
EXCLUSIVE: Tanimu Yakubu, Yar’Adua’s former adviser, heads Buhari’s policy team

Tanimu Yakubu Kurfi, former chief economic adviser to late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, will head the policy directorate of the Buhari Campaign Organisation, TheCable can report.

Some other members of the directorate are Olawale Edun, former Lagos state commissioner for finance, and Yemi Cardoso, also former commissioner for economic planning and budget.

Edun and Cardoso served as commissioners when Bola Tinubu was governor of the state.

The team is tasked with developing the economic blueprint for Muhammadu Buhari, the presidential flag bearer of the All Progressives Congress (APC).


Their work is expected to provide the policy direction for his government if he wins the February 2015 poll.

TheCable also learnt that there will be two other directorates ─ one for political mobilisation and the other for communications.

Rotimi Amaechi, governor of Rivers state, is the director-general of the campaign ─ the only appointment officially announced so far by the APC.


TheCable learnt that there are still many positions to be filled in the directorates.

“The official announcement will be delayed a bit because the list is not complete yet. We are consulting widely,” an APC official said.


Meet the ‘Policy Think-tank’

tanimu yak


Tanimu Yakubu Kurfi

Not much is known about Kurfi, who loves to stay out of the limelight and has been keeping a low profile since he left government in 2010. He studied economics at Wagner College, New York, US. Kurfi, who is from Katsina state just like Buhari and former President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, became commissioner for finance when Yar’Adua was elected governor of Katsina in 1999. He was later appointed managing director of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria by President Olusegun Obasanjo. When Yar’Adua was elected president in 2007, he appointed Kurfi deputy chief of staff and chief economic adviser. He was believed to be the most powerful political appointee in Yar’Adua’s government.

Kurfi hardly spoke to the media or addressed allegations, some of which accused him of stalling the power projects initiated by Obasanjo because he wanted to bring in new contractors. He was also accused of stalling the $8.3 billion railway modernisation contract agreed with China Civil Engineering and Construction Company by Obasanjo in 2006, allegedly because he wanted to bring in his own contractors. The delay in renewing or renegotiating the oil mining licences of Shell and other IOCs in 2009 was also attributed to him, allegedly because he had found some Chinese partners who were offering Nigeria an advance payment of $60billion for the oil blocks. Kurfi never responded to any of these allegations.

In his new book, “My Watch”, Obasanjo described Kurfi as a member of the Yar’Adua ‘cabal’ who wanted to settle personal scores with him. The former president wrote: “At first, it was the same men now in the corridors of power, like Tanimu Yakubu Kurfi and Baba Kingibe, who suddenly remembered ‘the evil’ I had done them in the past, which they wanted to avenge. For Tanimu, whom I appointed Managing Director of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria on the recommendation of then Governor Umaru Yar’Adua, my offence was that I did not appoint him to run and handle the Yar’Adua Presidential Campaign and manage the campaign fund. From what I had seen of his performance at the Federal Mortgage Bank, I would not have made or allowed such an appointment.”

Nasir el-Rufai, former minister and now APC governorship candidate in Kaduna state, commented sparsely on Kurfi in an essay titled “Yar’Adua: Great Expectation, Disappointing Outcome” which he wrote in May 2009 as part of his course requirements at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government where he did a master’s programme in public policy. He described Kurfi as one of the Katsina professionals who made money from the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF) under Buhari.


El-Rufai wrote: “A group of young professionals of Katsina State origin, who had made money from the Petroleum Special Trust Fund (PTF) program under the supervision of General Muhammadu Buhari, came to the rescue [to finance Yar’Adua’s governorship bid in 1999]. Their leader was Tanimu Yakubu, an Economics graduate of Wagner College, New York, and included Dr. Aminu Safana and Ibrahim Shema [current governor of Katsina]. Nura Khalil was part of the group but decamped to the APP. Other ‘businessmen’ like Dahiru Mangal and Ahmadi Kurfi (both alleged to be professional smugglers) contributed financially to the Yar’Adua for Governor Campaign in 1998-99.”

Kurfi, whom many insiders expect to be Buhari’s key man if he is elected president, was nominated into the policy directorate by the former head of state, TheCable understands.


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Yemi Cardoso

A thoroughbred private sector man, Cardoso had spent virtually his whole career in banking before he was made the Lagos commissioner for economic planning and budget by Bola Tinubu in 1999, a position he held till 2005. He has a bachelor’s degree in finance and accounting from Aston University UK, and a master’s degree in public administration and management from Harvard. Cardoso was also a Mason fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and a recipient of Harvard University’s Michael Roemer Scholarship award.


