
FLASHBACK: How Sawyer passed Ebola on to Dr. Ada Igonoh… and how she survived

In remembrance of the day — July 20, 2014 — when Patrick Sawyer, a Liberia-American, introduced Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) to Nigeria, TheCable republishes this enchanting account of Ada Igonoh, a doctor at First Consultants Medical Centre, who contracted the virus from Sawyer but fought bravely to cling on to her life.

On the night of Sunday July 20, 2014, Patrick Sawyer was wheeled into the Emergency Room at First Consultants Medical Centre, Obalende, Lagos, with complaints of fever and body weakness. The male doctor on call admitted him as a case of malaria and took a full history. Knowing that Mr Sawyer had recently arrived from Liberia, the doctor asked if he had been in contact with an Ebola patient in the last couple of weeks, and Mr. Sawyer denied any such contact. He also denied attending any funeral ceremony recently.

Blood samples were taken for full blood count, malaria parasites, liver function test and other baseline investigations. He was admitted into a private room and started on anti-malarial drugs and analgesics. That night, the full blood count result came back as normal and not indicative of infection.

The following day however, his condition worsened. He barely ate any of his meals. His liver function test result showed his liver enzymes were markedly elevated. We then took samples for HIV and hepatitis screening.


At about 5.00pm, he requested to see a doctor. I was the doctor on call that night so I went in to see him. He was lying in bed with his intravenous (I.V.) fluid bag removed from its metal stand and placed beside him. He complained that he had stooled about five times that evening and that he wanted to use the bathroom again. I picked up the I.V. bag from his bed and hung it back on the stand. I told him I would inform a nurse to come and disconnect the I.V. so he could conveniently go to the bathroom. I walked out of his room and went straight to the nurses’ station where I told the nurse on duty to disconnect his I.V. I then informed my Consultant, Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh, about the patient’s condition and she asked that he be placed on some medications.

The following day, the results for HIV and hepatitis screening came out negative. As we were preparing for the early-morning ward rounds, I was approached by an ECOWAS official who informed me that Patrick Sawyer had to catch an 11 o’clock flight to Calabar for a retreat that morning. He wanted to know if it would be possible. I told him it wasn’t, as he was acutely ill. Dr. Adadevoh also told him the patient could certainly not leave the hospital in his condition. She then instructed me to write very boldly on his chart that on no account should Patrick Sawyer be allowed out of the hospital premises without the permission of Dr. Ohiaeri, our chief medical consultant. All nurses and doctors were duly informed.

During our early-morning ward round with Dr. Adadevoh, we concluded that this was not malaria and that the patient needed to be screened for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). She immediately started calling laboratories to find out where the test could be carried out. She was eventually referred to Professor Omilabu of the LUTH Virology Reference Lab in Idi-Araba, whom she called immediately. Prof. Omilabu told her to send blood and urine samples to LUTH straight away. She tried to reach the lagos state commissioner for health but was unable to contact him at the time. She also put calls across to officials of the federal ministry of health and national centre for disease control.


Dr. Adadevoh at this time was in a pensive mood. Patrick Sawyer was now a suspected case of Ebola, perhaps the first in the country. He was quarantined, and strict barrier nursing was applied with all the precautionary measures we could muster. Dr. Adadevoh went online, downloaded information on Ebola and printed copies, which were distributed to the nurses, doctors and ward maids. Blood and urine samples were sent to LUTH that morning. Protective gear, gloves, shoe covers and facemasks were provided for the staff. A wooden barricade was placed at the entrance of the door to keep visitors and unauthorised personnel away from the patient.

Despite the medications prescribed earlier, the vomiting and diarrhoea persisted. The fever escalated from 38c to 40c.

On the morning of Wednesday July 23, the tests carried out at LUTH showed a signal for Ebola. Samples were then sent to Dakar, Senegal for a confirmatory test. Dr. Adadevoh went for several meetings with the Lagos state ministry of health. Thereafter, officials from Lagos state came to inspect the hospital and the protective measures we had put in place.

The following day, Thursday July 24, I was again on call. At about 10.00pm, Mr. Sawyer requested to see me. I went into the newly-created dressing room, donned my protective gear and went in to see him. He had not been cooperating with the nurses and had refused any additional treatment. He sounded confused and said he received a call from Liberia asking for a detailed medical report to be sent to them. He also said he had to travel back to Liberia on a 5.00am flight the following morning and that he didn’t want to miss his flight. I told him that I would inform Dr. Adadevoh.


As I was leaving the room, I met Dr. Adadevoh dressed in her protective gear along with a nurse and another doctor. They went into his room to have a discussion with him and as I heard later to reset his I.V. line, which he had deliberately removed after my visit to his room.

