
Dimension beyond the order of money

Today’s article doubles as a prophetic word and everyone who receives it will walk in its reality. Remember, no prophetic word, no matter how accurate it is—can come to pass without you receiving and acting on it.

To start with, in every generation, God always looks for a man. And God’s mind is always full of man, “what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you visit him (Psalms 8:4).” Also, in the book of Ezekiel, God says that He is looking for a man to stand in gap, “ I looked for someone amongst them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one (Ezekiel 22:30).”

In the beginning, there was no need for God to send rain on the earth, because there was no man to till the ground (Genesis 2:5). This should let you know how important man is when it comes to God’s plan for the planet called earth.

Kindly understand that I am not saying that God is limited to any man, but I am saying that when it comes to the planet earth, God always needs the earth-suit of man. Even when God changes a man who will carry out a purpose in the earth, He will still use a man!


Please understand that just as God needs men, you also need men (strategic and relevant men) in every sphere of your life. Ignore this all-time truth to your own peril. The word men here stand for both men and women.

Taking this message a little further, success becomes a big deal when a life is not rich in relevant and strategic men. Many have been wrongly taught and programmed thinking that money is more important than men. Last Sunday at the Faith For The Nations Christian Centre, the church I pastor at Ikeja, Lagos State, I spoke heavily to this issue.

And in an attempt to make money, they have betrayed people’s trust in them, so the more they run after money, the more money runs away from them. As far as God is concerned, man is way beyond money but many people are ignorant of this truth!


If God has called you to pioneer anything, you must pray that God should bless you with relevant and strategic men. And even if you are not called to pioneer anything, you will still need men—strategic men—to make it in the earth.

Many have been on the same level for years, not because of either the devil or an ancestral curse, but because they do not have strategic and relevant men in their lives. In fact, stagnation is one of the expressions of a life that lacks relevant men!

In John 5, a man was on same level for thirty-eight (38) years because he had no one to help him into the pool for his healing. Those blessed with relevant men got their healing, because they were able to move faster than him (John 5:7).

In the contest of life, without being gifted with relevant and strategic men, those who have men will always ‘step down before you.’ Now, people are being successful in every sphere of life, not because they are more intelligent than you, but they are being successful because their lives are rich in—relevant and strategic men.


One of the major reasons David in the Bible led a colourful and victorious life is because he was blessed with some of the most powerful men on earth at that time, men who could use both left and right to hurl stones and shoot arrows with the bow (1 Chronicles 12: 2). You cannot fight against David and his mighty-men and not have a bad day!

David also did not lack resources because he was gifted with men with a loyal heart—who had access to resources (1 Chronicles 12: 38-40). Many believers do not understand what we are looking at, at this moment, because they have been wrongly taught that the highest in God is money. No! The highest in God is man, not money!

The Shunamite woman did not become remarkable being alone, but she became notable because she was gifted with relevant and strategic men. In her circle of relationship were a king and commander of the army! Men and women of influence and affluence were her people. What a blessed life! This is God’s will for you too and you must believe God for a notable kind of life.

Lastly, it is my sincere prayer that God gifts you with relevant and strategic men—who will make your life easier than it is right now and may God gift you to someone’s life too as a blessing. Remember, what you make happen for other folks, God will use people to make happen for you too.

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