
15,000 IDPS moved from north-east to Abuja, says UNHCR

Brigitte Mukanga-Eno, deputy representative on protection of the United Nations High Committee for refugees (UNHCR), says about 15,000 displaced persons have relocated from camps in the north-east to Abuja, while some others have moved to the south-west for survival.

She said that many of the IDPs were already leaving their camps voluntarily, in search of means of livelihood and support, from their friends and family members.

Mukanga-Eno said internally displaced persons (IDPs) have the right to live anywhere in Nigeria.

She said since the situation in the north-east had forced them from their communities, they could move to safer communities.


“The situation in the north-east due to activities of Boko Haram has resulted in about 2.2 million internally displaced Nigerians,” she said,

“We need to know that these internally displaced persons are in vulnerable situation and do need support to survive, so these internally displaced persons have the right to live in any part of Nigeria because they are also Nigerians.”

“We need to know that these IDPs are also citizens of Nigeria, and have the right to move to and settle wherever in Nigeria they wish to settle.”


Mukanga-Eno, who added that most of the IDPs that were still in the camps because they had no means of livelihood outside the camps, said they urgently need more support.

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