At 6:30am, Friday July 25, I got a call from the nurse that Patrick Sawyer was completely unresponsive. Again I put on the protective gear and headed to his room. I found him slumped in the bathroom. I examined him and observed that there was no respiratory movement. I felt for his pulse; it was absent. We had lost him. It was I who certified Patrick Sawyer dead. I informed Dr. Adadevoh immediately and she instructed that no one was to be allowed to go into his room for any reason at all. Later that day, officials from W.H.O came and took his body away. The test in Dakar later came out positive for Zaire strain of the Ebola virus. We now had the first official case of Ebola virus disease in Nigeria.

It was a sobering day. We all began to go over all that happened in the last few days, wondering just how much physical contact we had individually made with Patrick Sawyer. Every patient on admission was discharged that day and decontamination began in the hospital. We were now managing a crisis situation. The next day, Saturday July 26, all staff of First Consultants attended a meeting with Prof. Nasidi of the national centre for disease control, Prof Omilabu of LUTH Virology Reference Lab, and some officials of W.H.O. They congratulated us on the actions we had taken and enlightened us further about the Ebola Virus Disease. They said we were going to be grouped into high-risk and low-risk categories based on our individual level of exposure to Patrick Sawyer, the “index” case. Each person would receive a temperature chart and a thermometer to record temperatures in the morning and night for the next 21 days. We were all officially under surveillance. We were asked to report to them at the first sign of a fever for further blood tests to be done. We were reassured that we would all be given adequate care. The anxiety in the air was palpable.

The frenetic pace of life in Lagos, coupled with the demanding nature of my job as a doctor, means that I occasionally need a change of environment. As such, one week before Patrick Sawyer died, I had gone to my parents’ home for a retreat. I was still staying with them when I received my temperature chart and thermometer on Tuesday July 29. I could not contain my anxiety. People were talking Ebola everywhere – on television, online, everywhere.


I soon started experiencing joint and muscle aches and a sore throat, which I quickly attributed to stress and anxiety. I decided to take malaria tablets. I also started taking antibiotics for the sore throat. The first couple of temperature readings were normal. Every day, I would attempt to recall the period Patrick Sawyer was on admission – just how much direct and indirect contact did I have with him? I reassured myself that my contact with him was quite minimal. I completed the anti-malarials but the aches and pains persisted. I had loss of appetite and felt very tired.

On Friday August 1, my temperature read a high 38.7c. As I type this, I recall the anxiety I felt that morning. I could not believe what I saw on the thermometer. I ran to my mother’s room and told her. I did not go to work that day. I cautiously started using a separate set of utensils and cups from the ones my family members were using.


On Saturday August 2, the fever worsened. It was now at 39c and would not be reduced by taking paracetamol. This was now my second day of fever. I couldn’t eat. The sore throat was getting worse. That was when I called the helpline and an ambulance was sent with W.H.O doctors who came and took a sample of my blood. Later that day, I started stooling and vomiting. I stayed away from my family. I started washing my plates and spoons myself. My parents, meanwhile, were convinced that I could not have Ebola.

The following day, Sunday August 3, I got a call from one of the doctors who came to take my sample the day before. He told me that the sample which was they had taken was not confirmatory, and that they needed another sample. He did not sound very coherent and I became worried. They came with the ambulance that afternoon and told me that I had to go with them to Yaba. I was confused. Couldn’t the second sample be taken in the ambulance like the previous one? He said a better-qualified person at the Yaba centre would take the sample. I asked if they would bring me back. He said “yes”.


Even with the symptoms, I did not believe I had Ebola. After all, my contact with Sawyer was minimal. I only touched his I.V. fluid bag just that once without gloves. The only time I actually touched him was when I checked his pulse and confirmed him dead, and I wore double gloves and felt adequately protected.

I told my parents I had to go with the officials to Yaba and that I would be back that evening. I wore a white top and a pair of jeans, and I put my iPad and phones in my bag.


A man opened the ambulance door for me and moved away from me rather swiftly. Strange behaviour, I thought. They were friendly with me the day before, but that day, not so. No pleasantries, no smiles. I looked up and saw my mother watching through her bedroom window.

We soon got to Yaba. I really had no clue where I was. I knew it was a hospital. I was left alone in the back of the ambulance for over four hours. My mind was in a whirl. I didn’t know what to think. I was offered food to eat but I could barely eat the rice.

The ambulance door opened and a Caucasian gentleman approached me but kept a little distance. He said to me, “I have to inform you that your blood tested positive for Ebola. I am sorry.” I had no reaction. I think I must have been in shock. He then told me to open my mouth and he looked at my tongue. He said it was the typical Ebola tongue. I took out my mirror from my bag and took a look and I was shocked at what I saw. My whole tongue had a white coating, looked furry and had a long, deep ridge right in the middle. I then started to look at my whole body, searching for Ebola rashes and other signs as we had been recently instructed. I called my mother immediately and said, “Mummy, they said I have Ebola, but don’t worry, I will survive it. Please, go and lock my room now; don’t let anyone inside and don’t touch anything.” She was silent. I cut the line.

