
Atiku: Me? Step down for Buhari? Well…

In an interview with TheCable team comprising Simon Kolawole, ‘Fisayo Soyombo and Fredrick Nwabufo, former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar speaks on his presidential ambition, his plans and the corruption perception of him

You are regarded by some as the most prepared presidential candidate Nigeria currently has. From the first time you tried in 1993 till date, what has changed in the Nigerian condition?

The world has become a smaller village because of technology. National economies have become integrated into the global economy. Socially and politically, governance in Nigeria has become more complex. There had been a drastic adjustment in the values and expectations of citizens in respect of what they want from their government. People have become more conscious of their rights and their insistence on service delivery is becoming more loud. Those things have changed. The challenges of security have become more daunting. The search for good leadership has, however, not changed. Democratic values have diminished. The electoral process has become more expensive because of the involvement of agencies whose personnel see an election as an opportunity to corruptly enrich themselves. Politics itself has become more expensive because of advancement in technology.

How will you tackle power supply, compared to what President Goodluck Jonathan is doing now?

I will diversify the energy mix by incorporating clean coal technology in the generation of small and medium Power plants and build captive power stations. I will develop the mini-hydro stations that are located across the nation. I will implement faithfully and with commitment the Gas to Power Master Plan drawn up in 2005 which emphasises the need for a secure and predictable gas supply to be made available to private investors in power generation. I will address the challenges confronting the power distribution companies and privatise the transmission system. I will make the power sector move investor-friendly by creating incentives. I will train a large number of technicians and engineers.


Is generating power from coal a viable option?

It is an option because technology has now brought a process where you can even clean the coal. That is why they call it clean coal. Over 90% of South Africa’s power comes from coal. The only thing is they are trying to clean the coal because there is a technology now that cleans it. So I don’t see anything wrong. For instance, the south-east could entirely depend on the coal deposit in Enugu and Abakaliki to generate their electricity. So also parts of the north-central, because the coal deposits in Kogi state are so substantial that you could use them and provide enough power for the north-central zone together with its hydro potential. They have small dams in Nasarawa, another one in Plateau. The Plateau one has been in existence. So what we need to do is to expand it because it supplies power to the whole of Plateau and you can extend it to other states. So there is potential for doing that. Not that we have not started… we commissioned international consultants to do that and they really gave us a good mix, and if we had gone by that mix in 2005 we would have attained sufficiency in power generation in the country, but unfortunately we abandoned that and went for gas, which is going to take a very long time.

Insecurity is perhaps the biggest challenge facing Nigeria today. What is this government getting wrong in trying to deal with it?


Lack of political will to tackle insecurity issues holistically. A defect is in the deployment of their security resources especially personnel. There is de-professionalisation of the security agencies by exposing them to duties and environment not consistent with their discipline. Not recognising that security is development and that it is only when a nation can manage its resources to provide the citizens with what they want and need that security can be guaranteed.

Do you subscribe to this notion that a single-term tenure will resolve a lot of crises in the system?

I do not believe that there is any problem with the four-year, two-term tenure stipulated in the constitution. Constitutional crises are raised only when people want to do a two and half or third term. We should just play by the rules.

Some of us believed that you had a fantastic relationship with President Obasanjo while both of you were in power but things went sour. What exactly went wrong?


I still have a good relationship with Baba but on certain occasions we defer on matters of principle and interpretation of facts. This is not unusual for two people who respect each other and have a joint mission to provide good leadership for this nation.

What exactly transpired at the PDP Convention in 2003 when you told the BBC that you had options to run against Obasanjo or be his running mate?

Yes. In 2003, the PDP governors wanted me to run against Obasanjo and I refused and insisted that I would rather be his running mate than to run against him.

President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua was like a brother to you, and your decision to challenge his victory in court in 2007 did not go down well with some members of the Yar’Adua circle, to which you belong. Did you make a mistake?


