Felix Morka, the national spokesperson of the All Progressives Congress (APC), says he received “numerous death threats” after his comments on Peter Obi, presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the 2023 elections.
Morka made the remarks during his latest appearance on The Morning Show, a programme on Arise Television, on Wednesday.
The APC spokesperson said the alleged threats were triggered by Obi’s accusations that his previous comment constituted a threat to his life and members of his family.
The controversy began after Morka’s interview with Arise Television on Sunday, where he accused Obi of overstepping boundaries in his criticism of President Bola Tinubu’s administration.
Morka had described the former presidential candidate a “prophet of doom” and that “he has crossed the line so many times and has it coming to him whatever he gets” – prompting Obi’s claim of threat to his life.
Reacting to Obi’s claim, the APC spokesperson said he had recorded over 200 death threats, many of which were described in graphic detail.
The threats, Morka said, had even extended to members of his family.
“Peter Obi’s allegations that my words in that interview threatened his life have triggered serious consequences,” Morka said.
“As of now, I have documented 400 threats, about 200 of which are explicit death threats. These are written threats that I will be submitting to law enforcement agencies.
“In these messages, individuals have detailed how they plan to harm me—threatening to shoot me, behead me, and carry out other gruesome acts. This is not mere rhetoric. It has even extended to direct threats against some members of my family. These are explicit and graphic threats, not vague insinuations.”
Morka, however, insisted he was blameless, shifting responsibility for the worsening tensions away from his part.
The APC spokesperson asked law enforcement to take appropriate action against those making threats.
“This entire situation is baseless and cannot be attributed to me. I did not threaten Peter Obi in any way,” he added.
“Those issuing these threats are acting on their own, but I trust that law enforcement will respond swiftly to bring them to justice.”
Clarifying his comments, Morka noted that his words, including referring to Obi as a “prophet of doom,” were a direct response to what he considered misleading statements made on national television.
“I was not speaking in a vacuum. I was responding to a very specific question put to me during that interview,” he explained.
“I, Felix Morka, did not threaten Peter Obi. Nothing I said in that interview begins to even suggest remotely.
“I speak for my party. When Peter Obi comes on national television, on a New Year’s Day, and reels out a lot of facts that I consider to be misleading, it is my duty as a national spokesman of APC to clarify.”
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