  1. Congratulations Ada! OMG I was bawling like a baby, especially when you had to tell your Mum on phone that you were positive. What a moment. And what a life experience. You, Dr. Adadevoh, and the whole team of First Consultants staff can safely be referred to as Christlike. And then of course Lagos state is great as usual, making Lagosians feel taken care of is now their hallmark. Between the Lagos State and the FGN has been a brilliant demonstration that nothing trumps collaboration when citizen issues are at stake. Thanks FGN. Thanks everyone. My heart goes out to the deceased families, to our sister west African countries affected. I hope we are learning from this. . .

    1. You are a good person sir/ madam, and that shone through your comment. This comment Kulikuli, is to encourage you and others like you, out there.

      1. Thank you Cy. Really let’s keep celebrating regardless of other daunting challenges crawling out. This could have turned into one complicated nightmare.Indeed Nigeria can rise when it wants to, when pushed to.

  2. I will only say a big HALLELUJAH & GLORY BE TO GOD. The steps of the righteous are ordered by GOD. for ye though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil. Miracles indeed still happen.

  3. My God, this is touching and breath taking. Thanks to a God who ensures some live to testify. From this narrative, a chronically ill patient can infect with slight contact. So sorry about the pregnant nurse. God will stop this plague from our land. God is able.

  4. The Lord’s Name be praised! Congratulations beloved Dr. for the your miraculous deliverance from this noisome pestilence.
    Please do not be intimidated by Dr. Brantly’s critics. NEVER fail to attribute your deliverance to Jehovah Roffi, your Healer. He’s the one who healed you, otwithstsnding anything or anyone else that might have contributed. Blessings!

  5. This is really heart warming and only goes to reinforce the scripture: “they that know their God shall make exploit”.
    I cannot but thank God for not only your survival, but the fact that no member of your immediate family with whom you had contact at the earlier state of the EVD contracted it.

    Your piece is quite illuminating and goes to show that a lot of effort was put into containing the disease. Many thanks to the FG and LASG, WHO and other volunteer personnel for their roles in containing the disease

  6. This is an incredible story. I couldn’t stop until I finished reading. In everything we have to give thanks to God. It is a miracle that not only you but anyone particularly those who contracted the virus from the index case could survive. Those who died – Dr Adadevoh, Nurse Justina, the maid, etc. – all paid the supreme price to save all of us. These are the real heroes and heroines, not politicians who claim they are jumping from one political party to the other for “good good.” Governor Fashola has proved with the success recorded so far in containing the Ebola Virus Disease what difference visionary and pragmatic leadership could make in the lives of the people. The Federal Government has also been proactive. God will bless everyone who has helped in whatever way to ensure that this virus has been contained

  7. To Him alone be all the glory, honour and adoration for evermore. Ada, welcome back to life. May the Lord comfort the families of the departed ones. Your healing is permanent, and all that was lost shall be restored IJN. Congratulations!!!

    1. This is profoundly affecting…….. Faith, the power switch to all. I wonder how this would have happened without faith, it’s really a testimony to learn from. May the Lord help us all, amen.

  8. Dear Dr Ada Igonoh, thanks for sharing your wonderful gripping story and maiking us a lot more knowledgeable. It is a tale of pain, peserverance, victory and triumph by divine amazing grace! I can only say God bless and keep you on your return from the valley of the shadow of death. You and Dr Stella Adadevoh, Nurse Ejelonu and Maid Ukoh of the First Consultant family are true heroines of our time!! So sad they could not make it out of that valley. Our hearts are deeply pained , our sincere condolences totheir families. Your mom, husband family members and colleagues must be very proud of you. God spared your life that you may give this testimony and go on to do great things for Him !
    Dr David and his volunteer colleagues of WHO are surely angels that have descended among us in the form and likeness of men! I believe Gov Fashola has again demonstrated courage and inspirational leadership, and together with the Honorable Minister of Health, the FEderal Govt, our valiant and dedicated doctors, nurses and other health workers must be commended for rising to the challenge to save the lives of nigerian citizens. Lets hope and pray our Governments, Federal & State, remain vigilant, and seek collaboration and ultimate solution to this plague of a deadly disease ravaging the african continent.

  9. Dear Dr Ada Igonoh, thanks for sharing your wonderful gripping story and maiking us a lot more knowledgeable. It is a tale of great pain, peserverance, victory and triumph by divine amazing grace! I can only say God bless and keep you on your return from the valley of the shadow of death. Psalm 91 ! He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high …shall abide under shadow of the Almigthy !!
    You and Dr Stella Adadevoh, Nurse Ejelonu and Maid Ukoh of the First Consultant family are true heroines of our generation ! So sad they could not make it out of that valley. Our hearts are deeply pained. Our sincere condolences to their families. Your mom, husband family members and colleagues must be very proud of you. God spared your life that you may give this testimony and go on to do great things for Him !
    Dr David and his volunteer colleagues of WHO are surely angels that have descended among us in the form and likeness of men!
    I believe Gov Fashola has again demonstrated courage and inspirational leadership, and together with the Honorable Minister of Health, the Federal Govt, our valiant and dedicated doctors, nurses and other health workers must be commended for rising to the challenge to save the lives of nigerian citizens. Lets hope and pray our Governments, Federal & State, remain vigilant, and seek collaboration and ultimate solution to this plague of a deadly disease ravaging the african continent.