In his career, he has worked with Chase, Citibank and Citizens International Bank. He rose to the position of vice president at Citibank and executive director at Citizens. He has also served on the board of directors of Chevron Oil Plc and Citibank, where he is chairman. He has been a close associate of Tinubu, and was once in the running to be deputy governor but reportedly turned down the offer because of his preference for the “quieter” life of the private sector.



Olawale Edun

Edun, who holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of London and a master’s degree also in economics from the University of Sussex, England, was appointed commissioner for finance in Lagos state by Tinubu in 1999, a position he held till 2004 when he resigned, citing medical reasons. He had been head of treasury and deputy head of corporate finance at Chase Merchant Bank. At Chase, he served on secondment to Lehman Brothers and Chase Manhattan Capital Markets Corporation in New York, USA. For six years, he worked at Chase Merchant Bank (renamed Continental) in Lagos. He joined the World Bank/IFC in1986 as a “young elite professional”. He has been the chairman of Chapel Hill Denham Group since March 2008. He is the Chairman of Livewell Initiative, a health sector NGO and a Trustee of Sisters Unite for Children, an NGO focused on helping children in need. His name was briefly mentioned as a possible APC vice-presidential nominee, but Tinubu settled for another former commissioner of his, Yemi Osinbajo, a professor of law.

  1. Lack of planning and direction has been the bane of our economic management.Apart from Ngozi Iweala bogus title of head of economic team,nobody knows the policy thrust of this administration.If we all agree that government is a serious business,then serious people with rich pedigree are required to map for us the way ahead.Change is here!
    Biyi Orilabawaye

  2. Taminu who. I can’t remember anything that he did.No wonder there was so many flip flop in policies then. Cadoso and co. So what. But for Fashola’s performance who by the way stopped working since 2011,what did Tinubu do in Lagos aside building his political empire by other means. 2015 will be too close to call, but I don’t see APC winning

  3. It’s rather unfortunate that the All Progressives Congress (APC) consider Tanimu Yakubu Kurfi, Cardoso and Wale Edun as sound enough to provide the economic direction for our dear country. What is the pedigree of these guys whom Buhari believes can chart the new course for our economy. Unfortunately, these men do not in anyway match the experience and pedigree of Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Segun Aganga, Adesina but to mention a few. These tested technocrats have done absolutely well in managing the economy of Nigeria despite the global economic crisis and wars. Tanimu failed woefully in FMBN while Cardoso and Edun’s tenor in Lagos State Ministry Oof Finance witnessed monumental fraud and conversion of state funds and assets for the person gains of their benefactor- Tinubu. The appointments made so far by APC hasn’t really impressed many Nigeria Think Thank groups. Osinbajo is seen as Tinubu’s mask while the recent economic policy team is made up of men of questionable characters best described as desperadoes and stooges. Buhari should go and form his own Islamic State and rule. As for Nigeria, Buhari and Tinubu shall not enjoy the democratic dividends they so trampled upon. Jafaar

    1. And what on earth has Iweala, Aganga and Adesina achieved with their so called experience and pedigree? Just lying with unverifiable statistics that have no bearing on the lives of the common man.


  4. Good team but would advise sub committee on sectors such as Agriculture, Power with renewable energy converting waste to Biogas in Agric and Urban communities, Petroleum particularly reviving local refineries and building more in the middle belt and southwest; Tourism and others. Focus should also be on employment with look at groups/cooperative empowerment.

  5. What team? Seven weeks to election day, and these clowns are setting up a policy team? Are you kidding me? It does look like Buhari’s favourite economic policy, trade by barter, is bound to make a return.

  6. bros you should forget about this religious sentiment and focus on dev. of our country nig. we are in danger if things go the way the are.we need change,APC is the answer.

  7. Tanimu Yakubu mustn’t be in the economic team at all based on his record! The APC has to appoint people that have necessarily different and better ideas compared to the PDP team led by Okonjo-Iweala.

    Names like Oby Ezekwesili, Ayodele Teriba, Bismarck Rewane and Adaighofua Ojomaikre. That is, patriots with sufficient knowledge and experience in global and local macroeconomics.

    Obama took the US on a path of fiscal and monetary expansion in 2009 when faced with the global economic crisis. The EU then took the opposite path of fiscal and monetary contraction like Nigeria is doing now. The US has since then done well while the Eurozone has struggled!

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