
Debut of time, the year is new, I pray that Nigeria will pull through

The New Year has come with its all of its tidings, When friends and family are relationship binding.

Resolutions will be made for positive guiding; For goodness-abiding and charity-providing.

But weeks into New Year the devotion will be sliding, Then begins the deriding, colliding and chiding.

We want to loose weight, we want to pray more, We want to stop smoking and all we abhor.


We vow to our family to increase our rapport, To adore each other like never before.

It all seems so rosy at the celebration galore, Until the reality dawns of our world full of war.

All the gore that we witness is pretty hardcore, It has tore many nations, now we cannot ignore.


Every time news comes, someone has died. Especially in poor nations, where death-tolls are wide.

We must stop our divide and constant collide. Leaders must decide to join a peace and unity side.

In two thousand fourteen, disease implied, despite our pride, it can destroy us worldwide.

Humans should understand our fate is all tied; Being, ‘Our Brothers Keeper’ should be our main guide.


Last year was a rough ride; half the world cried. As we enter a new era, hope we put strife aside.





It’s the debut of time when the year is new.

When it’s cue for the crew to bid history adieu.


The mysteries of the future nobody knew.

Go through twenty fifteen with wisdom accrue.


We should allow life to go down a treat,

Retreat from all cheat, defeat the deceit,


So as to greet virtue and meet a righteous feat.

Only one life for living; it can’t be repeat!




Twenty fifteen marks Nigeria’s very own bustle, In the form of elections and polling hustle.

I fear for this nation from February to May, Because politicians are poised for the ultimate betray.

I’ve no doubt in my mind on Election Day; We will witness the mightiest contest display.

In-fact, when one asks in a general survey, There is angst of a fallout which could lead us astray.

Neither party is ready to give power away, Not now or tomorrow or any other day.

The set-up is one of havoc and vast disarray; Nigerian elections will not be a much fun soiree.

There is talk that there maybe a shadow government, If it appears that there’s rigging to some extent.

But who is to say, who can make that assessment, since there’s likely to be a definite wide-malcontent?

One can’t say for 100 but at least 80 percent; There will be some skirmish if there is discontent.

Politicians play with fire, they are baiting torment; They are inviting violence as a way to vent.

We must all keep in mind that our ultimate intent, Is to stand by Nigeria in any nasty event.

Give us free and fair elections so those who we present, Are the choices of the people who they represent.




It’s the debut of time when the year is new.

When it’s cue for the crew to bid history adieu.

The mysteries of the future nobody knew.

Go through twenty fifteen with wisdom accrue.

We should allow life to go down a treat,

Retreat from all cheat, defeat the deceit,

So as to greet virtue and meet a righteous feat.

Only one life for living; it can’t be repeat!




Predicting the outcome as a political actuary; Of race between President Goodluck and General Buhari.

Will be no easy task even with a crystal ball. For the first time the election maybe too close to call.

Some say the two men should not have contested; As Gumi & others have often suggested.

Especially since both made a public declaration; To refrain from contesting and gave their affirmation.

While they have a right, their presence does reinforce; A situation that sets Nigeria on a collision course.

No matter who wins, there will be trouble somewhere; The kind which maybe violent and causes despair.

But ‘it is what it is,’ we must shed our dread; Shred personal thoughts, put Nigeria ahead instead.

The outcome of elections where both teams must win; Yet only one can, “Gosh where can one begin?”

At the end, one party must be in adoption; But the fallout of which may give way to a third option.

Security and strife all pushed to arrange; A situation that’s dragged a strong gust wind of change.

But poverty where everyone is desperate for notes; Is part of the incumbency factor which can buy votes.

If General wins and he’s denied the seat; It may lead to mayhem which could spill on the street.

If the President stays, he may never get peace; National unrest might be on the increase.

Either way, they could trigger a battle supreme; Which may eventually lead to an interim regime.

So, whatever we do, we must tread with caution; We must trample with care, we must take all precaution.

