9. Set aside time for Itikaf
The last ten days of Ramadan is the time for Itikaf, spiritual seclusion when Muslims who can afford it leave their homes to stay in the mosques where they engage in spiritual activities such as reading of the Quran, observance of optional prayers and meditation. The Night of Majesty (Lailatul Quadri) also falls within this period. It is one of the odd days of the last ten days when Muslims are expected to keep awake and observe prayers as night is more valuable than 1000 months. Staying in seclusion with other faithful during Itikaf gives the fasting Muslim the opportunity to keep vigil and observe the week. These ten days offer the fasting Muslim the opportunity to consolidate on the gains of the previous ten days. Many central mosques and Islamic organisation are now offering Itikaf services for a fee, providing accommodation and feeding.
Fasting is the month of all blessing a month of GOD forgiveness happy and a month of all success.