, means an early identification, grooming and mentoring of such future strategic leaders to enable them see beyond the curves. This will build knowledge and self-confidence and courage to handle difficult and challenging assignments. Such leaders will quickly identify and nip in the bud dangerous and disconcerting trend, like what is taking root in the country where the prominence of heavily armed gangs taking control of some parts of our cities and country, operating with flagrant impunity. Although ostensibly criminal in nature, the gangs are said to be an inherently political phenomenon. Powerful elites from across the political spectrum exploit the gangs as instruments of political warfare, providing them with arms, funding, and protection from arrest. Thus, they threatened not merely the inhabitants, but the national security.

  1. It is very unfortunate that we have at the helm in this nation a group of people inflicted with an inferiority complex who see every statement as attacking their persons and affronting their offices. Leaders should be accepting of constructive criticism even if the source is self-appointed.

    1. Well spoken. General Agwai’s speech is well researched and written,and is germane to our situation. It’s unfortunate that those with limited IQ sees it differently.

  2. In politics,u stand by ur master in all ramification.his words is obviously talkin abt change and u want to remain with jonathan administration?nt possible

    1. So, you mean anyone who uses the word change in the company of friends and family is anti-Jonathan?
      You people have a serious psychological problem.

    2. Seriously??? So anyone that mention the word “change” is now an enemy of gej? I will like to know what you are smoking.

    1. You said “home” and that most appropriately implies the cabinet he served and not his person. Get it right!

  3. Good speech but it is very unfornunate that our great leader with good wisdom like this has been treated any how,may God help our country Nigeria.

  4. Now it is very clear that GEJ does not want the inevitable change. Whether he likes it or not the change is already here.

  5. Great talk, my Oga had spoken well and professionally, Welldone sir. The truth is always bitter in the ears of anti progressive people, if the likes of GEJ are been sincere with the wellbeing of Nigerians, they’d realise the Gen. Agwai is saying nothing but the truth. May God bless you real good.

  6. What are we saying here, I thought change is inevitable. Did I hear anybody cry? Change he preached, the same change he’s got.

  7. Goodluck Jonathan, the poor pretender, is patently incapable of transforming himself let alone the country if he can’t appreciate and gain from the insights provided by General Martin Luther Agwai.

    Agwai’s sacking is another testimony that we have an inept and small-town ruler presiding over the affairs of a complex country of over 170m-plus people. Jonah must go, and go soon. He is a joke and an embarassment to Nigeria. And always will be.

  8. Like Me said change he preached, change he got so I don’t see y anyone will be bothered. If he had wanted to keep his job whe these intellectual sermon on a birthday cos whatever he has preached at that birthday has nothing to do with birthdays so it was a deliberate sermon to try to be on the safe side but GEJ is not a fool.

    1. Ahoy or what is ur name. If we have only people like u in dis country hmmmm God have mercy. U $ the likes of GEJ are the enemy of urself dis is just common sense pls. Use it.Transformation $ Change are d same tin ooooooooooooooooooo

  9. We should dismiss anybody that uses PROGRESSIVE or CONGRESS. Also those bearing Muhammed or Buhari. What we failed to realize is that a friend of today could become a foe tomorrow or a foe today is a friend tomorrow. CHANGE is good. You change your dress, change your food, change your friends. Can somebody there list the number of possible change. The General speech is just a surmary of CHANGE.

  10. If not for the sacking of General Agwai, I probably wouldn’t have read this well researched and beautiful piece of writing. Not that I support the sacking. It is unfortunate that our educated president is becoming intolerant of free speech. What a pity.

  11. GEJ,WE need reexamine you academically. Definitely what is the fifference betwen Change and Transformation,practicaly same. Your aids need to go back to school.

  12. This is when we had quality soldiers in this country. Was the sack out of annoyance or what. At the presidential level you don’t take decisions impulsively. By this action Awai’s msg of lack of quality leadership in Nigeria has been suscintly demonstrated. Change is truly inevitable now now.

  13. GEJ, you need to be referred back to class for extra 4 years again. A well researched piece that ought to be applauded and co-opted into your administrational strategy for subsequent use now a tool to be used against the presenter. Too bad and irresponsible of a leader who doesn’t give in to learning as no man is an island of knowledge. Transformation is the same as change.
    u ll contact DG of TAN b4 reacting this negatively. you are being judge by your actions. conventionally change is K.
    Gen. Agwai, posterity ll judge but he kill by sword certainly ll die by sword. This has announced you again. kudos!

  14. Its a pity that a sound and educated mind like Martin Luther Agwai forgot the rule of the game in politics especially in Nigeria where the bitterness, animosity of political party following is intense. He is a brilliant mind but we must all be reminded that a friend to my enemy is my enemy as Obasanjo defined his politics during his regime – Otunba Fasawe’s relationship with Atiku resulting in Obj severing his with Fasawe’s on third term? Practically, Agwai knew his association with Obasanjo & new found cronies/friends of APC will be viewed with suspicion by Mr. President and his cabinet who at this time are fighting for their lives with high levels of party men betraying. Agwai’s sack is thoroughly deserving!