No, I did not make a mistake. I decided to challenge his victory and pursue it to the logical conclusion at the supreme court so that I could legitimize that victory especially when he had publicly admitted at his swearing-in that the process of his election could have been flawed. So the decision of the supreme court that upheld his victory makes that victory and his mandate quite legitimate. The legal process also deepened democracy and enriched the legal records.

What role did you play to break the impasse caused by Yar’Adua’s absence?


I did not play any major role and could not have played any except to pray for his speedy recovery. You will recall that most people were kept in the dark at that time.

Your decision to form the Northern Consensus Candidate Group in 2010 to challenge President Jonathan for the PDP ticket appeared to be an unhidden sectional agenda which many believe led to the division of Nigeria along ethnic and religious lines which we are still battling with today.


I think that there is a lot of misinformation about the whole idea of the consensus issues. I was not being positioned as a candidate of the north but a candidate of PDP from the north. The concept of consensus was promoted to reduce political tensions within the party as a whole and those who were willing and ready to subject themselves to negotiations submitted themselves to this process. I do not believe anything was wrong with trying to reduce the number of candidates that would be presented at the PDP primaries.

The electoral support of Jonathan in the north in the 2011 election does not show any evidence that the event of 2010 had created any division, ethnic or religious. You will agree that Nigeria’s division along ethnic and religious lines had been actively promoted in the last few years by the present administration and we now have more divisions along those cleavages than ever before.


One of the things that seem to be counting against you in APC is your frequent change of parties. Do you regret returning to PDP in 2010?

No, I have no regrets. And I should not have any. I was a founding member of the PDP. At a point, the PDP leadership became insensitive to the aspirations of party members who were being denied the right to participate in the activities of the party, particularly in the elections. I was virtually kicked out of the party because of my insistence that internal democracy within the party was critical to the survival of democracy. You will recall that I have always been an advocate of a two-party system because it gives people viable choice. I also co-founded the ACN which was supposed to be an alternative to PDP and provide a choice for Nigerians. ACN was not intended to be a platform for dealings but when it turned out to be that, my supporters decided to go back to PDP. As a leader, my decisions on the choice of party affiliations are taken in response to the desires of those who look up to me for leadership. It is not about me. It is about the electoral futures of my supporters. I never changed political parties without wide consultation with my supporters and without subjecting my decisions to their desires. This is what a leader should do and should be prepared to take responsibility. For the avoidance of doubt however, the APC is my last bus stop. We now have two formidable political parties and Nigerians have a viable choice.

Your critics say you are too desperate to be president. What is your take on that?

I have been asked why I am always seeking to become the president of this country. My passion for governance is that of a man who wants to do more for this nation because there is so much more to be done in fixing Nigeria. This passion continues to grow as long as nobody is really doing the fixing. The nation has been kind to me and I need to give something back. I want to play a leading role in the trans-generational accord that will create the Nigeria we all desire and deserve. I will not give up on Nigeria.

It appears the APC ticket is just there for the picking by General Buhari. How prepared are you for the primary election?

I am really prepared for the primary because this is a game that I have participated in more than the others. In other words, I have been involved in primary election since the early 90s, and that has given me a lot of experience when it comes to primaries whether they are direct or indirect because we have participated in both types of primaries. The perception that the ticket is there for Buhari to take is a mistaken perception because Buhari has never participated in any primaries. In the three elections he contested he was simply given the tickets. He did not go through any primaries. I believe that is not going to be helpful to him in this very case. As of today, among the five of us who are going to participate in the primaries I am the only one who is running around the country. Nobody else is doing that. Nowadays delegates have become more enlightened than before. Most of them are very educated and most of them want to engage their candidates in discussions on what is it they have for them, for the electorate and for party. If they have not seen you, not to talk of interacting with you, how would they vote for you?