  10. A BIG LESSON OF LIFE! When life is threatened we realize how precious it is above all the material things in the world put together! I believe in miracles, I believe in the WORD OF GOD BACKED BY FAITH! Fear kills than death itself and makes ineffective the efficacy of the WORD! Congratulations Dr. Igonoh. God preserved your life for a purpose, probably to be one of those who will further research into the Ebola Virus Disease and conquer it. For those who lost their lives, it was not in vain! They paid the supreme price to protect Nigeria! They should be immortalized!

  11. To GOD be the glory for this testimony of healing. By the stripes if our Lord Jesus Christ, every sickness is taken out, and all carriers are made WHOLE, Amen

  12. To God be the glory for this testimony of HEALING. Only the special GRACE of GOD Almighty could have done this. By the Stripes of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, every sickness and carriers are HEALED, Amen.

  13. Dr Ada, congratulations. Indeed, Our God is awesome, He can move all mountains. Congratulations again and again. I’m near tears right now.

  14. I can’t help but allow tears to flow from my eyes as I read this chiling account. My heart bleeds for Dr Adadevoh, Nurse Ejelonu, Mrs Ukoh and their families. Our prayers will eternally remain with them. Dr David & the entire WHO doctors are angels in human form while the LASG & FGN demonstrated the gains of civil collaboration shunning partisan politics that often destroys us. Dr Ada thank u 4 sharing this grilling experience wt us may the good Lord continue to be gracious to your family. Nigeria belongs to Jesus whether the devil likes it or yes! Lord we thank you for always standing against the enemies of Nigeria

  15. Amazing Grace. Blessed and Fortunate is the one whose God is the Lord. What a faith! What an inspiring and captivating message! The entire world should hear this glowing testimony about He who rules in the affairs of men and directs the heart as He so directed our sister. Wow!!!

  16. People of God, praise the Lord, for His mercies endures forever. Ada I admire your faith and honest conduct. The good Lord availed you mercy. God did not hate those who failed to make it. Life and living are truly spiritual issues. Wisdom and knowledge play great role and that was the plus that gave the divine healing that brought you home to your loved ones. Congratulations. Levi

  17. So touching I was clued 2 my phone til I Was done with reading the story,not even my baby’s cry got me oFfestiniog my phone.thankful to the Lord for ur recovery, you have given life,hope and rest to thousands of people who saw ebola as being worst than hive aids. U have taught us that with prayer,or and faith, one can survive d deadly disease.indeeed u battled with death and won with the Lord

  18. What an humbling experience! There is Healing in the WORD, JESUS CHRIST Himself. This has been proven over and over again, CONFIRMED here again. Congrats Ada

  19. Dr. ADA, your Faith in God, bravery and good understanding of the mechanism of destruction by ebola was what saved you.As an engineer, I don’t know much about medicine, but the immune booster they didn’t give you was administered by God through your determination to live.

  20. Ada, you are indeed a miracle. I truly rejoice at your victory.
    Going through other people’s comments, I realized no one gave credit to your pastor rather to LASG and FGN etc.
    I appreciate your pastor. He is a seasoned man of God. The Almighty God bless him a thousand times. And as many that tarried in His presence on your behalf, may the Lord bless them richly.

  21. Thanks Dr. Ada Igonoh for sharing your close shave with Ebola. I cried inside my heart reading all you had to go through in your service to God and humanity. I really thank God for you, late Dr. Stella Adedavoh, Nurse Justina and all the wonderful people at First Consultants. You saved us from the wicked plans of Satan and his cohorts. Nigerians are grateful to you, late Dr.Dr.Adedavoh and all others who paid the supreme price in the effort to protect the rest of us. Once again, thanks and God bless.

  22. Ada, God has a definite purpose for your life. meditate and pray over it,it will be revealed to you.

    for me, I agree you should make plans to specialize in infectious diseases. you will definetly get a scholarship by Gods Grace.

  23. Hearty Congratulations to you Ada May the Lord continue to protect you and allow you to perform great things in your career in Jesus name Amen

  24. Great is Thy faithfulness,oh Lord. My dear doctor, this is another life experience that God lives and He shows mercy to those that He loves. Congratulations

  25. Thank you Dr. Ada for sharing your story with us. God will eventually use you for greater things.I want to also thank the LASG, FGN, W.H.O for all they did to contain this END from spreading. Thank you Nigeria for breaking the jinks this time about our beloved country.

  26. Jesus said to the woman with issue of blood, go in peace, your faith has made you whole. Dr Ada, you applied works to your faith and achieved results. Faith without works is dead.
    God I continually thank you for the power of attorney to use the name of Jesus. I applied the same principles twelve years ago when I was diagnosed of breast cancer. Twelve years now I am still alive with my testimony. You will live long with your testimony in Jesus name amen.

