
Don’t bring stolen money to my church as offering, Abuja pastor tells congregation

Sarah Omakwu, senior pastor, Family Worship Centre (FWC), Wuye, Abuja, on Sunday delivered a scathing message to those donating looted money to churches, saying stolen money should not be brought to her church as offering. 

According to transcripts of the sermon, provided to TheCable by Olola Seun Akioye, a congregant, Omakwu said she was not castigating sinners, but she preferred to miss their money and have them make heaven.

She also warned older men against sleeping with younger girls because they are rich enough to tempt the girls. She told such men that their daughters would experience the same.

Omakwu explained that she was not cursing those men but she was praying them out of their depravity.


“Any money that you cannot explain to God, don’t bring it to this church,” she said.

“If you are in the civil service and you have stolen money, please don’t bring the tithe to this church; I say this in Jesus name. You cannot do all that and then think you come to church and say a short prayer, that God will forgive you because of Grace.

“In church today, you see Christian ladies dress and there is no difference between them and prostitutes. What harlots wear to the bar, you wear to church in the name of Grace; nobody can persecute you because the devil has you already.


“If you are a prostitute here today, I do not condemn you. You are my sister; you are a daughter of Abraham and your body belongs to the Lord. I know some girls do this because they have bills to pay and you the man, you have the money but you cannot help them unless you sleep with them.

“You the man who takes advantage of those young girls, what you give to them, your own children will have it too. Bible says rejoice with the wife of your youth and let her breasts satisfy you. Stop all these strange breasts everywhere. You may say, Pastor why are you cursing us? No I am not cursing you; I am praying you out of your depravity.

“If you have stolen money, don’t bring it to this church; I repeat it in Jesus name. Someone says pastor, we will miss money. Yes, I will rather miss your money and have you make heaven. Christians should be a standing rebuke to the world.”

  1. As the world slowly draws to an end. Let the Truth continually be spoken nd he that has ears let he hears what the Spirit is saying. May the Lord continue to shield all who come out to speak the Truth nd enlarge their coast in Jesus powerful name amen.

  2. This is the raw gospel truth. If this kind of godly message is preached all over our churches and people adhere to it, the kingdom of hell will be drastically depopulated and souls will be saved!

  3. I totally agree with her except in one area. If their daughters are innocent they will not share from the consequences of their fathers’ sins. Ezekiel 18:4 says, the soul that sinneth shall die.

  4. Come to think of it, the structure of her church was built with what manner of fund. Probably, her account is full & overflowing. Haahaa, Mooma, pls change topic or sell-off the church edifice and release the salesfund to the orphanages. Afterall Jesus teachings were under the trees, by the rivers & most of His prayers were being offered on mountains. God bless you

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