Secondly, this is not a party that is dominated by the influence of governors. In other words, the governors trying to force delegates to vote even against their own conscience like it happens in the PDP. This is a party that wants to bring about change. And that really wants to allow people to make choices based on their own convictions. So I have seen in a few states where we have governors; where I was very well received, and I had access to all the delegates, to talk to them, interact with them, and also to listen to all their own problems, and I like it and enjoyed it because you get to know quite a lot of things. You think you know all the problems, but when get down the bottom-line and then you begin to listen to ordinary people who live ordinary lives and you find there is a lot you learn. I think all these experiences give me confidence that I have an edge over the rest of them. I know it is not easy. It is difficult. The physical terrain, going round the country is not good particularly, in terms of the road infrastructure, very bad roads. And you fly all over. I have never seen an election period so short like this one. So, for you to be able to cover the entire country, you need to be flying, sometimes covering two or three states in a day. Thank God most of the states I have covered them. The only thing is that you cannot stay too late because when it is dark most of the airports don’t operate. Only few airports operate in the night in this country.

So we should perish the thought that you are going to withdraw for Buhari in order not to have a rancorous primary?

No, I don’t think so. The issue of withdrawal at this moment is not on the table because as candidates we have not met; let’s say the five of us. Before you talk of withdrawal, before you talk of consensus, the candidates must meet as a group. And when they meet as a group all of them must submit to a consensus process. They must also agree what is going to be the mode of the consensus process. How are we going to get a candidate to emerge? So there has to be process, there has to be willingness of all the parties. At the moment, none. We have not even met; five of us, not to talk of agreeing to a consensus option. I would like to say, perhaps, we have passed the consensus option, because this is an option that did not go through the national working committee, did not go through the NEC. So, I think if it did go through all these statutory structures then there is as very slim chance, unless out of the willingness of five us we decide to sit down and produce a process that will throw up a consensus candidate.

  1. Interesting read. Oga appears to be trying so hard to appear like he truly has Nigeria’s interest at heart.
    For a man of his clout, you don’t have to be president to make changes in the society. What role has he played in the BH crisis in his backyard.? If he has the political will which he says JEG lacks, when has it been displayed in the last 18months ? Nigerians who aspire to govern or lead should understand that it’s not all about the highest office!!!!! What can you do as an ordinary man?

    1. I think he has tried a lot. Indeed, if all political leaders from the North could do what he’s doing, the strain of poverty and underdevelopment in the North-East of the country wouldn’t be this tight. Apart from being the largest private employer of labour in the region, he has also absorbed the escapee Chibok girls into his AUN academy; he is distributing relief materials to the IDPs and calling international attention to the insurgency in the region. The Adamawa Peace Intiative (which u can google) is also his brain-child. If we had two people engaging as he does, then the story could have been different.

      1. Lets jump to the fact that he was once given a chance to prove himself during his tenure as vice president with Obj but he failed and rather they were squandering money and competing on who stole the largest amount of money. But Buhari when he was the head of state even though within a very short period of time proved resourceful and ready to work. So i think we shouldn’t make the mistake of giving him another chance since we already know what he is capable of, even though he sounds prepared for the job this time around.

    2. to be fair to the man, I think he is trying in that aspect you mentioned. We should please be thoughtful of what we can ask people who doesn’t control any institution of government to do concerning the insurgency, we need not be hypocritic. Most of this Northern Elders we always bad mouth don’t have the ability to do anything other than help those affected the little they can as well as give their voice against the insurgents.

    3. Because Atiku controls the NA,the police, the airforce, the SSS, etc.of this country, he has the capacity to confront BH.

