
1,000 Interfaith clerics to hold grand rally for Buhari’s reelection

The National Inter-faith and Religious Organisations for Peace (NIFROP) is set to hold a grand rally of 1,000 clerics and faithful for the reelection of President Muhammadu Buhari in the 2019 general election.

This was contained in a statement issued by the group in Jos, Plateau state.

It said since the completion of a 40-day inter-faith fasting and prayers as part of preparations for the commencement of the 2019 general election, the next step is the grand rally.

“Recall that at the end of this forty days of fasting and prayers, God emphatically revealed the choice was for the re-election of President Muhammadu Buhari. It was revealed to people of faith that President Buhari is the choice of God because of the specific assignment that was given to him,” the statement read.


“His is the assignment to end the years of locust that had made Nigeria a laughing stock among nations before his ordained first term.

“Our faith teaches us to back prayers with good deeds and actions. What has been revealed to us after prayers about the re-elections of President Buhari must now be backed up by actions. We have resolved to between now and the election speak truth to power in a manner that is more vocal than we have ever done in the past.”

The group said it would scale up activities to ensure that that which has been said about Buhari’s election will come to pass.


“As the first step, we shall be holding a Grand Rally for President Buhari’s re-election, is the choice of God for the land. We are doing this to ensure that Nigerians do not sin against God by ignorantly voting against the choice ordained to take the country to a higher level,” it said.

“Eight is perfection. It symbolizes material abundance and economic success. Others might have misused such opportunity to do good things for Nigeria before, but one truly ordained by God shall make the initial four years of plowing and sowing to yield great harvests in the latter years.

“Those with an evil intention for Nigeria have seen the glory that is soon to descend on the country once President Buhari has been re-elected. They have resorted to lies, intimidation, and violence to confuse the electorate from doing God’s will, which is to vote for President Buhari. Their intention for doing this is not just because they want to win and gain power at all cost. They are trying to turn Nigerians against President Buhari so that God will be displeased with the country and visit wrath upon us.”

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