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Christ! The bread of life is risen: Matters arising from Sterling Bank’s Easter message

BY Guest Writer



I am a Christian, a Catholic Priest and a firm believer in the Resurrection of Christ who is the Lord of Glory, The Conqueror of Sin and Death. The Event of The Resurrection of Christ is the core of our faith as St. Paul writes, ” If Christ has not Resurrected, we would have been the most unfortunate of human beings on Earth”. 1Cor. 15:19.

Comparing the Resurrection of Christ our Redeemer, who died for a Kingdom, to redeem the hearts of men and women to an agege bread that is baked and rises as a result of a reaction of yeast and sugar is a bizarre comparison taken too far and ludicrous in all its ramifications. How on Earth could someone do that? Could that be due to culpable ignorance or arrogance or an attempt to stoke the fire of controversy and religious sentiments? Sterling Bank for that matter!

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have an account with Sterling Bank. And I know like many other Banks, their target is profit making not religious teaching. Banks in Nigeria over the years have devised marketing and survival strategies to promote their brand. They even customize birthday greetings and mark international days to identify with their customers. Polaris Bank gave me a different birthday, but it’s understandable, that is pure business.


As Business Empires they can afford to employ the services of experts and professionals to promote, preserve and protect their image in the court of public opinion. So, as they have Lawyers and professionals in Monitoring and Evaluation as well as Auditors, they will require the services of experts in religion and pyschology of religion. I can make my services available for a good fee. lol.

Yes, they have apologized and we have accepted. Why go ahead to quote the Gospel of John 8? He who is without sin should be the first to cast a stone? Why would you insult a Soldier at the Checking point who just pardoned you for over speeding? It is lack of remorse. Its like the story of Nza, the tiny bird in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart who challenged its own Chi- personal God to a wrestling bout after a good meal of pounded yam. Sterling Bank really needs an expert in religious psychology. They got it wrong the second time!

Our History has been replete with religious violence and riots ignited by careless comments and conversations. When these happen it is the innocent and vulnerable who pay the price. Some have put prices on heads and declared many as persona non grata. We are trained to be slow in making comparisons in religious matters. Comparison is not a model or theory often used in Religious Circles as the Italians will say: Traduttore Traditore – every translator is a traitor.


The Resurrected Christ is the Bread of Life not Agege Bread. His Resurrection is An Act of God not a chemical reaction. He lives forever and Reigneth as King not like the Agege Bread that lasts a few days. He is Eternal not like the Agege bread that is ephemeral. He died to save the World, which the Agege bread cannot do and will never do. The list is endless!

The Agege bread cannot even satisfy the Agege population in one day, let alone the entire Eko! But Christ the Risen King of Glory and Bread of Eternal life satisfies and continue to satisfy with good things those who believe in Him, He asks us to Come and Eat, Come and Drink, and he feeds us now and forever more. He feeds us with His Body and Blood Daily, from Lagos to Lokoja, from Capetown to Casablanca, from Somalia to Senegal, from Bangladesh to Burkinafaso, from Rome to Romania and from the deserts of Iraq to the Himalayan Mountains. Feed me now and Evermore!

We pardon Sterling Bank for this gross error. No try am again o! Go! And sin no more! I will still leave my account with them!

Thaddeus Onoja Akpa is Catholic priest of the Diocese of Idah, Nigeria. He is an author, writer and musician. You can reach him on WhatsApp 07030194226 and Twitter @akpaonoja.


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