    1. Imisiola, he is prepared and preparedness is a pre-requisite for leading a turbulent and diverse country like Nigeria. GEJ was unprepared when he took the job and not withstanding his goodly personal nature. Atiku is prepared, his response to questions on power/energy especially his comparison with South Africa demonstrates he has sufficient grasp of one of the key issues he will confront as president. A president is a strategic leader. He will employ technical experts to actualise his strategy/vision. Atiku has demonstrated the capacity to identify and select outstanding technocrats (eg Prof Oyovbaire, Elrufai and the managers at his university). He trumps Buhari on grasp of issues and capacity for leadership. Hopefully he has learnt from one of his costliest political mistakes i.e ‘…in Nigerian politics never raise a sword over someone unless you are sure you will cut his/her head…’ Atiku was an undisputed ‘kingmaker’ and had PDP governors lined up behind him and ready to support him against OBJ at their convention. At that point he virtually had a sword over OBJ’s. In full public view OBJ had to humbly beg Atiku for his support. For whatever reason, Atiku chose to support OBJ. It proved to be such a costly decision. Even as VP he was tongue-lashed in council meetings by the likes of FFK and Rufai, his outstanding team of assistants including Prof. Oyovbaire were dismissed by OBJ. As Atiku now reveals, he had to run the VPs office with his private funds. His tenacity in face of an adversary like OBJ proves his mettle. While none of the aspirants is perfect, it appears to me that Atiku will make a better president than GEJ and Buhari. If he succeeds in getting APC to conduct a primary, he is very likely to win their ticket. Furthermore if he could use his pragmatism to gain the support or at least ‘non-obstruction’ of Nigeria’s Godfathers [OBJ, Danjuma, IBB, Abdusalaami and Mark] then he has a strong chance of defeating GEJ.

  2. Clear cut statement by Turaki,pls sir do something to avert the spread of BH.
    I want to believe government can’t doing alone we need people like you to help in putting an end to the innocent killing of citizens in the north east.

  3. Well articulated interview. Pleased with the response on POWER IMPROVEMENT in the area of CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY. Our leaders and potential leaders must think outside the best to proffer solutions to our challenges, not just telling us what they think we want to hear.

    1. Did he tell us how much the clean coal project will cost, or how long it will take to complete? It will end at nothing just as the OBJ and Atiku administration stole around 3 billion USD for power reforms. Nobody can sweet talk me o! Especially when I know their history of corruption. Nigerians will regret the day Atiku becomes president.

      1. We are already regretting the day GEJ become president…atiku cant do any worse,it took GEJ 5yrs & seeking re-election to admit that corruption is even a real problem in Nigeria.

  4. Interesting and enlightening, Atiku always gets my attention cause he knows what he is talking about. If only we had more leaders that see the bigger picture, we would have a fast growing economy and be competing with world leading economies in the near future.

  5. The cable has done a very important job by interviewing Turaki, he has really demonstrated the kind of qualities he possessed as a leader, that is why it is important to talk about issues not personality. By looking at the power sector, he raised some problems and proffered solutions immediately that shows you how prepared Turaki is for the office of the president.

  6. Atiku’s interview proves he understand the challenges facing us as a nation and a preferred solution to it. Nigeria truly need leaders like him, he seems more prepared for the task of leadership. #ANigeriaForAll..

  7. Atiku’s interview shows he understand the challenges facing us as a nation and a preferred solution to it. Nigeria truly need leaders like him, he seems more prepared for the task of leadership. #ANigeriaForAll..


  9. Interesting interview. I just wonder why travelling to US will always be problematic for Atiku. I have heard him talked about being rich before coming into office. And I ask, how did he come into money and riches in the first place? I learnt he was a Custom officer before. He must take us to root of this corruption label.

    1. What is wrong in him been a custom officer? Anyway he stated openly that he ventured into private businesses(Real Estates and Oil servicing)even before leaving the NCS. check NICOTES and INTELS NIG LTD.

    2. I think it’s unfair of you to accuse the man, when you don’t even know his history. If you want to accuse Atiku, accuse him of never really leaving private business even as a customs officer. Because the man has been doing business like one Igbo man since time immemorial.

      His company is one of the biggest in the Niger Delta, and he has been operating it since he left customs. My cousin works there.

  10. Nice interview, I think people should no longer accept political sentiments and blackmail because anyone that read this interview will believe Atiku, as a matter of fact nigerians are been divided along ethic and religious diversity, for us to progress we have to learn to see each other as brothers instead of too distance strangers. Must people accuse Atiku as corrupt politician forgetting the fact he is into business long ago.

