On the Go

100 Italian doctors have died from complications of COVID-19

BY Taiwo Adebulu


One hundred doctors in Italy have died from complications of COVID-19.

On Thursday, Filippo Anelli, president of the country’s association of doctors, said each victim has left a “deep scar on the skin and on the heart” of each Italian doctor.

The association said the list of doctors who fell during the COVID-19 pandemic is lengthening, which includes retired doctors who were recalled to help help fight the disease.

More than 12,000 healthcare workers were reported to have tested positive for coronavirus in Italy.


“The latest victim was a 62-year-old woman who was a family doctor in Mira, a town in the Venice province,” Anelli said.

“The organisational shortcomings and omissions are difficult to understand and even more difficult to justify in the light of these tragic numbers.

“The dead do not make noise; they make no more noise than the growth of the grass. And yet, the names of our friends, of our colleagues, put here, black on white, make a deafening noise.


“Just as the number of infected health workers makes noise, which now constitute 10% of the total. We can no longer allow our doctors, our health workers, to be sent to fight the virus with bare hands. It is an unequal struggle, which hurts us, hurts citizens, hurts the country.”

So far, Italy has recorded 143,626 cases of the disease with 18,279 deaths.

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