
Boko Haram ‘joins ISIS’

Boko Haram has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (IS), according to an audio statement released on the group’s Twitter account.

Though the sect hailed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of IS in one of its previous videos, this is the first time that it would be identifying with the group, which has large parts of Syria and Iraq under its control.

In recent times, the similarities between both groups are becoming too glaring.

Unlike the past, Boko Haram’s videos are now coming with professionally-designed graphics and subtitles in French and Hausa.


On Monday, Boko Haram released a video that was posted on Twitter by SITE intelligence group, which also posts videos on behalf of IS.

However, in Saturday’s audio, Abubakar Shekau, leader of the sect said his group will obey IS “in times of difficulties and prosperity”.

“As to what follows, from your brother in Allah, Abu Mohammed Abu Bakr bin Mohammed Shekau, the Imam of Jama’tu Ahlus Sunnah Lidda Awati Wal Jihad to the caliph of Muslims Abu Bakr Ibrahim bin Awad bin Ibrahim al-Husseini al-Qurashi,” he said.


“We are sending you this message, following what Allah said in his Quran: And hold fast, all together, to the rope of Allah and not be divided among ourselves.

“And what the prophet said; whoever died and had not Imam, died by ignorance. In submission to the order of Allah ‘Azza wa jal’, and submission to order of the prophet peace be upon him, we announce our allegiance to the caliphate of the Muslims Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim al-Husseini al-Qurashi and will hear and obey in times of difficulty and prosperity, in hardship and ease, and to endure being discriminated against and not to dispute about the rule with those in power except in the case of infidelity.”

Shekau called on Muslims across the world to equally support for ISIS, saying the new alliance with the group would help to fight enemies of the religion.

“We call on Muslims everywhere to pledge allegiance to the caliphate and support him, as obedience to Allah and as their application of the absent duty era,” he said.


“We pledge allegiance to the caliphate because of the interest of the Ummah in their religion and in their Dunya to have an Imam that looks after them according to Allah’s rule and fight the enemy of Islam and those who fights the rule of Allah and this is the completeness of the religion with the book that guides and the sword that favour seven the religion and the world for Muslims will never be complete without it; interest of sons of Adam won’t be successful without them being united under one Jamaa’ah after their gathering together; they must have a head, and it’s not a problem even if less of the groups who oppose the others unite for this cause.

“We pledge allegiance because there is no cure of the dissimilarity that Ummah have except the caliphate. We also call on all the Muslims to join us in this goodness, because it would enrage the enemy of Allah. By Allah, our gathering under one banner, under one Imam is heavier to the enemy’s morality than for them to attain victory on the battle field.”

  1. Boko Haram is thus bringing the imperialism of the USA and the Western Powers into to Africa at a time when the 52 or so African States must concentrate on the establishingt of a unity government such as a United States of Africa (USA2)or a Union of African States (UAS).

  2. Like I’ve always fear, Boko-Haram has now confirmed my suspicion and I hope the Government of the day will not handle this with kid’s gloves like we did in 2010 when they made their initial threats.
    Normally, those who claimed to know Shekau’s whereabouts ought to cover their faces in shame now because, he’s suppose to be dead now, NOT alive enough to do this.
    I hope this West African Coasts Countries will realise that this is now a full fledge war for the region and rise up to it with all determination.

    In another 4 years, I hope and pray that we’ll have good stories to tell.

    1. @ olatunbosun I can bet with my life you are an APC supporter.always easy to spot and always hoping the government of the day will fail

  3. Hummnnn….The predictions are coming true.That Boko Haram will be defeated. That they will change name. That they will come back strong. That when they destroy Christians in thousands happily believing they are assisting Allah (not God) to destroy his enemies.
    But God is great and needs NO MAN’S help. Man is too feeble and weak to help God.

    1. We hope this govt will ensure total defeat of this dangerous sect who are hiding under religion to perpetrate their evil act once and for all.

      1. I believe all we need is prayer against this boko… people,Allah said in it’s holy book that Islam is HIS religion,so HE will guide it himself,they are hiding under the umbrella of the Holy book,let’s see if Allah is behind them or not,I believe HE is not,he knows how to deal with them,let’s everybody pray to Almighty to protect us and not to turn this to war,I believe our God is one,be it christian or muslim,we are all for God,even the theist,they call on God.God should pls have mercy on us o

  4. @Olawole, I never knew some Nigerians think like me – which should come first ‘rebuilding Chibok school or bringing back the girls’.. As for Bokos, they re bunch of animals and should know that evil has never won and will never win any battle.. I hope the government of the day wuldnt fold their arms 2 these..

