
Can a circumcised woman enjoy sex? Why not?

Sometime ago, popular blogger, Linda Ikeji, revealed a rather personal and controversial secret to her readers she has following her blog. This isn’t the first time such a public figure would be revealing such personal secrets to the ‘world’. If you missed it, here’s the post below:

I haven’t been with a man in so long, that I hardly remember what it feels like anymore. Mostly for two reasons; One, I was brought up in a kind of way. I have to really be into someone before I can share my body with them, and I haven’t met anyone special in a long while, so I’ve been riding solo. It makes me very sad sometimes…

Secondly, I’ve never really enjoyed sex. And I blame it on the fact that I was circumcised. Some things were cut off, so there’s not much sensation down there. I mean, I enjoyed intimacy and when the tongue was at work, but penetration was a different case. Half the time, I couldn’t wait for him to get off me. (I can’t believe I’m writing all these on the Internet). So usually, I tell myself why seek something you don’t particularly enjoy? What’s the point really? So I’ve basically just stayed away.

But lately I have been feeling somehow and I think it’s time to get my groove back. I want to feel like a woman again, so I’ve decided to find a man before the end of the year. But I don’t want to be turned off sex again. As a circumcised woman, how can I make myself enjoy sex? Does circumcision even have anything to do with it? That’s always been my belief because other circumcised women I’ve spoken with say they don’t enjoy sex either… at least not as much as women who were not circumcised. 


After she posted such controversial piece, she got a lot of reviews and comments, some proffering solutions to her problem, others agreeing with her opinion. Amongst them was an old acquaintance that got heed of her predicament and decided to offer a ‘friendly’ advice. Her advice: “My dear, if you don’t enjoy vaginal sex why don’t you try anal sex?” Of course, that ended their friendship as Linda took offence in such an obscure advice wondering why she would have to go through pain to attain pleasure.

A Parent’s Pride

Female Circumcision, otherwise known as female genital mutilation, involves the cutting-off of the clitoris, the most sensitive part of the female orifice. In the ancient days, circumcision was perceived to be a sign of comportment when it came to promiscuity. It was seen as a sure cure for sexual promiscuity among women. Then it was believed that female genital mutilation supposedly helped to ward off certain kinds of diseases in women.

Though considered as barbaric, the hygienic potentials of female circumcision commend it to successive generations of families save for, of course, the many superstitious beliefs such as women who are not circumcised make love to spirits in their sleep who, in turn, cause unhealthy appetite for sexual intercourse. It is also said that such women give birth to Ogbanje (Abiku).


With such unwholesome tales, out of fear and possible stigmatization, most mothers make sure that they circumcised their daughters. It was even perceived that men had their wives put on chastity belts worn around their private part before they left for the farm so that their wives do not seek other men. As time progressed, parents particularly took pride in this act. They couldn’t help the respect they attained from friends and foes at the assertion that their daughter had been circumcised oblivious to the possible detrimental effects it could pose to the girl child. All they knew at that time was that they could flaunt the fact that their daughter wouldn’t run around demanding for sexual intercourse.

A Societal Advantage and Disadvantage

Being female and circumcised isn’t as mandatory as that of the male which was ordained by God, but it is done to arrest the interest and arousal for sex by the womenfolk i.e. promiscuity and to some, avoid giving birth to children, who would live for short periods of time, die and come back to their mothers’ wombs only to be born and continue the cycle, bringing grief and pain to the family.

The process of female genital mutilation, called clitoridectomy in modern medicine, involves the instrument of the art used to perform this inspires much awe with its crudity and savage look. A hard metal carving knife is usually used in cutting the clitoris, whereupon herbal concoctions are used to stop blood flow and ameliorate the excruciating pains. As the baby cries, the mother takes pleasure in the feeling that, at least, she has a normal woman made ready for her husband’s ecstasy. To further speed up the healing process, palm oil is applied to the wound intermittently using a feather to spread the oil along the cut edges of the former position occupied by the clitoris.

The parents are satisfied knowing that their daughter won’t be prone to sexual demands and would abhor or prevent them from bringing shame to the family.  It was their reason then and it still is their reason now, although most doctors seem to reveal that their only obligation to perform the operation is to prove that modern science can be a lot safer than traditional science.


However, having involved the cutting off of the most needed sexual organ, a girl is likely not to ever get sexually aroused or ever feel or have an orgasm. This affects her in her early stages in life when she becomes sexually active and most likely in marriage as even though the probability of her being faithful is high, it could affect the sexual relationship between her and her spouse.

Apparently, the parents wish has indeed being granted but has in turn marred a lady’s sexual life, which undeniably is a gift from God in her marriage. Most cases of such sexual instability lead to the annulment of the marriage as they are perceived by their spouse to be frigid in bed and the law allows for such reason for annulment. While most leads to the sought for alternative attainment of pleasure hence lesbianism. Some resort to the opposite sex for intercourse claiming it’s less demanding while others rather go for, though not healthy, anal sex like Linda’s ‘friend’ advised.

