
EXCLUSIVE: Lt.-Col Abu Ali was preparing for Sambisa operation before Boko Haram killed him

Muhammad Abu Ali Muhammad Abu Ali

Had fate chosen a separate sequence of events, Muhammad Abu Ali, the lieutenant-colonel killed by Boko Haram on Friday, would still be alive.

Abu, commanding officer of the 272 Task Force Tank Battalion, died at about 10.00pm on Friday when suspected insurgents attacked the 119 Battalion Nigerian army location at Mallam Fatori, northern Borno state.

But a senior army official who spoke with TheCable on Sunday said Ali was close to leaving Mallam Fatori ahead of an army raid on Sambisa Forest.

The officer, who asked not to be named, also confirmed that Ali was not in his tank — his most prized weapon — when the attack happened.


“He was outside the tank; he was outside with his radio system. And because it was dark, nobody could exactly see the enemies who shot him,” he said.

“The firing came from behind. When these people [Boko Haram] came, he went towards that direction to see what was happening. He was not in the tank.”

He also spoke about how the soldiers who were killed with Abu may have survived if they had the most basic tool for smothering night attacks.


“You know, night attacks are always difficult,” he said.

“If you’re going for night attacks, you need your night sight — your night vision goggle — so that you can identify your targets clearly. You know what it means to fight in the dark? Confusion. You don’t know who is who.

“But I tell you what, there are only two night vision goggles to an entire battalion. In some cases, you will even find a battalion that has no single night vision goggle.”

A battalion normally comprises 700 soldiers, but the army typically deploys under-strength battalions against Boko Haram, some containing 300 to 400 soldiers.


“Ali went to Mallam Fatori, and the while thing was successful, it was after the operation that this Boko Haram attack was launched,” the official continued.

“The army was preparing for an attack in Sambisa, so Ali was to withdraw from Mallam Fatori ahead of the Sambisa operation. He was preparing to come back when this thing happened.

“There was serious preparation, which means it would happen soon. He had already received orders to withdraw from Mallam Fatori and come for onward movement to Sambisa. It also means that if Boko Haram had delayed that attack by a few days, Ali might have left Mallam Fatori alive.”

Back in June, TheCable paid tribute to Ali’s professionalism and bravery, following words of commendation by soldiers directly involved in the war against Boko Haram.

  1. OMG that guy was taken out. I got uneasy for his safety when I read about him in Cable Exclusive story in June. Something made me feel worry about Nigeria and any of its rising star anywhere. RIP Colonel Ali. You paid the ultimate price for us all although a painful one to me.

  2. Two night goggles to a battallion of 700 soldiers!indeed the Nigerian military authorities is sick.that the govt is harbouring a fifth columnist in its political and military structures is very glaring or how can the federal govt explain this long tourtious war against boko haram?

  3. Two night goggles for a battallion of 700 soldiers! The military authorities and the federal govt are certainly harbouring fifth columnists in its structures its very clear why the.war agsinst terror is taking such a long-tortiuos route amd in the process wasting the.bests of our soldiers

  4. My heart bleeds for this young gallant army officer. I personally suggest that his death should be probed by military authority, there could be foul play going by his rising profile.

  5. The death of this gentleman and gallant officer, LT. COL. MUHAMMAD ABU ALI has created a big vacuum in the theatre of war with BH insurgents. However, now that we are hearing different stories, as to the cause of his death, the military authority should set up an investigation committee to unravel the circumstances that led to the unfortunate incident. YA ALLAH YA JIKAN SA. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!

  6. May the souls of our fallen heroes rest in peace.
    I am highly disappointed on the Ministry of defense, the chief of army staff, the security adviser, even the president him self, who is am ex-service, how can a battalion of 700men be using just two night Google, and you want to fight insurgence, this is pure corruption, this men have given up their life to save us, but is this they way of paying them back, am a Nigerian but I am disappointed in my country, thanks.

  7. I feel sorry for this country, imagine just 2 night vision goggles for 700 men. Oh my God and people are stealing billions of dollar security money. Haa, i’m sad, what a country.

  8. An audit should b carried out on how many night vision goggles are there in d Nigerian army as a whole. How much is d cost of a pair? One would b surprise to know that things have been taken for granted.

  9. it’s foul play really@izzyCN nigerian’s are capable of doing anything may their gentle soul rest in peace

  10. When is nigeria gonna wake up from all these rubbish they r doing? Toying with the lives of our troops? No adequate care, no war gears, no international training what tha fuck is wrong with this stupid government? How do u expect them to fight with the enemies?

  11. It is a doll bad news that most of army official and
    the panzer in the field lack are not adequately equipped. Apc,APC wake up and save this good nation call Nigeria

  12. Psychology comment..My Almighty God must surely destroy any one that has hand in this young mans death, most especially among the Nig. Armies. My able prince, may your soul rest in a perfect peace… AMEN! AMEN!! AMEN!!!

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