
Don’t incur the wrath of God, Oyedepo warns critics of fees charged by Covenant

David Oyedepo, bishop of the Living Faith Church worldwide, has warned those criticising the school fees charged by Covenant University to desist from doing so in order not to incur the wrath of God.

Oyedepo said this in a telecast ahead of the 2016 edition of Shiloh, an annual convention of the church.

Claiming that the fees charged by the school was ordained by God, Oyedepo said critics were acting in ignorance.

Oyedepo said one of such critic smitten with a strange plague of chronic mouth odour over the act only received spiritual pardon following his confession and “my intervention before he was restored to dignity”.


He said such criticisms were products of ignorance as what students pay could not be compared with what obtained elsewhere that lacked facilities.

“The school fees has God’s approval and is in accordance with the quality of facilities provided by the university in meeting the educational needs of the nation,” he said.

He said the university was a godly agenda to meet the demands of raising godly children in an environment conducive for learning, and prayed for resources for parents to “always meet the demands of the time”.


Oyedepo said the church in its pioneering role in pushing the frontiers of education with excellence had concluded plans to establish offshore universities.

The cleric said a fully automated Bible press by the church had been completed and would be launched soon.

Quoting some verses of the Bible, which included Matthew 24:6-8, 1Peter 2:9, Joel 2:2 and Mal. 4:1, Oyedepo said the current economic meltdown was predicted but that committed Christians would be exempted.

He declared the theme of this year’s Shiloh, holding between December 6 and December 10, as ‘My Case is Different’.


Checks by TheCable revealed that the least amount paid by a student admitted into 100 level in Covenant is N799,500 per session.

Apart from Covenant, which is within the church’s premises in Ota, Ogun state, Oyedepo also has Landmark, a private university, situated in his hometown of Omu-Aran in Kwara state.

  1. The God that I know that is the Father of Jesus Christ would never smite any man created in his own image with a strange plague of chronic mouth odour, and for what, over criticising fees charged?

    This is absolutely ridiculous, we as Christians should be out there telling the world about a God who LOVES man so desperately that he gave his only begotten Son…JESUS CHRIST and not about a God that is ready to strike you for criticizing amount of school fees charged.

    People have been blaspheming God’s name for ages and still HE allows them to live healthy and come to knowledge of his SON.

    “It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance”; God is absolutely LOVE in whom there is no atom of hate”.

  2. Oyedepo..u know d truth about God’s word and his purpose for human yet u choose to play god….All i have to say to u is dat d great day of God is near

  3. wonders shall never end. you call them Godly children, so those dat can’t afford the fee are not Godly children. where is this life taking us to. may Almighty guide us unto the right part.

  4. I feel sorry sorry for people that judge Bishop David O. Oyedepo. In the Bible, God referred to David as “a man after His heart”. Don’t forget that David sent a Uriah to the forefront of the war so that Uriah would die and also took his wife and yet God says he is a man after His heart(2 Sam. 11) God struck Miriam with leprousy because she spoke against Moses(Numb. 12). Michal was barren till death because she mocked David(2 Sam. 6:20-23) The university is not for everybody. If you can afford it then apply, if you can’t afford it then go to the university you can afford. Some people can just carry curses on their head without knowing. David did not curse Michal, he was only praising God and Michal was barren till death. God knows when and how to deal with His prophets, remember Moses never saw the promised land. Judging or murmuring against men of God is dangerous. Be warned! What is the gain in judging? No gain whatsoever.

  5. Does oyedepo think he is God?can u imagine?this so called men of God who are busy exploitin people n those who follow them blindly.its so unfortunate.u claim to help the poor but u r actually helping the rich class u belong to.the time of God is near.God will judge all of them.Your comment..

  6. Your comment..GOD is d FATHER of all, HE created everyone, HE owns the heaven & earth, why are some people yet poor when their FATHER owns heaven & earth? Is it every body today that possess the wealth of GOD? Likewise Covenant university. That a servant of GOD is blessed to be the chancellor does that automatically makes it an open school? How will d facilities b maintained? Wit d tireless commitments of start, how do u expect them to receive their commensurable remuneration? GOD is the FATHER, of everyone, has that truth only automatically make evry1 rich? When u follow GOD’S principle as HIS child u will be prosperous; Covenant university may even be of lower standard to u depending on ur choice. multitude has been impacted & blessed by GOD through papa Oyedepo, they have seeing lime light of prosperity that most times Covenant university becomes one of d least of choice institutions for their children. Believe in GOD, walk in the light of scriptural principles of wealth, u will definitely prosper, the issue of school fee of Covenant university wont be an issue of concern. I lov u all. GOD bless

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