There is, however, no cure for such predicament except a lady finds one who truly loves her and is willing to forfeit whatever plight she might have. This doesn’t affect childbirth or pregnancy so the marriage will indeed be fruitful. Her spouse should work towards discovering other spots on her body that can ignite her sexual feeling again as anything from a simple touch can cause an arousal. But this demands patience and a lot of time and love.

NB: If you need to talk to a doctor concerning this, please mail [email protected]

  1. I think female mutilation is good to an extent, maybe in Christian homes, although the Holy Bible does’nt actually approve of it. Men circumcision is biblical. Whatever the case maybe, it’s still improper to deny a woman her sexual right or real intimacy. Some marital problems can be solve not to have been created in the first place by an over serious parents!.

  2. where genital mutilation is carried out at adult age, the chances are that females may have learnt to stimulate the clitoris to attaining orgasm, a condition that can be easily reawakened after mutilation. For females who were mutilated at childhood when prior stimulation and arousal of the clitoris has ever been learnt and experienced, attaining clitoral orgasm is still possible albeit with a lot more self learning and practice.

  3. Mutilation of the female genital is very bad and should be discouraged. It’s like a brand new car without an engine.

  4. Could putting a stop to female circumstition part of the reasons for increased promiscuity among youths of this day.

  5. As a circumcised woman I cannot sympathise with Linda Ikeji. The purpose of the custom is to reduce desire and sexual pleasure so it becomes an act of love and devotion within marriage, not of selfish pleasure and hedonism when single. She should stop her promiscuity and seek a good husband.

    1. It is true;my somali wife is better than my italian first wife,who often desired sex for her selfish satisfaction while Uba has sex only to satisfy me

  6. Your comment..I think the circumcised women can still enjoy sex, all they need to do is to show concern for the act and tell their partners where exactly to touch to arouse them ( the breast, tickling, under the foot etc), the lady should also participate by gently placing her finger on the mutilated clitoris. they should put a lubricant( eg Shea butter) on both sex organs as they romance and definitely the woman will reach her orgasm before the man then comes in

  7. The assertion that circumcised females will never experience sexual desire or enjoy sex/be able to orgasm, is a faulty one. Let me address each point. As to sexual arousal, this is caused by a complex dance of hormones and pheromones and these hormones are released from the female gonads, just like men. That would be the ovaries for those who skipped health class in high school. Excising the clitoris would be akin to cutting off the head of the penis, or a part of it,which may affect function but not desire. The 2nd point, regarding enjoyment of sex, it is true that females get their pleasure in sex primarily thru stimulation of the clitoris, but the clitoris is like an ice berg, the majority of it is underneath, with only the top exposed. It can be stimulated from the other side, known as the g spot, and orgasm is possible that way. Also the fact is that there are 2 primary types of female circumsision, one is the fgm we mostly hear of, and that is an ancient Egyptian practice and one condemned to buy Islam. The other involves excising of the clitoral hood only and sometimes trimming of the labia. This type of circumcision is truly the female variant of What’s Done To Men when the foreskin is cut off of the penis. This actually would make the clitoris more accessible and easier to stimulate causing women to have more sexual pleasure and would be in keeping with the Hadith where the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him says to a female circumciser to only cut a little for that will be happiness for them and their husband (paraphrased). To sum up, my wife was a victim of FGM and had most of her clitoris excised leaving only a small raised bump, and she reaches orgasm easier than any woman I have known in the past, and has a sex drive that keeps me very very busy this is why I felt I had to say something. I did not condone FGM it was very traumatic for my wife and hung her greatly. I just think that it should be separated from True female circumcision as the two are quite different. Also when you people go around saying that these girls will never get around and will hate sex then they hear this because they don’t live isolated in a box somewhere they were the same posts and this makes them grow up believing that they will not enjoy sex so that is exactly what happens.

  8. Also, there is clitoris reconstruction surgery which can help. However, it has been noted in very few cases , this has reduced sexual pleasure rather than increase it

  9. I’m 24 years old. When I was 19 years old I underwent the sewing of the vaginal opening in the operating room. And although I lost the ability to reach orgasm, I always stay on the edge of it, with a quantity of accumulated sexual desire that has changed my life for the better, because I experience daily a wide range of pleasurable and exciting sensations that, although not I can satisfy them, they make me live and feel my sexuality more fully.

  10. This is a sick practice and I would never want a wife I could not pleasure. Anyone who is for this is a savage,and a selfish man, or family. Sometimes I’m glad we were sold off instead of growing up in that madness.

    Ur sick Naija, very sick.

  11. This is my problem, I am a male
    I love my spouse and I want to see
    Her happy in everything that she do,
    But her clitoris has been cut off, for
    That reason she doesn’t enjoy sex, and I feel sorry for her. She is the reason why am on this site, to seek solutions.

  12. This is happening to me. right now and my husband is threatening of getting another woman because i don’t enjoy sex and i don’t like him having sex with me all..the time. I need help because it hurts a lot during love making. I need help please.

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