  27. WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! Good news doesn’t get better than this. To Him Who sustains all things by the Word of His power be all glory and praise. My faith is so fired up reading your story. God bless you for sharing.

  28. At this moment I am speechless. Indeed dr. Ada, you passed through the valley of shadow of death and the Lord God who causeth dry bones to live again is very much with you. Though have not have such experience but understand vividly the ordeal you went through. This is a life time testimony not only to you but to all believers world wide. Wow! How you conquered death with the potent word of God and the blood of Jesus which speaketh life. My God,I give You all the glory for this wonderful testimony. May the souls of the departed rest in the bossom of Abraham. Congratulations once again Dr. Ada! May the grace of God be with you continually.

  29. All praise to him who shields us from deadly diseases. praise be to him who is above all powers,above all wisdom and all the ways of men. i rejoice with you brave doctor. you held unto him n he did as he promised in his words. the devil lost. you are a conquerer.

  30. Am not much for commenting online but I couldn’t just help saying st.Am very happy for u and may the souls of those who couldn’t rest in peace. I hope to meet u in person when every thing cools off ,Cos ur hospital is one of the hospital I cover, am a med rep. All thanks to God almighty .i

  31. Dear Dr Ada, I also wish to thank and bless God for your Pastor who also stood by you. Thank you for this testimony, I have also learnt a lot, knowledge is power and ignorance is a disease, it’s truly good to read and research things, it’s like reading the word of God so that you can apply it when the time comes, the bible says ” command ye me according to the words of my mouth” when the word of God mixes with faith, who are thou mountain? It’s good to be knowledgeable about anything, to get education and in turn wisdom,” my people perish for lack of knowledge” knowing about something, helps you pray aright. We cannot just continue to read the bible and shut the world outside, we have to be aware of the world we live in, so that we can best serve humanity and God in it. You went through hell and high waters, but you are standing tall, and God alone did it. We salute everyone that was an instrument in the hands of God for this victory from your pastor, to the FGN, LASG, First Consultant, your Dr colleague who was sending drugs and toiletries, Dr David
    (an angel) sent by God, the Australian, and the many other volunteers, God bless them all. Your story has equipped us against this dreadful disease. And lest I forget, you should not forget to consider Dr David’s advise. AND to GOD of heaven and earth be all praise, welcome back.

  32. This is a very touching story. Praise The Lord!!! You walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and He took you through. My sympathy for your colleagues, may their sour rest in peace. God continue to bless you Dr.!

  33. Brilliantly written. You would think Dr. Ada was a Literature teacher in a tertiary institution. God bless you for the information shared. May God continue to be with you and your family. Lagos State deserves kudos for their pragmatic approach to the crisis. So does the FG for the support offered. It is well with our country.

    1. Awesome our God is wonderful, Doc i thank God on your behalf.congratulations for the new life given to you by God. Kudos to Lagos state govt and federal govt God bless our nation.

  34. What an inspiring story! I couldn’t stop the tears!! The power of faith unrelenting!!! I’m exceptionally thankful, first to Dr Ameyo Adadevoh for being so committed and dedicated to her work, then to the other health workers who sadly had to sacrifice their lives. Dr. Ohaeri for not turning his back on his staff at their darkest moment. The Lagos State Ministry of Health and Dr Jide Idris for always being so proactive. Because of angels like you, Lagosians feel so much more cared for! It would be recalled that this is not the first time the Lagos State Government has shown such commitment to the welfare of her citizens. Thanks for always rising to the occasion, Gov. Babatunde Fashola! Most especially, I am grateful to the Pastor, the unsung hero in this story, whose continuous prayers, faith, research and encouragement did in no small measure bring about this victory. May the Lord sustain His family and ministry. Thank you so much for sharing Dr. Ada Inogoh. May the good Lord bless your sweet soul.

    1. I give all glory to God almighty. Dr Ada thank you for sharing this great testimony.many thanks to your pastor, your husband and family and the doctors. God really used them as instruments into his hands once again he peoof that he is God and with him all things are possible. May the souls of Dr Stella and others who couldn’t make it rest in perfect peace. I bless you my sister for your brave courage and determination to fight. Hear the voice of God and follow him. May he continueto bless Nigeria and the entire Africa continent

  35. I read this story with tears in my eyes. We must never forget those people who sacrificed so much for the rest of Nigeria. Without their intervention the dreaded Ebola disease would have definitely ravaged parts of the country. Patrick Sawyer,s behaviour was wholly unacceptable and the Bible indicates that God will judge the quick and the dead. I believe huge lessons have been learnt from these events.