    1. Now expect more of such well deserving irrational sacks unless the word “change” is wiped off pdp’s english dictionary!!1

  15. By the decree of heaven every enemy of Nigeria must be silenced in Jesus name. Gen you re awesome. You ve demonstrated great intellectual sagacity that cannot be rivaled by your speech am proud of you. By your sack they ve made you more popular globally. Your speech has been read by every true lover of Nigeria. God bless you.

  16. What a world we now live.. It seems in a short while we would have freedom of speech no more…… I fink the presidency is getting unnecessary jittery…..

  17. Great speech by a brilliant general.However, the timing was wrong, the forum inappropriate, and wrong choice of words. No pretense, any leader particularly OBJ, would have done exactly what GEJ did.whereas the general exercised fredom of speech, he was brazenly partisan, and so deserved the change he canvassed. A brilliant mind should have known better.

  18. We say a government is bad, yet the constituents of the bad government should remain unchanged. We say military is bad, but cowardly soldiers should remain in the military. Some critics sure now what they want.

  19. A true general,not just by name but by substance. Hold unto your faith and integrity, you lost your job a greater man.I never knew we had such a brilliant and inteligent man in the military. God ahead and tally with your likes to move this great nation foreward, afterall you were a wrong peg in the wrong hole. Saints do not trade with devils. God’s guide.

  20. People that preach change have the changed?until you change you cannot change anyone,Nigeria needs change white alright but not a changed that has its foundation on ethnic or political Affliation how can the same people that spoiled Nigeria be crying for change?when the new generation cry for change it’s understood but the likes of old politician forget it.

  21. Change is inevitable and the only thing that is constant.The truth, even bitter must be told. Come to think of it,what is change -APC and what is transformation -PDP. Please 2nd base joooo

  22. A brilliant Soldier,Change is inevitable and the only thing that is constant As chairman of SURE-P, what change did he bring to bare, Change he preached, change he got. the change starts with SURE-P.

  23. Never knew we’ve got brilliant leaders like Rtd. Gen Agwai. We thank our good God for bringing you out this way, keep up your brilliance and integrity. You are needed in the next regime. You are now on limelight, younger Nigerian generations look up to you, so, do not hesitate to tell our present and future leaders more of what will be beneficial to our dear nation, we are proud of you.


  24. 70% of those with GEJ are not truly with him the 30% are those agents of the west siphoning our resources plus those who want the country to go in to war so when innocents citizens are being kill, they banish to the west to continue enjoying their loots, Nigeria has never been divided like this time around, community that has been coexisting for 200yrs together even b4 the coming of the white MAN have now been scattered

  25. God will bless you General we need people like you to tell them that the fact that i work for you does not make me your total slave i have my freedom of speach to tell people what i know and what i fell around me so help you GOD. AMEN.

  26. good general, but i wish Buhari has your type of intelligent i would have call for change. But i promise you in 2019 there will be the type of change you are calling for. But for now Buhari is not the change that your letters is reminding us. get ready my Gen for 2019 we shall support you when power will shift to the north.

  27. Oga Abati, kindly inform your boss that I saw one senior Federal Civil servant alighting from a bus and telling the bus conductor”change!””Change!” Fire him!Pay for the name first!

  28. to me I did not blame GEJ because even in the school he study Zeologist( that is dealing with ANIMALS) SO while cant he treats NIGERIANS like animals? HE thought he is in zoo . but he is GOING TO TUOKE this month.

  29. The general affirmed what his believe is , this can not be faulted anywhere under the heavens as TRANSFORMATION IS EQUAL TO SEQUENCHAL CHANGE .
    Obasanjo is the bitter herb in the syrup and am sure even you will have to be surrounded with men of impecable of wisdom to swallow it

  30. Thanks for the piece Gen. It is a known fact that, if you do not want criticism, then, you should not SAY ANYTHING, you should not DO ANYTHING and you should not BE ANYTHING. Once you say, do or be anything, criticism either positive or negative must follow, A great leader with sound mind must be ready to absolve positive criticism. Abati, please tell your boss to wake up. Change is already here IJN.

  31. When you switch your alliance definitely you should expect a whatever comes next..words are meant to be chosen carefully..politics is like a chess wrong move and you’ll pay…Obasanjo is a principality that should be a northerner goes another comes in….so why moan over the general..lets be realistic


  33. You guys surprise me, how do you expect gej who did not understand that stealing is the same thing as corruption, would know that change is synonimous with transformation? chai there is god ooh!

  34. The General was sacked for attending “Baba’s party”. That’s all! In life, its either you are for us or against us and the friend of my enemy is also my enemy. The General could equally do the worse to his junior officer!

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