Climate Cable

Climate Facts: A quarter of the world’s population experienced water scarcity in 2022, says UN

BY Janefrances Chibundu


The complexities of climate change and its associated jargon can prove difficult to digest.

TheCable’s quick climate facts will help demystify these concepts through easy-to-understand and straight-to-the-point explanations.

Here are some to keep at the tip of your fingers:

  • The United Nations (UN) says a quarter of the world’s population experienced water scarcity in 2022, which was exacerbated by climate change.
  • The organisation added that climate change has led to the unavailability of recommended preventive malaria therapy like drugs and insecticide-treated nets.
  • IPCC said transport related emissions in developing regions have trumped those in Europe or North America.
  • The organisation said the world transitioned into El Niño phase in the same year.

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