  36. To God be the glory great things he hath done. Congratulations to u and every member of ur family. Your testimony shall be permanet

  37. Wonderful testimony. Indeed deres nothing too difficult for the almighty God. He spared your life to prove once again to the world dat He’s alive. Twas God’s mercy dat said No to Ebola. God we give you glory, honour and adoration. Gr8 is your name

  38. O my God, am so happy for such a wonderful testimony. Our God is indeed a great God and those that put their trust in him in a time of trouble will never be put to shame. Am so happy for you and your family and sad about the lost of those beautiful soul Nigerians and praying that this should come to an end soon where ever it is. Am happy for you, but can not help this sadness I feel every day going to bed and waking up with this deadly disease taking the lives of so many people. Am a Liberian hoping that this will go away soon. Sorry to Nigeria for what happen.

  39. Dr Ada I really thank God on your behalf. Thank you so much for sharing this with the public. At least we know how deadly the disease is ,and this will help each one of us to take proper measures and also help our children too. I can’t imagine a child going through all this. How would they make a child drink ORS that much. Hnmm may the lord be praised. He alone deserves all the glory, cos without him all will be in vain. To the family of those that passed , may the good lord give them strength to bear the loss. They r. Great people who died helping another.
    Congratulations again Dr Ada.
    Pleaseee our govt let the children stay at home for noww ooo to eradicate this disease.

  40. Amazing grace. I join you in thanking the Most High, so gracious and benevolent in his merciful kindness and love. I believe it doesn’t matter how long we live, what matters is that we fulfil purpose. Surely Dr. Adadevoh and your colleagues were borne to save Nigeria from Ebola epidermic. God bless their departed souls.

  41. It is a revelation that needed this level of publicity. Dr Aba Igonoh it is important in every living being life to have a story that will ecourage others to seek Allah’s intervention in all that they do. It would will have a reprecel effects on your career positively!! That bro dude was evil, irresponsible and mean!!! I got his illness from his sister that died earlier!!! He knowing boarded that flight and went on a killing or infecting spreed !!!! Allah knows best what we conceive!!!!! Thx for the time and full detail of your encounter!!! May Allah grant U the courage to accept what you can not change, the faith n strength to tolerate your fellow human and the faith and courage to accept that anything happen to you in Life it has been approved by Allah!!!!

  42. I have read the full account of ur presentation with regards 2 ur experience with evd. It gives me courage and confidence to accept life as it comes, in good faith and absolute reliance and trust in God.

  43. I must express my mixed feelings through out the time spent reading this story. All glory goes to God almighty for sparing your life, even as we regret the loss of lives of our fellow Nigerians. Having read all comments, permit me to concur with the advise or persuasion of one of her doctors, that she should specialise in infectious diseases. If she never considered it before now, I think she should now, as this may be in the best interest of Nigeria, and indeed the world. Thy faith hath made thee whole! CONGRATS

  44. Thank you so much for sharing such inspiration and heart warming testimony with us, you just made my day! God bless you richly for giving us hope and a reason to believe. Thank you

  45. How Great is our God, how great is his name. He is the greatest God, forever the same. He rolls back the waters of the mighty red sea. He says I will lead you, only trust in me.
    I couldn’t contain the tears and joy within as I read through this. What an inspiring testimony! Indeed, the efficacy of God’s word, your positive approach to life and situation of this kind, your pastor, friends and families who endlessly continued in prayer and words of encouragement have spawned this testimony. Also thanks to God for these bodies: FGN, LASG, W.H.O who were used as instrument of this great wonder.

  46. I am so touched by your story, your fight for life, faith and courage. And am so happy you survived and have let us know of a basic solution to the fight against Ebola. We pray that this information is passed on to Ebola patients as they wait for help.


  48. PRAISE BE TO GOD. What a wonderful story of faith and trust in GOD. As I read it I wept, not for sadness, but for joy that the God that we serve is alive – Heaven does rule in the affairs of man. I congratulate you my dear sister and my heart reaches out to all those that we lost to this strange disease, no least of which is Dr. Adadevoh. My prayer and condolences go to their loved ones. Affliction shall never rise again in the lives of those they left behind. God save Nigeria. Amen.

  49. So touching! The Lord ur God has made u a living testimony. Glory to be God. I’m totally impressed by the effort of your pastor, he is indeed a man of purpose. God bless u doc.we re more than conquerors!

  50. Wow , what a riveting account.! Ada, your brilliance shone throughout this narrative while your faith is an example to others like me. What more can one say other than to give God praise for His miracles in our lives ?

  51. God is not a man that he should lie. he has promised that he will not forsake us when when we call. he is the Lion of Judah who saved you. may his name be praised. i am happy for you and your family. may the souls of those who lost their lives in the battle rest in peace. Amen

  52. I appreciate the ethical demonstration of the medical profession. The policies of the medical. Institution tackle the index case thereby controlling the primary contact. Nigerian would have suffered if the index case was not taken seriously.

  53. This is terrific. I glorify almighty God for sparing your life; even for the indefatigable dead med consultant, the nurse and helper, I pray almighty Allah grant them paradise. They are matyrs. Stay blessed doc to fulfil the sole purpose of your creation: liberating the humanity! I congratulate u and ur family. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace.