    1. Why did he not support Jonathan after he was well beaten at the PDP primaries?! It simply shows you he will not support anyone that is not from the north. Atiku lies like a little child. This interview actually reveals more than just sweet answers. It reveals a man who should never rule Nigeria.

  11. Charity, they say begins at home. Please ask our self-proclaimed pragmatic Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar how much he has done for his JADA and GANYE Communities all this while since he has Nigeria at heart? What has he done to his Adamawa State people in terms of attracting Federal Government Projects during his 8 years tenure? Who ate and frustrated the completion of GOMBI to MUBI Road? Enough of his Media and partisan politicking talks.How much has he done to stop the BOKO HARAM Killings which is ravaging his home state than empty criticism of others. Please ask former President Obasanjo who Atiku is and He will tell you. Give Atiku one empty room of Nigeria and he will sell the whole house for his personal gains. Atiku Abubakar is egocentric and never ultruistic as uninsigthful Nigerians may think. I do not hate him but this is the plain truth about the fact of the matter. Allah will judge all those who have looted Nigeria for their personal gains all these years. Can’t you see the reason as part of why we have all the Militant Groups across the country?

    1. Must u hate Atiku? Read this interview and fault the positions he made. I am also not particularly a fan of his. But then, I chose tolisten to him. Our libration as a people could come from a direction we least expected. Let us open our hearts and dwell not in the misgivings of the past.

    2. You are just naive about Turaki. I am native of Adamawa and have seen how he has contributed to the locals in terms of business, employment, educating youths on IT and AUN scholarship. Because you and I did not benefit does not mean he has not assisted. He is far better than all the Adamawa elites who refuses to invest in the state. Your point is too personal.

      1. This interview has deepened my awareness of Atiku as a person. His clarity and understanding of the Nigerian political space is much more than I can say of any other politician. I think he’ll make a good president one day!

  12. It is good that Turaki took the time to set the record straight with regards to the negative perception he was given by OBJ because of his refusal to support third term. we cannot be fooled into believing such malicious accusations against him just because he was unwilling to back what wrong.

  13. It is good that Atiku took the time to set the record straight with regards to the negative perception he was given by OBJ. We cannot be fooled into believing such malicious lies just because he was unwilling to support third term. Atiku remains a true democrat who should be credited with the preservation of our democracy.

  14. I’m not particularly a fan of Atiku’s, but he’s a lot smarter than the people calling the shots right now. Prepared? Yes he is. See his reaction to the power supply question. His image in my opinion was deliberately tainted by Obasanjo. Intelligent people know it was a calculated ploy. I don’t believe he’s any more corrupt (if at all) than the people trying to make us believe he’s corrupt. Regarding Boko Haram, it’s unfair to blame him for not doing enough. He’s not the president. We have only one commander-in-chief, with all the resources of the country to unleash on insurgents. I’ll ask you to go to American University of Nigeria (AUN) in Yola and you’ll see what a real tertiary institution should look like. You’ll see serious people running a real university. Atiku is the founder. Contrast that to the nonsense called universities that the Fed. govt. littered the whole country with. Look, it’s up to you and me to cast all sentiments aside and try people with real leadership qualities for a change. For me, I’ll vote for an Atiku Abubakar anyday instead of what we have now. Think about it….

