
‘Chai’ and other famous lines from Patience

First Lady Patience Jonathan is a delight to listen to any day, especially when she engages in lengthy speeches. You are never left wanting for quotes that will make you laugh till you forget your name! Here are seven famous quotes from her televised show of emotional outburst on the Chibok girls last weekend. She was meeting with the principal of GSS, Chibok, police commissioners and WAEC officials.

“Before you carry the children to that school, you did not write to the commissioner, army man is not even aware that the children are to sleep there without security”

“And now they have kidnapped some, you now go and move the others to a safe place, my brother!! Commissioner!! You have a lot to answer the federal government”

“When the first lady is calling you, come I want to help you find your missing children, will you keep quiet? Chai! There is God oh!”


“The bloods we are sharing in Borno will answer”

“Principal, did you come with school teachers? You were not informed too, eh? Continue, no problem. God will see us”

“What of the WAEC teachers that can tell us that they conducted that exam, principal did you come with any? No, only you waka come, okay”


“There is God in everything we are doing”


  1. These lines coming from DPJ are as amazing as they are disgusting. They cut the picture of an ignorant person who is in denial of that much!!! She is a supposed graduate and a permanent secretary of the Bayelsa State Civil Service (in absentia!). One shouldn't be far from the truth to say that her chaperon and protocol people must pray hard each day to keep their jobs as they take the risk to correct and/or groom her to comport herself!!

  2. @ode, do u know d "import" of d word "disgusting"? U can insult her all u like but d fact is dat u will neva in ur "miserable" life; get 2 her social standing & achievmnts. It's so easy 4 every "dick, & harry" 2 rain abuses & invectives on d person & office of d first lady! She's human after-all & no body is perfect!

    1. Being a 1st Lady is not an achievement. .it is a privilege. She is a complete idiot and moron. So sad that we always support bull crappie in Nigeria. We are all mediocres. Madam Jonathan is not fit for any public address. Her place is in the kitchen with that her stupid act. Nigeria is an Anglophone country. The 1st Lady MUST know how to speak and write it. English is our official language.

  3. Shino Peters, said grammar no be my language! Ask president Obama to speak yoruba and you will see a worse scenario.

  4. For me, people must learn to communicate in the language they are most conversant with. That way very little is lost in translation. Nothing stops Dame Patience Jonathan from speaking in her local dialect and have a ready translator do the needful. Many of the worlds' heads of state do that – the Chinese Premier, the Ruler of Dubai, the Russian President – many others. That way people can focus on the essence of her statements.

  5. I like DPJ. She has her own unic style of communication. Beside success in life is not a function of big grammer

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  7. Every person has a word to say but can we for once be realistic.

    The chinese, arab league, russians and many other whose leaders speak nationally accepted tongues come with interpreters. In Nigeria, the one language that is nationally accepted and used is English. It is rather unfortunate that she can't express herself very well in this best manner but can we at least take the message she has and stop using her mistakes to catch fun and loose focus.

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