The complexities of climate change and its associated jargon can prove difficult to digest.
TheCable’s quick climate facts will help demystify these concepts through easy-to-understand and straight-to-the-point explanations.
Here are some to keep at the tip of your fingers:
- A new study by Nature Sustainability says greenhouse gas emissions are altering the environment of near-earth space and reducing the number of satellites that can sustainably operate there.
- The report said carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases can cause the upper atmosphere to shrink, resulting in an atmospheric drag — a force that pulls old satellites and other debris down to altitudes where they will encounter air molecules and incinerate.
- The United Nations says about 4.7 million hectares of tropical forest are lost every year — an area the size of the Dominican Republic or Slovakia.
- The inter-governmental panel on climate change (IPCC) says developing countries will need $127 billion annually by 2030 and $295 billion per year by 2050 to adapt to climate change.
- IPPC noted that funds for adaptation hovered between $23 billion-$46 billion from 2017 to 2018, accounting for only 4 to 8 percent of tracked climate finance.
- The organisation added that proven and readily available adaptation solutions can build resilience to climate risks and deliver broader sustainable development benefits.
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