  15. Atiku is lying again, this time even more brazenly! Atiku says the perception of corruption against him started only after his “rift” with his former boss. This is a very white lie! In fact it was after his very public fight with Obasanjo that Atiku enjoyed unbelievable goodwill from Nigerians and from the press. Prior to that time, he was being accused by Nigerians of exploiting the privatization process to buy up all government properties for himself. So negative public perception about him started even much earlier.
    Atiku also said that “the then DG of BPE, Nasir El-Rufai went under oath at the National Assembly to testify that I had never made any requests or acquired anything during his tenure at the BPE. Yet, after my disagreements with my boss, he went and wrote a book that I was corrupt”. This is lie Number 2, and an even bigger one! Right before el-Rufai became minister, he had accused (then Senators) Jonathan Zwingina and Ibrahim Mantu of demanding 8 million naira bribe from him for his ministerial confirmation, which he claimed Atiku paid. Certainly, el-Rufai’s book did not follow the sequence that Atiku claimed. The said El Rufai’s testimony at the National Assembly (which ‘exonerated’ Atiku) happened long after his fight with Obasanjo, and not before as Attiku claimed.
    Atiku also condemned the presidential ‘arbitrariness’ in the handling of the affairs of the oil sector, which he now claimed he was not part of. Yet, when Atiku was accused, for instance, of spending $50 million dollars PTDF money illegally, he tried to defend himself by saying that he sought and got approval directly from his boss, the then president. So is this not arbitrariness? Was he then not a beneficiary?
    And I am disappointed with The Cable for not reminding Atiku that the issues with him in the United States is in connection with the report of the US Joint Senate Committee which made allegations of money laundering, and also the $2.8 million part of the Siemens bribery scandal which was traced to his wife’s Potomac Maryland account.
    Atiku said that he tried to visit the US last year for the first time since 2007! He said he has not visited the US because his family had relocated. Is it the same family who are American citizens or is it another one? So your family, who are American citizens left the US close to 10 years ago and have not gone back? Why? And even then, you, the international businessman, who travels almost every other week, has not had reason to go there since? So you mean, Atiku, that you had not been travelling to the US before your family went to live there?
    Now, I suspect that all this arrangee ‘attempted trip’ to the US was arranged to look like you really wanted to go there (for political reasons). Because, you cannot tell us that you did not know that your diplomatic visa would have become ineffective the moment you left office 7 years ago. No way!

    1. Were you there when it all happened? You are hearing from the horses mouth and you still claim to know better. Anyway you are just doing your job but i will advice you keep mute when someone comes up with a superior argument. He was investigated and found not guilty of all you are accusing him of. You can as well tell your paymasters to revisit the case if you feel otherwise.

    2. Why not check the DSN list copy the page that has Atiku and post here for all to see if truly all you are saying is true.

  16. Atiku is one of the few Patriots left from his generation.He loved Nigeria with passion.Am so glad that he gave this interview.He deserves more than what he’s getting from the political class.The fact that he habors no ill feelings towards anyone despite all he did to help built a better Nigeria and the way he was maliciously portrayed peaks volumes about his character.
    Henry Fadojutimi
    Atiku presidential support Group

  17. Really interesting and revealing interview. Atiku has confirmed his ethno/religious bias in his quest for the no. 1 office. As a good party man, what stops him after losing PDP primaries to GEJ from supporting the party to win election? Rather he chose to work with CPC and ACN.
    Atiku with his mouth has confirmed himself a tribal leader. He has no respect for a President from any other tribe or religion outside his own. His quest for presidency primarily has been driven by his selfish and parochial interests that runs counter to the interest of majority of Nigerians.
    While trying to deny, Atiku succeeded to establish the fact to he is standing out as a northern president. For now we ne need a national leader.

    To be a good leader, you must be a good follower. How has Atiku shown himself to be a good follower?
    Since leaving the VP office, how has supported those in power to lead the nation, apart from Pull-Him-Down (Phd) campaign?
    If Atiku has the interest of the country at heart, as he claims, and if he has the solution to the nations problems and not being selfish, what stops him from presenting same not minding he is not the president?
    Recently one of the national dailies quoted Atiku as calling for the suspension of the emergency rule Adamawa State for the sake of elections. Could be a call from someone who cares for the down trodden?
    Just ponder on these.

