
‘Basic necessities are becoming unbearable’ — Saleh Ashaka writes open letter to president Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu President Bola Tinubu


Dear President Tinubu,

I write to you today with a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks as I express the deep anguish and frustration millions of Nigerians feel regarding the exorbitant cost of living in our beloved country. The struggles ordinary citizens face in affording basic necessities are becoming unbearable, and urgent action is needed to alleviate their suffering.

Mr. President, the high cost of living has permeated every aspect of our lives. From the soaring food prices that leave families struggling to put meals on the table to the astronomical rent rates that make finding decent housing a distant dream for many, the burden is weighing heavily on the shoulders of Nigerians. We are caught in a vicious cycle where the more we earn, the more we spend to survive, leaving us trapped in a never-ending struggle to make ends meet.

The issue of inflation cannot be ignored when discussing this dire situation. Prices of essential goods and services continue to rise at an alarming rate, far outpacing the growth of incomes. Just a few years ago, one could walk into a market with a modest budget and come home with a basket full of groceries. Today, that same budget barely covers a fraction of what is needed to feed a family for a week. It is heartbreaking to witness the desperation in the eyes of parents who cannot provide for their children adequately or the despair of young graduates who cannot afford to start their own families due to financial constraints.


Education, once seen as the great equaliser, has become a luxury that only a few can afford. Tuition fees have skyrocketed, putting quality education out of reach for most Nigerians. Our youth, the future leaders of this nation, are denied opportunities to excel and contribute to the development of our society simply because they cannot afford the increasingly expensive cost of education. This perpetuates a cycle of poverty and inequality that hampers our progress as a nation.

Furthermore, healthcare costs have become a significant burden on Nigerian families. Access to quality healthcare services has become a luxury reserved for the wealthy, while most Nigerians struggle to afford even primary medical care. This not only jeopardises the health and well-being of our citizens but also hinders our national development. A healthy population is vital for economic growth and prosperity.

Mr. President, it is essential that we address the root causes of the high cost of living in Nigeria. We must tackle corruption head-on, as it is one of the key factors contributing to the financial hardships faced by our people. The mismanagement of public resources and the embezzlement of funds meant for public welfare only exacerbate the suffering of ordinary citizens. Investing in critical sectors such as agriculture and infrastructure is paramount. We need to prioritise food security by supporting local farmers and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. This will help reduce our reliance on expensive imported food items and create employment opportunities for our youth.


Additionally, improving our infrastructure will lower the cost of transportation, energy, and communication – all contributing significantly to the cost of living. As a nation, we must also encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. By creating an enabling environment for small and medium-sized enterprises to thrive, we can stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and reduce the burden on the average Nigerian. Access to affordable loans and business support services should be readily available to individuals with entrepreneurial aspirations.

In conclusion, Mr. President, the high cost of living in Nigeria is a pressing issue that requires your immediate attention and decisive action. The people of this great nation are counting on you to implement policies and strategies that will alleviate their suffering and restore hope for a better future. We need leadership that listens to the cries of the people, understands their struggles, and takes tangible steps towards positive change. I implore you, Mr. President, to stand up for the ordinary citizens drowning in the rising tide of living expenses. Let us work together to create a Nigeria where basic necessities are affordable and opportunities for growth and prosperity are within reach of all.

Yours faithfully,


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