  54. l was deeply imppressed with the follow up step and action been taken to run all the test and a quick responds of the result and infact most of the patience are in fears to come out with the truth of their sickness. And secondly l use this medial to informed the ministry or health to spread all the information to every one in the country to please go to the hospital for a check up at list once or twice for every month for their health saftiness Then thirdly all the politician in power in the country should donate one third of their salary to the ministry of health for the purchase of more sophiticated labouratry Equipments and to go out for more Resarch and to buy more medicine for the hospital usess rather than using the government money to stage parties and host girl friends or looting the government s fund

  55. What a harrowing experience and a tale so captivating… Your odeal can be a best selling book… I thank God for your strenght and the support around you, so good to have people that care and can go the extra mile for us, not everyone is that fortunate.
    You are free indeed, you are free at last.;Your testimony will stand the test of time…..

  56. Ada I thank God for your Life. your Faith in The Lord and your self belief and Conviction that you will Not be a victim to Ebola SAVED Yourlife. God is Good to Them that Believe in Him. Remain Blessed.

  57. God is good. Congratulations. God bless your pastor and all who stood by you. You have another life, serve Him who spared you. Shalom!

  58. Doc, I praise God for your life, very inspiring. But I would like to know for the benefit of ebola victims what drugs you took to get to your present good state of health. It is important for all Nigerians and west Africans to know.
    Thanks and God bless

  59. Praise God. He is the Doctor of Doctors. He has proven himself once again. Glory be to His holy name. Congrats Doctor. You will not die but live to fulfill God’s purpose in ur life Amen

  60. Wat a miracle working God…I bliv in miracles.God will heal my dad 2 from his sickness(Not Ebola) in Jesus name (Amen)

  61. Dear Ada, I could not help but thanked God for your life. God has shown us that He is always there to make impossible possible.

  62. Ada, what else can we say than to appreciate God for bringing you back to life. God is good. He is the only one that can have upper hand over death. Thank you Jesus for not allowing this beautiful creature to be taking away by the ugly hands of Ebola. Thank you JESUS.

    1. Dr Ada, congratulations. I bless God for your testimony.this will help us see that it is possible to com out of Ebola Virus Disease. God bless and keep you.

  63. Dr Ada, I cant help but weep but its all for Joy.Thank you for showing how awesome our God is. For He said that the just shall live by faith, you demonstrated it, even in the midstof hopelessness you were strong, and you made the Lord your focus. My regards to your mum. I can see you inherited her courage. Live well my dear and never, I repeat never fall off from God.

    1. Thank God for this grace of healing. We continue to pray for all the victims. Thank you for sharing your experience. It gives hope and much inspiration. God bless you!

  64. Dr Ada Your courage and grace, both in caring for those who come to you in need and your courage and grace in facing and surviving this most horrible of all diseases, is a testament to both the strength of your faith in Our Creator and in your own strength and spirit to survive.

    You are a hero, as are all the blessed health care workers and people, risking their lives, caring for others.

    May you and your husband and family be blessed with many years of health and happiness. Rejoice in the gift of life and the power of faith.

  65. Taking into consideration the current state of Ebola in the three hard hit countries, Patrick Sawyer who took the infection to Nigeria could have been doing it deliberately as a paid agent of America but Nigeria was swift in countering that spread because they were not involved in the conspiracy with the Americans who have now lost trillions because the spread was quickly contained in Lagos state. GOD BLESS LAGOS STATE AND GOD BLESS NIGERIA.

  66. Dear Dr Ada Igonoh,
    Reading your detailed and well articulated experience, I am still feeling the effect of your initial environment in my throat and a deep cry of your ordeal and all your colleagues.
    But GOD. Today you are a living and walking miracle! Praise the Most High God. Thank God especially for your pastor who stood with you in more ways than expected- spiritual, emotional and professional support. This is noteworthy!

    I have been overwhelmed reading how God delivered Nigeria from the stigma of Ebola at a time when help to the affected countries from the world that could assist was being underplayed with bureaucracy.
    Nigeria a nation on God’s radar having been buffeted on every side by all vices from the pit of hell saw the raw unfettered hand of God take her out of this plague, leaving the world reluctantly acknowledging her as the only nation that has come out of the plague free!
    Thank you to all the machinery of information creating awareness, curtailing the spread, grassroots mobilisation, methods the world is still trying to come to terms with as was used by Nigeria to combat Ebola.
    First consultant hospital arresting the arrival of Ebola with openness to the health sector and the consolidated efforts by all the arms of the medical profession throughout Nigeria where the world anticipated the worst spread because of our huge population amongst other fears.
    I am proud to be Nigerian and daily thank God for His unfailing mercies, and pray His comfort and strength to all the family and friends of the medical professionals who lost their lives trying to curtail the spread of such a deadly disease.
    God Bless your new life and God Bless Nigeria

  67. This account is amongst the greatest contributions made towards the fight against this dreaded desease. Dr. Igonoh’s detailed sharing of her experience is timeline and Devine and will help to save many simple lives going forward. It’s a “must read” for worldwide humanity.

