Nigeria’s shaky military relationship with western nations risks further set-back after facts emerged that the alleged impostor of Abubakar Shekau was captured alive before he was killed.
This would violate the Geneva Convention on the treatment of prisoners of war.
Although the US and its allies have been openly supporting Nigeria’s war against terror, they have so far not offered any significant support for the country in the bid to defeat Boko Haram, defence sources have told TheCable.
It is now feared that since the US is basing its passiveness on the alleged war crimes committed by Nigerian soldiers, it may even become harder for the country to secure arms deals with the circumstances surrounding the killing of “Shekau”.
There is also concern the US may continue to frustrate Nigeria’s efforts to secure arms to fight the insurgency.
There were reports recently that the $9.3 million found on a private jet in South Africa was meant to purchase arms through a third party after America’s refusal to do deals with Nigeria.
It was further reported that South Africa’s hard stance over the affair was an extension of the cold war before the two countries.
Amnesty International has often indicted Nigerian soldiers in its reports on the insurgency and its reports often influence policy decisions by the western countries.
Last week, the military released the picture of the dead body of the suspected Boko Haram commander with his hands shattered, obviously by gunshots.
It was juxtaposed with the picture of the man usually seen in Boko Haram propaganda videos and who was generally addressed as Abubakar Shekau to show that it was indeed the same person.

But the original Shekau is said to have been killed by the military in 2013.
It would appear, in the picture released to the press last week, that the impostor was killed in battle or that he died from gunshot wounds.
However, in the video clip, the bearded man ─ who reportedly went by many names, including Bashir Mohammed, Isa Damasaka, Bashir Konduga and Abacha Abdullahi Geidam ─ was looking wounded, leaning against a tree with a man stooping beside him and holding a machete.
“Shekau” was wearing a blue dress that looked like guinea brocade but which had been stripped from his upper body. He also appeared to be bleeding from his torso.
A man in military camouflage stood by while voices were heard in the background, with someone saying “go and waste that man, go and waste him” ─ the slang for killing in security circles.
Cameroon had made claims that it killed Shekau and released a picture of his dead body to back its claim, but the Nigerian military quickly moved to counter the claim.
Defence spokesman, Major-General Chris Olukolade, said he was killed within the Nigerian territory by Nigerian soldiers.
TheCable also saw a video of the aftermath of the Konduga battle with many suspected militants decapitated. Some had their genitals ripped apart and placed by their bodies.
But a security analyst has told TheCable that the soldiers lost a vital link in the war against terror by killing “Shekau”.
“The man who was captured at Konduga last week was a great source of information about Boko Haram sponsors. He was captured alive,” he said.
“The military are too quick to execute captured Boko Haram leaders. This man could have revealed so much about Boko Haram and its sponsors that may have brought a quick end to the terrorism.”

The founder of the group, Mohammed Yusuf, was killed in similar circumstances after he was captured in August 2009 during the Maiduguri uprising.
He was arrested by soldiers and handed over to the police, who interrogated and summarily executed him, claiming he died in a gunfire exchange while trying to escape from detention.
Some police officers were eventually put on trial for the extra-judicial killing.
Former Borno commissioner, Buji Foi, who was a member of the sect, was also summarily executed at the back of a pick-up van during the uprising.
He was a commissioner in Ali Modu Sheriff’s cabinet before the sect fell out with the governor.
Extra judicial killings is the highest form of ignorance. The failure of the swap of the chibok girls arose out of the inability of security forces to provide the boko haram commanders, because the boko haram commanders have all been summarily executed without trial.
I believe he had to be summarily executed so as to avoid revealing secrets of the sponsors of BH.
You are absolutely correct. They did same to Moh Yusuf to escape being exposed.
How come the guy was not even wearing a military uniform when captured? Trust has broken down in this nation. So many lies and coverups.
The US and their ilk can take the Geneva Convention and shove it and themselves where the sun doesn’t shine, as far as this matter is concerned.
Hmmmmmmmmm. The military liars forgot to remove the civilian dress he wore. We all know how the Boko Harams look like. How come he wore a guinea brocade pair of trousers to war. The military only remembered to remove his ‘babariga but forgot the trousers. Wonderful story! Disgraceful propaganda!! ZOMBIES.
Must he always dress in his military Regalia? Chances are that he was caught unawares in one of their different hidings and closet and was not arrested immediately without delay
When US killed Osama it was no war crime abi.Nigeria
not that I’m in doubt of the identity of the said slain terrorist, but the position of the mole on his forehead seems a little off. if one draws a line straight up his nose in the picture with him holding a rifle, it runs right at the middle of the mole, but doing same on the picture of his lifeless body, the mole falls outside the line
It is the same thing he did on his victims.
America must make noise as long as u not toing
the line of their thinking,u’re a heretic.And they make so much noise about freedom, yet they don’t like u having freedom of thoughts,of living according to Ur culture or religion. Why are they so much against Nigeria gay law.Why are they tying this up with purchase of arms.Are they in support of Boko haram?Why are they here then?
This pple shld always mind their own buzz. Did they say anytHing when US travelled to pakistan to kill Osama Bin Laden? This soldiers knew it dat even if he’s been taken to custody, his well connected political sponsors will find a way out for him, either they later says he disappeared from sell or other things. I think d sponsors shld be fished out and suffer d same faith. How do we explain d number of deaths, rapes, displaced and injured people all over d place, are they not human beings?
The sponsors if Boko Haram are well known to Givernment, and there us no need to prove their complicity by interrogating “Abubakar Shekhau”. His si-called extrajudicial killing is in order. We are nit at war with Boko Haram. These are local sections vermin and the Geveva Cinvention allows the killing if seditious combatant and spies. Boko haram falls into the category of combatants that can be extra-judiciously fumigated.
As for America’s so-called human rights concerns, we should not lose any sleep. This is a contrived concern by El-Rufai and his fellow Boko Haram sponsors. We don’t need American help to procure weapons for this fight. The world is awash with weapons for sale. Do you sometimes wonder where Boko Haram, ISIS and the other vermin get their weapons. The trouble with Nigeria is the corruption in the Ministry of Defence and the arms procurement process and also the fact that many of the people in the arms procurement chain are Northern, closet Boko Haram sympathisers.
It is of great pain to learn of this ugly development. When would we change? I link to curbing the boko haram insurgency is now broken, and now we are back to square one.
Since the sponsors’ identities remain secure more militant would get more funds for their evil crimes.
The military unit present at the scene of the killing should be held responsible.