
31 ways to show you love your partner

As we grow up, we encounter the busiest days of our lives whether we asked for it or not. Relationships get caught up in the fiasco and most times suffer from the chaos if attention isn’t brought back into it. Because most couples feel that they have run out of ideas to express their love for each other, here are 31 ways to rekindle that love in your relationship and let your partner know you still feel a great deal for them regardless of how busy you both are.

Early morning tugs. There’s nothing better than being woken up with a kiss or snuggle by your partner or a big bear hug to begin the day.

Simple sweet notes count. Simple sweet notes such as “I love you” or “kick ass today at work, kisses” tucked in his or her bag, coats or lunch boxes would definitely bring a smile and go a long way.

Listen. Not just hear but also actually pay close and undivided attention to your partner when he or she talks of an interest, even if it may not concern you.


Make them matter. Little things like mouthing the words “I love you” to your partner, across a room full of people would make them feel not left out and alone.

Compromise. Go for a movie that has an actor/actress your partner is a fan of. Do things you wouldn’t normally do.

Massages. If there’s one thing I would love when I get home, it is a massage; be it of the foot or back. Give your love a foot massage, after a long day at work.


Admit mistakes. When you are wrong most especially. Admit that you made a mistake, when you actually make one.

Steal a glance. Look at your partner when he or she is speaking to you intently. Your partner’s sense of intent focus to what he or she is saying will make them feel loved.

Dance. While you can and when you can, whisk your lover away for a waltz, if a romantic number is playing on the radio. When he or she is unsuspecting will be more romantic.

Put their feelings into consideration. Ask if your partner is free, before inviting your friends over for a drink/dinner at home. Privacy is one thing human beings value no matter what so showing you consider his or her feelings enough to ask matters.


Compliments. Compliment her on her new hairstyle or him on his new shoes or watch. Tell your lover that he or she looks more attractive with every passing day. Whisper in his or her ear that you love the new perfume.

Good wishes. Wish your partner luck, before an important day at work. Wish them a productive day or meeting.

Communicate. Call your partner, if you are going to come home late. Communicating such little thing makes him or her know they are still very much in the picture regardless of your busy lives.

Surprise them. Surprise your lover with tickets, for a romantic cruise. Pick his or her favourite dessert/pastries on your way home. Gift him or her a luxurious spa session. Buy a present, however small, for your lover, even when there is no occasion.


Switch off all gadgets during ‘us’ time. Take the phone off the hook for an intimate evening of undivided attention. Turn it on Airplane mode.

Pray together. Go to a place of worship and pray together. Make appointments to attend community occasion set up by your place of worship.


Do a hobby together. Pursue a hobby both of you have in common together over the weekend.

Be an actual date during social events. Stay close to your partner at a social event. Most people at events leave their partners hanging at events to great non-mutual ones. Always carry your partner along with you.


Ask for opinions. Ask for his or her opinion on a matter that concerns topics such as politics, the state of the nation and the society at large.

Don’t interrupt. Don’t interrupt your partner when he or she is talking to guests. Most find it pretty rude and disrespectful.


Laugh some more. Laugh at your lover’s jokes, even if you have heard them a hundred times before. There’s no harm in it.

Take a shower together. How much more intimate can you get? This is it. The bond that grows in there is beyond.

Smile warmly. At your partner when your eyes meet, even if you have nothing to say. Just smile. It warms the heart.

Go out on an unplanned date. Compliment your lover on his or her choice of a restaurant also.

Future plans. Discuss your future together, where or what you guys intend to do or be in the nearest future.

Be adventurous. Be a secret admirer and invite your lover to a mystery date. Send him or her a hand-written letter on scented paper.

Relieve old memories. Go through your old photos together. Watch home videos that his or her family may have sent.

Offer a helping hand. Lend a hand, when you see your partner in the midst of some heavy work. Offer to buy the week’s grocery supplies.

Go extremely personal. Come up with silly nicknames for each other and use them only when you are alone. Customize a mug or a mouse pad with your picture for his or her desk. Get your lover’s favourite painting or photo framed by a professional. Recreate your first date. Designate a song or poem as “ours”.

Meet the family. Take your partner home to meet your family. Offer to take your partner’s cousin or siblings out to hang.

Do things together. Plan a vacation together. Watch your partner’s favourite TV show together. Hold your lover close and let your hearts beat together.

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