
Adeosun: Disregard messages trending on social media, I am not on Twitter

Kemi Adeosun, minister of finance, has asked the public to discredit messages credited to her on social media, saying she does not own any Twitter account.

In a statement issued by Festus Akanbi, her spokesman, Adeosun said the content of the account does not reflect her position.

“The attention of the honourable minister of finance, Kemi Adeosun, has been drawn to a fake Twitter handle in her name saying that ‘recession is just a word’,” the statement read.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the honourable minister does not own a Twitter account. The Twitter handle currently trending, and any other twitter handle presently in existence is not, and cannot be that of the Honourable Minister, as a twitter account has not yet been set up for her. It is obviously fake and does not represent the views and opinions of the honourable minister.”


On the current economic situation, she said she had demonstrated her empathy with Nigerians, and has never hidden “the true situation of things”.

“Also at no time did the honourable minister, who addressed the media immediately after Wednesday’s federal executive council, make such a statement,” the statement read.

“The minister has consistently demonstrated empathy for the plight of Nigerians hard hit by dwindling oil prices and the impact on the economy.


“This administration is known for integrity and has never hidden the true situation of things from Nigerians, rather it has looked for ways to alleviate the hardships through social intervention programmes.

“We therefore enjoin all well-meaning Nigerians to disregard these spurious allegations against the honourable minister of finance.

“We remain committed to reflating and resetting the economy on a path towards sustainable growth.”

  1. Madam, I cant stop laughing at the fact that you do not have a twitter account, but i do understand. Your job as the Finance Minister is to ensure that our Fiscal Policy is balance and efficient, you job is to ensure there is transparency in the Nigerian Fiscal policy and give good accounts on how the money of the Nigerian populace is been spent and not to engage in social media activities like some Senators that will remain nameless. Please continue your good work. Your earlier articles have helped many to prepare for this trying times and your words of encouragement that we would soon be out of this recession is quite a boost for us all.

  2. All these is just to distract Nigerians and raise critics while theirs alot to be done. Nigerians need to look beyond talks and concentrate on the positive things. Here is someone who is getting the job done beyond words

  3. Imposters are at work again. How can she possibly say “recession is just a word.” She is not insensitive to the plight of the people. That judging by her previous articles it’s obvious she knows her onions and she is someone who is there for the masses.

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