
CSO to NAHCON chair: Hit the ground running, commence 2024 hajj registration now

Jalal Arabi, the newly appointed chairman of the NAHCON Jalal Arabi, the newly appointed chairman of the NAHCON

The Independent Hajj Reporters (IHR), a civil society organisation (CSO), has asked Jalal Arabi, the newly appointed chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), to immediately commence preparations for the 2024 hajj exercise.

President Bola Tinubu had on October 17 approved Arabi’s appointment to serve as the chairman of NAHCON for the period of four years.

In a statement on Thursday, Ibrahim Mohammed, IHR national coordinator, congratulated Arabi on his appointment.

Mohammed said the new NAHCON boss must immediately hit the ground running by commencing public awareness for intending pilgrims.


He warned that the time available for registration and preparation for necessary services is very short.

The Saudi ministry of hajj and umrah had earlier released the 2024 calendar, urging all participating countries to start arrangements for the next pilgrimage four months after the last exercise.

NAHCON ended all activities of the 2023 hajj in August.


“As a seasoned civil servant, the new NAHCON helmsman comes onboard with a technocratic experience which we believe will come to bear as he assumes duty,” the statement reads.

“We also note that the new chairman is coming into office at the right time with a timeline of activities regarding Hajj 2024, just picking up.

“We urge that he hits the ground running by continuing where the last board stopped by ensuring prompt registration of intending pilgrims and engagement of capable service providers for Hajj 2024.

“Furthermore, we urged the new chairman to immediately mobilise needed tools to launch a massive public enlightenment to educate 2024 intending pilgrims on the short time available for registration for the 2024 hajj pilgrimage with emphasis on states to queue in for maximum reach.


He added that as a retired permanent secretary in the federal civil service, the new NAHCON Chairman should put in place a comprehensive and sustainable Hajj policy that focuses on efficient service delivery for Nigerian pilgrims and see to its implementation at every stage.

The national coordinator of IHR commended Zikirullah Hassan, the immediate former chairperson of NAHCOH, for the take-off of the hajj savings scheme and the hajj institute of Nigeria.

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