
Akeredolu: The grace of God I enjoy will disgrace my political enemies

Rotimi Akeredolu Rotimi Akeredolu

Rotimi Akeredolu, governor of Ondo, on Wednesday, sent a stinker to his opponents in the October 10 governorship election.

Addressing a jubilant crowd in Isua-Akoko, the headquarters of Akoko south-east local government in continuation of his political campaign, he said: “The grace of God that I am enjoying will disgrace all my political enemies”.

He also said he neither relies on rigging nor any form of manipulation, but hopes to win the electoral contest through the votes of the people.

Akeredolu declared that he is the man to beat, and the power of the people heavily standing behind him, will fight his battle for him against his political adversaries.


“My opponents have deployed all weapons of destruction against me and my family for political exigency but the grace of God that I am enjoying will disgrace them without an exception,” he said.

“They said I did not do anything in Akoko but they drive through Oke Alabojuto every day. Our Water Scheme is in their towns. We renovated their schools and hospitals. Yet, they said we did nothing in Akoko.

“By the grace of God, my administration constructed the first dual carriage road in Akoko Land since this state was created in 1976. I funded AAUA. Arigidi to Oke Agbe road is under construction through the support of NDDC.


“There are over 1,000 Akoko Sons and Daughters working in the Companies at Ore Industrial Park facilitated by our government. By the grace of God, the road from Isua to Ugbe will be completely tarred within the two years of my second term.

“I am happy that you, the common people have stood your ground against the locusts of yesterday. I thank you all. I am a believer in the power of the people. The power of the people is mightier than bullets in a democracy.

“The power of the people is mightier than the bullets of my political adversaries. With the people standing gallantly behind me, I have nothing to worry about. I am going to win free and square October10th. My victory is certain.”

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