
Are you man enough?

YouNow is created for the everyday individual who seeks to gain a deeper understanding of Self, harness gifting, talent and natural abilities in order to achieve their highest potential. These write-ups are designed to help you become more conscious and deliberate in your interactions and day-to-day living

You’re not a man if you’re afraid. You’re not a man if you show weakness. You’re not a man if you’re vulnerable and you show it.

These are some of the narratives that have come to define what and who a man isn’t and shouldn’t be in the 21st century.

Behind the scenes of these narratives are a people blinded by the grandeur of the gram and the glam. A picture painted by society on a false canvas that celebrates appearance over reality.


The men that seem to be the “coolest” and most successful tend to be portrayed in mainstream pop culture as the most aggressive, dominant, and tough.

Represented by charm and good looks aka ‘clean guy’ This man doesn’t know how to do anything other than earning money and woo women.

Boys who look up to this man, begin to define themselves by their bank account and today that’s defined by the question “What are you worth?”, which suggests that men’s value can be measured in Naira and Kobo!


This leaves the next generation to ceaselessly pursue wealth in order to validate their manhood. The tragedy is that no matter how much wealth they gather; they’ve lost connection with their own masculinity.

Just like women, men are pressured to adapt to distinctive physical and behavioral standards in order to be socially accepted.

A man isn’t a man because of what he can or can’t do. A man is a man because of who he is.

Men at their best are providers. They have a presence that assures order and brings others calmness. They are strong. And strength cannot be purchased. It is earned.


Today’s man constantly searches for his identity, yet plays emotional games to avoid feeling the pain he claims that he does not feel.

It’s time to reconnect with your inner simplicity and let him guide you home.

Are you man enough?!

Recall for men conference holds on Saturday 28th April 2018


Balmoral Convention Centre Federal Palace Hotel



Conference. Masterclasses. Exhibition. Football. Food. Drink.

Register on  www.yetundebernard.com/rcm

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