  5. Shekau’s plan will come to nothing he has forgotten that Arabs always see blacks as slaves so even if he claims allegiance till hell eventually catches up with him,ISIL will still not give him equal recognition. Secondly, what are we even talking about in a few months both ISIL and Boko Haram will be like a dream of the night,like chaffs been driven away by the wind. Mark my word except Jesus is not the son of God will this not come to pass. He is the son of God and his Kingdom is from everlasting to everlasting.
    Thirdly, I’m taken aback when I hear that boko haram will only negotiate with Nigerians if Mohammed Buhari will be present.hmmmmph I’m not partisan but God help Nigeria.

    1. @laudy I love ur comment.except Jesus did not die 4 the whole world. But. I think its an end time warning

      I also want to say that the god dat delight In the blood of people(probably bcos dat god is not d creator) is not worth following. D god dat you fight for ;does not worth bn served.

    2. Like one Nigerian warri born American based singer rightly said,the highest problem we have in this country is tribalism.Even this cable comments is dominated by a particular tribe in Nigeria.It is the day that Nigeria gets over their tribal differences that they would move forward as a nation and surmount their problems including insurgencies

  6. Who is this Allah ? Who is this Allah dat boko haram,Isis & their cohorts are serving? How would the creator delight in destroying the work of his hand ? True God showyourself

    1. Bokoharam or haramboko or ISIS or al-qeda or whatever fundamental name they choose to go with are all the same.These are bunch of egoistic criminals that are not even regarded as true Muslims by their tenets of faith.Most of them were banished from their former countries of birth by the government of their countries because of their many criminal activities.Many Islamic countries including Jordan who had vowed now to fight against ISIS forever,as a result of behading a Jordanian pilot captured by them had been fighting against the ISIS together with USA.Nigeria should join in the permanent fight against the boko haram and ISIS.Let the punishment for every boko haram offenders be immediate capital punishment since they have been killing innocent Nigerians.Let their be no negotiations or soft handling of offenders.Life for life.Their prefered candidiate should be rejected by all Nigerians

  7. Facts about Boko Haram:

    In May 2014, African Renaissance News published an in-depth report on Boko Haram, wondering whether it could be another CIA covert operation to take control of Nigeria.

    Boko Haram is based in northeast Nigeria, the most populated country and largest economy in Africa. Nigeria is the largest oil producer of the continent with 3.4% of the World’s reserves of crude oil. While the atrocities committed by Boko Haram are being used to justify an R2P “humanitarian” intervention in Nigeria, it is worth noting that covert financial support as well as military training has been channeled to Boko Haram by two of America’s staunchest allies: Saudi Arabia and the UK.

    Boko Haram receives funding from different groups from Saudi Arabia and the UK, specifically from the Al-Muntada Trust Fund, headquartered in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia’s Islamic World Society.

    Moreover Boko Haram has ties to two Al-Qaeda affiliated organizations namely Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), both of which were supported covertly by Western intelligence and NATO (during the war on Libya).

    What is the hidden agenda of this diabolical covert operation directed against Nigeria? To Weaken and destabilize Nigeria as a Nation State of 160 million people, trigger sectarian divisions and then come to the rescue of Nigeria under a humanitarian military banner.

    A divided and warring Nigeria ultimately serves the interests of the United States as cited by Zbigniew Brzezinski, top adviser to Barack Obama and leading US foreign policy theoretician. Brzezinski, who co-founded the Trilateral Commission and openly credits himself with the creation of the Afghan Mujahideen [24], has influenced policy that encourages the division of existing nation-states by the succession and emergence of micro-states, based on all cultural, ethnic and religious peculiarities.

    A shattered Nigeria would ultimately create conditions where China’s growing cooperation with Abuja can be challenged and ultimately, disrupted. China has provided extensive economic, military and political support to Nigeria, an important source of oil and petroleum for Beijing. In addition to sponsoring Nigeria for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council ,China has invested in Africa’s booming telecommunications market by building and launching a geostationary commercial satellite, owned by Nigeria and operated in Abuja as a gesture of increased partnership between the two nations. In 2010, China and Nigeria signed a $23 billion deal to construct three fuel refineries in Nigeria, adding an extra 750,000 barrels per day of domestic refining capacity.

    Finally, Boko Haram exists as a separate arm of the US destabilization apparatus, aimed at shattering Africa’s most populous nation and biggest potential market. As Russia and China continue to assert themselves in the UNSC against calls to intervene on behalf of Syria’s militant opposition, the international community must adequately investigate the sources responsible for orchestrating insurgent activity in the Sahel and reprimand those parties accordingly.

  8. What is the problem for devil pledging alliance to another devil. God is on the throne and as long as Christians remain faithful, God will not let evil prevail. Sure they will gather, but our God will scatter them and they shall flee in several directions. Victory is certain if only will can depart from our sinful ways.

  9. @ George, Sometimes I wonder the myopic way people make contributions to issues and challenges that are glaring. We are talking about a war by the ISIS and BH and you are talking partisan politics.
    This is not issue of Nigeria alone, @ olatubosun saying the African states should wake up and another 4 years of “sidon look” might be too late and you are talking about APC. when the water becomes hot, even the toughest skin is burnt.

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