    1. Atiku is one leader who is detribalised and lives beyond ethnic and religious sentiments. I feel he is doing his best in supporting this country, if I may ask; how many politician or prominent Nigerians has done 1/3 of what Atiku is doing presently. As an individual he has created jobs opportunity for over 30- 50,000 Nigerians in different part of the country, even in the present case of insurgency he
      is distributing relief materials to the IDPs and calling international attention and support. What more do u want him to do before u understand he is supporting the govt, or do u expect him to start schooling GEJ on how to govern the country.

      1. Being a moneybag with many workers is different from being a patriotic leader. That Atiku’s business empire employs 50000 workers those that automatically qualify him for presidency? If that be the case, we know who the cap fits. Certainly not Atiku.
        I like you address the issues I raised as a fallout of Atiku’s comments in conjunction with ADOKI’s comment above. You’ll find out the sweet words of Atiku in interview could be anything but factual. Look at the referred comments and lets hear you.
        One of greatest problem we have in this nation that we now have a generation who have become parents but poor knowledge of the nation’s history, even events of the 21st century

  18. Buhari is Good but Atiku is definitely a better presidential material in many ways.especially in terms of how to get thing really done.his successful private enterprises prove it.

  19. Weldone cable for helping me in lightning the dackness that covers the individuals whom for long time am tryng to convince that my mento is a man who is ready to govern this great nation with a great resources. I challenge all so called politicians to go back to their home towns and invest the way Atiku did, to reduce the number of unemployed youth. In the issue of BH he can only talk and advice which i bleave he is doing so, cause he is not a commanda in chief of army. So Turaki, am assuaring you that today, with this intervew thousands of people get to know who you are and how prepared you are to reform nigera. We are solidly behind you Barkaama Allah vallu.

  20. I do believe that only two persons prepared for the presidency of Nigeria :Awolowo and Atiku. Much more, I believe that our liberation will come from someone we least expect. Like Keshi gave the afcon, Atiku could deliver the dividend we desired. Come to think of it both Keshi and Atiku are undesirable by Nigerians. Those who love them love them to a fault and these who hate them hate them with passion.

  21. For me, this is an intelligent and objective view coming from someone who has never got my support. I think people like Turaki deserve a chance to rule this country. One of the problems we have is that people who have solutions like this don’t ever get to position where they can be able to call the shot.

    It is not a matter of what he has done as a person with his billions neither is it a matter of the fact that he has been there before, I think Nigeria needs a leader who knows what he wants, where he wants it done and who to select to get it done. The Office of the President is not a joke or a child’s play, it requires political preparedness, political doggedness, political will, political wherewithal, political ability and capacity, political agility, it also require someone who has done well privately to be able to give drive to achieving the Nigeria of our dream.

    One of the problems of the current leadership is the fear of stepping on toes. Meanwhile, to fix Nigeria, one will step on sooooo many toes. However, if one is prepared, stepping on toes will be an easy ride because when the masses get results, the rest is secured.

    Without much ado, having followed @Atiku, for a couple of months now, I think and I’m sure that the new/born again Turaki Adamawa is needed now to rule Nigeria more than ever.

    God bless Nigeria

    Debo Nariwo

  22. Really impressed by what I have just read and not only this, but in other places I have seen Atiku speak. He is clearly the most prepared man for the job and as I believe when preparation meets with oppourtunity the we see incredible results. To all that are passing negative comments consider yourself free to judge if you have never made a mistake before and if your life is heavily scrutinized we would find no single blemish. Its time we wake up as nigerians and vote for proactive leaders and not reactive leaders, vote for leaders with a real vision for the country and with the ideas to implement this vision and not just people who talk and from their speech we can see how empty they really are

  23. Honestly am impressed at the rest responses given to the interview by H.E Atiku A. Many of his financial and social status are only been selfish but in his case selfless to the core. His nature of mindful and visionary leader we pray 2015. Ride on the good work even if not here, a bigger reward awaits u directly from God. Good Success Alh. Turaki Adamawa.

