‘Raising a child that’s not yours is costlier’ — DNA tests sparks argument on Twitter
My people just as we grapple with the Covid Pandemic, a new kind of pandemic is rearing its ugly head o. This one no matter the amount of hot water or ginger and garlic you ingest you will not find joy if you get infected.
This one mortality rate is 100% as it will consume you and eat your heart out. There is no isolation in this case as the best way to avoid this Virus is ignorance. Pretend you don’t know about it, do not go for a test and just continue living your life as an ignorant buffoon.
The story of the judge in Delta state whose three eldest children were not his own is all over the wires. We had just barely laid to rest the one of the Big Bank Boss who they say had two children with his staff. The story of the late billionaire pillar of sport with his many wives and concubine is still fresh in our minds and with the way the whole thing is going you begin to wonder if the United Nations will not soon label Nigerian women a terrorist group.
From my findings, authoritative sources have said that 50% of first born children in Nigeria may not pass a DNA test. This is sad if true. What may be the cause of this break down in morality? Could it be economic or social or just a total breakdown in what we hold dear as a people.
This matter where men are being given children that are not there own is now becoming a national problem. I do not even know how Government should react to this one. Should they make the DNA test a requirement for school admission or what. The whole thing is getting into an alarming proportion.
It is the craze for immigration that is throwing all these up. They say that the DNA test is a major requirement for the process and a lot of Nigerian families have been getting their souls ripped apart during these engagements.
The Judge who called the press conference in my estimation is a strong man. He still promised to carry on with the kids despite the calamity. This in my estimation is the right thing to do. This is what every man in this situation should do. May not be easy even for me postulating this but I think we should all find strength and not punish the poor children any further by throwing them out and alienating them because of their mothers perfidy.
The jury is out though on the whole matter. I however have begun to see some defensive murmurs from the camp of the women who really know how to huddle together and defend their kind no matter the situation. I am even hearing that in some cases it is even the man’s fault that this evil befell him. Maybe he wasn’t caring enough, maybe he wasn’t materially robust enough and it is things like this that make otherwise very accommodating men like me throw in the towel and return barbarism with barbarism and say in American slang, ‘ what a heck’.
Seriously, I think our religious and cultural institutions should really sit up and look into this rampaging tornado in an attempt at finding succour for the damaged men and better situate our errant mothers before they label us all bastards. Thank you.
Views expressed by contributors are strictly personal and not of TheCable.
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