
Boko Haram ‘set to name Chibok negotiator’

With the Nigerian government backtracking on its initial stand not to negotiate with Boko Haram for the freedom of the Chibok hostages, the group may release its terms on Wednesday.

The insurgents are expected to name their negotiator and list the names of their “brethren” they want released from prison, including those who have been convicted for terrorism.

The Telegraph of London, in an exclusive report, said a northern cleric may be nominated by the militants to discuss with the federal government.

A likely contentious aspect of their terms is the one-hostage-for-one-prisoner demand, meaning for every hostage they release, government must free a Boko Haram prisoner or detainee.


The British newspaper did not name the cleric, but in the past Dr. Datti Ahmed, president of the Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria (SCSN), attempted to broker talks between the government and the militants.

The Kano-based cleric later withdrew, accusing the Goodluck Jonathan administration of being insincere.

The founder of Boko Haram, Mohammed Yusuf, was Ahmed’s deputy at the council before he was killed in police custody in 2009.


Ahmed is understood to still have credible links to the group.

Some of the prisoners Boko Haram will seek their release may include Kabiru Sokoto, who was jailed for leading the 2011 Christmas day attack on a Catholic church in Madalla, Niger State, in which 44 worshippers died.

Another prisoner that may be named is Mustapha Umar, a self-confessed Boko Haram member who was jailed for life for bombing the office of THISDAY in Kaduna State in April 2012.

Boko Haram may also seek the release of family members detained by the security agencies – although some of them, including the wife of the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau, have already been freed as part of a botched peace deal.


The Telegraph reported that the group will give the cleric “clear terms of reference” for how it wants the negotiations to be conducted, and “will also spell out the practical details of how it would set the girls free”.

With hopes fading as no clue has yet been found on the location of the over 200 schoolgirls, the government appears to be softening its stand.

There are fears in security circles that if the government delays in taking up the offer to do a deal for the girls’ freedom, Boko Haram may begin to harm them to hasten negotiation.

Alhaji Taminu Turaki, minister of special duties and head of the ineffective amnesty committee, said on Tuesday that the government was open to “dialogue on any issue” – contrary to the reaction of interior minister, Abba Moro, who initially ruled out negotiation.


Senate President David Mark also ruled out negotiation while speaking in China on Tuesday.

  1. It govt accepts to swap prisoners, then, Boko Haram has won d war. We should leave the northeast for d terrorists to rule over, let Biafra go, and let Oduduwa decide. RIP Nigeria, 1914 – 2014

    1. Raph you are very heartless how i wish you know what dat those people in the northeast are human beings like u. But bcos your sister is not part of the abduction saga thats why u lack good brain to reason well. Since dats ur prayers to the northeast. I will also pray for u and ur families to fall in such calamity. People lyk u should be in the bush. It very simple the Federal govt wil exchange the girls the bh and later attack and kill them all dats all. But bcos u lack sense u ar talking rubbish.

  2. @Keke, i totally disagree with your comment, what if they negotiate and they end up still killing the girls. Boko Haram is not to be trusted. Watch 24 and see that Terrorists always wins when it comes to negotiations.

  3. To negotiate any terms with BH as being demanded by the sect is akin to dancing naked in the market place. There should be no compromise with evil, to do otherwise is to shun the caution and mood of the entire civilized world and to tread hopelessly the path of self destruction.

  4. The alternative to negotiation is death of ALL the hostages. If the Government attempt to free those girl, the result would be death – and am sure America knows better. There is no country of the world who doesn't negotiate with the Terrorist. I repeat NONE, the only thing is that it is always covertly done.

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