  68. I was cooking dinner and it almost got burnt cause I was so gripped by the story. It brought tears to my eyes……… God is the greatest physician!! All the best to u and family and always remember to share and give thanks

  69. An experienced with a text and a testion, to God be the Glory!. Keep praising him. God had the right people to stand in the the gap, girl you are no punk but a fighter. Love it.

  70. Alhamdulilahi could be the only thing I could say for all you and others went through and may Allah (SWT) grant the deceased Aljahnah firdaous…..So happy you made it to live again,I can imagine your situation and what you went through Glory be to Almighty God

  71. Being a man, I tried to control tears from rolling down my cheeks, just imagining what your mother passed through emotionally when you called her to tell her you tested positive. Thank God it is all over.

  72. God is good, all the time. I read her story and I felt sad when her colleagues left this earth to be with their savior. Miracles do work, and she was determined to stay alive. Thanks to her pastor, family, pray warriors and friends. If the young man had told the truth in the first place, I am sure that things would not have gone wrong, and may be he might be alive today.

  73. Thank you for sharing your story with us. To God be the glory for your healing. Thank you for letting the world know that the Ebola Virus is not necessarily a death sentence. May God bless caregivers all around the world and protect them. May He enlighten them on how to deal with this disease. Kudos to the Nigerian for containing Ebola and being declared Ebola free!

  74. God is good all the time . I praise God for your testimony. America we must take note and pray like nigeria is praying .

  75. You are a beautiful soul, inside and outside. your story is eye opening and transforming. Thank you for sharing this. It gave me great insight about this deadly disease and made me realize how vigilant we need to be to prevent further spread. However, i thank you most of all because you have allowed God to make you a testimony. I am reminded that nothing is impossible for my God. Nothing can separate us from His love except our choice.

  76. I am happy you and your family are still alive. Your story is a powerful testimony of faith in the midst of adversity. Please continue to share GOD’s goodness in this sinful world.

  77. All praise belong to God the most merciful, the owner of peace (As-Salam). What an experience!. I was almost brought to tears as u recount your experience and the loss of your colleagues. May Allah forgive them their shortcomings and put them in paradise. These are martyrs! This is the true jihad Allah wants..the one taught by the noble prophet himself. May you live long to fulfil your destiny. Aamin.

  78. God a God when u believe in him with strong faith he will always be there to see u thought. I give God the glory with u.congratulations nuff love

  79. This is a true testimony of the faithfulness of the God we serve. Dr Ada your story is so real, I feel as if I was there with you, this is an inspiration particularly to me and to any other person that reads this article. thank God for the lives of your pastor, your family and friends and the courageous volunteers. i pray that God will extend his help to Liberia and other countries still battling this virus. I rejoice with you and I ask God’s blessings on you and your family and also on our nation Nigeria [He has proven himself once more in Nigeria]. CONGRATULATIONS

  80. God a God when we put all your trust in him he works wonder for us.congratulations please keep praying .nuff love to u

  81. Praise God
    This is evidence that you do not need any experimental drugs or experimental vaccines,
    the thing what is needed is symptomatic treatment through the process, good nutritions and the word of God.

  82. Hallelujah! Faith can indeed move mountains. From the rising of the sun to going down of the same, may the name of the Lord be praised. God bless you Dr. Ada Igonoh for sharing your story and increasing my faith. Our God is a miracle God. You believed Him, remained in communion with Him and he stayed true to His word. Praise God!

  83. Jehovah Rophi our healer. Thank you Dr. Ada for that powerful testimony. You came, you saw and you conquered. Thanks be to God.Amen

  84. An inspiring story, even for those of us who are not religious. The account conveys Ada’s joy of having survived which tempered by the sadness of the loss of friends and colleagues, and yet despite the ordeal she is able to hold back the bitterness of having been infected through the recklessness of Patrick Sawyer. I hope more people read her story.

  85. This is one more proof that the word works, the communion is extremely potent, and what more? Receiving treatment is not a sign of a lack of faith, no, not at all. If anything, medicine helps you buy time while you build enough faith for total healing. I cannot thank God enough for you Dr.Ada for you decision to live by your disagreement with death. It shows again that death cannot take you when you have decided to live. In many ways death is a matter of choice and not chance. Thanks again for sharing and may the Lord bless your pastor for stepping up to real pastoral duties in this crisis. God bless.
    Pastor Ezekiel.

  86. I read this at work and struggled to stop my tears, I couldn’t. So heart touching. I thank God for your life, for your faith, for your resolve to just stay alive.

  87. doctor, you survived because the devil/death hates you. Pls. continue loving Jesus and maintain your beauty for him. He will never jilt you no allow you to experience corruption.

    1. The Lord u serve exists. The father in-law stood for her in prayer at the prayer- chain level and the God of Liberty Chapel fought for her !

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