  24. Sorry what I meant to say in that second line statement is that “many of his kind with such financial and social status possessed just as Atiku, are only been selfish but in his own case selfless” point of correction also to that word rest before responses……it was a typographical error. Thanks Long live Olumide
    Long live AA Turaki Adamawa
    Long live Nigerians
    God bless the FR of NIG.

  25. Sorry point of correction……… in second statement from many of his kind….. I meant to say, “many of his kind with such financial and social status possessed just like Atiku, are only selfish but in his case, he is selfless to the core. the word rest before responses is a typographical error pls.

  26. We know this time around nigeria they need a good leader like general Buhari. We r advise for Atiku to support a honest person gen. Buhari nigeria need him to solve the problem. God bless nigeria and God bless you Sir, Atiku

  27. Atiku will use his desperation to oppress nigerian’s interest and will use his political brilliancy negatively for the country if we try him.He will betray us like the current betrayal we are seing.Pls for God sake and because of our children,let us not make mistake.Buhari is better.

  28. Atiku’s responses just confirmed how unintelligent Buhari is. He addressed issues with mental sophistication and i agree he’s prepared for the job. It goes to show that beyond integrity, u need intelligence and understanding of governance as a democrat. You also need energy. This is not to say i would vote for him if i am asked to choose between him and GEJ, but ofcos if i’m restricted to Atiku and Buhari it is Atiku all d way.

  29. Atiku has been one of the set back in the North East where he claimed to have come from. He is promising heaven and earth. Let me ask him what happened to the money for the construction of Mayo – Jada – Ganye road which was kept in his custody a place he claimed he came from is one of the most poor developed in Adamawa state. I dont talk as a man reporting from what i hear but as a man who is in the picture of the happenings

  30. I’m really surprised at most persons who have commented;how on earth should a judge convict himself if he actually committed a crime.Please brethren let’s not be aroused easily by words and statements from these self serving politicians,for goodness sake we are educated and should be smart enough not to be cajoled.Who amongst all politicians that does not have sugarcoated tongue;is it Fashola,Tinubu,Oshiomhole.They are all the same.

  31. A leader is the one that always have principle and ready to bring change as we appreciate this interview. There wil be a change if Turaki become the next president of Nigeria

  32. This man is just deceiving us all. I once visited a NEPA office in Lagos to pay a family friend’s bill, I got in a conversation with the cashier about the state of power in the country. He told me authoritatively that people like Atiku are the one’s behind the slow improvement in the power sector because he’s one of the biggest importer of generator sets into the country, so tell me, how does this kind of person make the power sector work if he’s benefiting hugely from importation of generators. Like they say; What is the prayer of every coffin seller? Amaechi and Fashola are the best candidate for me, just that they need more years to campaign and win the heart of all Nigerians. God bless Nigeria. I rest my case.

  33. The whole process must be driven by passion. Interest is key in democracy or any elective ambition. OBJ was ‘begged’ to come and rule in 2008, Yar’adua was imposed by OBJ in 2007, GEJ becomes the only man that leadership cap fits his end in 2014. Haba! I have nothing against Turaki, but I am fascinated by his ambition and interest. someone like him may just spring performance surprises. I am always surprised when I make attempt to quantify the huge financial and material resources he had committed into becoming Nigerian President from 1993 to date,which never saw the light of the day. Awolowo made similar frantic efforts, but only died as the best President Nigeria never had. I agreed with a comment that Muhammadu Buhari is a preferred choice in comparison.

  34. Emma what evidence do you have to show Atiku is corrupt. Show us. Nigerians are living in darkness. What is happening now in our history has never been seen before. You give a dog a bad name to kill it. All I am saying is that this government would have gone after Atiku if they had any evidence against him. Show me the evidence just one!!! I am sure you are an angel with clean hands in all you dealings in life. Atiku keep talking! Time will tell.

  35. I think most of the issues raise are been tackle by GEJ administration but because people attentions has been turn away from the performance of GEJ administration people still cannot appreciate such effort. I think we should support GEJ to complete the good work he has started

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