The thing with trouble is, it always transcends. Once allowed to begin, no-one knows when it ends.

Whatever the outcome, we must act peacefully. To peace and unity we must lend ourselves faithfully




It’s the debut of time when the year is new.

When it’s cue for the crew to bid history adieu.

The mysteries of the future nobody knew.

Go through twenty fifteen with wisdom accrue.

We should allow life to go down a treat,

Retreat from all cheat, defeat the deceit,

So as to greet virtue and meet a righteous feat.

Only one life for living; it can’t be repeat!




So what’s there to look forward to at present, As we live our lives in lament and torment?

As aspirants try to reach using rhetoric speech, They must refrain from words which continue to leech.

Muslim-Ulama and Christian-Clergy I do beseech; To refrain from politics whenever they preach.

These elections should be argued straight on the facts; No need to use, bellow-the-belt-tacts.

No more negativity that is likely to feed; Our combustible oven of citizens greatly in need.

Manifestos should speak of shelter, it should be about food; What we need are aspirants who will try and include:

Hospital, medicine and hope well renewed, Education for our children, with no ethnic feud.

Nigerians are clever, we are very alert; We’re the greatest black nation, therefore must reassert.

Dirt that’s thrown in campaigns will invert and subvert; The core of Nigeria and leave it more hurt.

But as ‘one’ we must stand and know not to take; This quake that is brewing, “For Heavens sake!”

Anyone who partakes in a national mistake; History will record as fake and does, honour-forsake.

Now is our chance to awake and our future retake; It is a crucial time, one of “make or brake”.




It’s the debut of time when the year is new.

When it’s cue for the crew to bid history adieu.

The mysteries of the future nobody knew.

Go through twenty fifteen with wisdom accrue.

We should allow life to go down a treat,

Retreat from all cheat, defeat the deceit,

So as to greet virtue and meet a righteous feat.

Only one life for living; it can’t be repeat!




For eleven years, I’ve written my column, I stand by my views and opinions solemn!

Sometimes they are harsh, sometimes they are nice, But each time I try for, downright and precise.

I’ve written of villains and heroes alike, I’ve poured out my heart on my likes and dislike.

Our government’s misdeeds, I speak of a lot. Poor women and children I never forgot.

The topic that’s always deep in my mind, Is how women and children are confined and maligned.

When kids are abused, wives beaten by men, I pray for Almighty to save them; ‘Amen.’

I’ve written of disease, HIV and sport. I try to write stories, touch on rules of court.

I write to assure the deprived and the poor. I hope that my message and views will endure.

I’m told that many don’t like to see, Any critique about them and their bourgeoisie.

People I meet say, “Hanney don’t you worry?” “Wallahi I don’t and I’m not even sorry!”

Fun, fiction and fact I define to combine, So my columns can have a design that is mine.

All those I offend, I hope understand, My intentions are pure; not ridicule-planned.

One-day things will change and the poor will have power; ‘That’s the prayer, Dear God, of Hanney Musawa!’

I hope that my writing sometimes touch a nerve; It’s one of the ways I feel I can serve.

My contribution to Nigeria is a New-Year Resolution; Where I will dig deep in self-revolution.

I’ll not judge in totality, people’s mentality; When they act in a way I consider an abnormality.

I’ll extend congeniality to those showing me brutality, By keeping in mind, ‘perception is reality.’

I’ll search for the key to boost my esprit; And free more self development so I can, #BeABetterMe

If we each strive to be, ‘the change we want to see,’ We can pull up this nation from that bended knee.

I will sign out this piece, but before I do cease, I wish all Nigerians, God’s guidance and peace.

It’s the debut of time when the year is new; I pray ‘beloved Nigeria’ will eventually pull through.

“…I am so, so proud to be a Nigerian, I identify with every variety that is representative of Nigeria, I am grateful to my motherland, I love this country with all my heart and will give anything to see my beloved Nigeria rise as one…”

(Poems/Rhymes always inspired by the Great Mohammed Ali)

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