Christ Embassy founder, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, is finally assembling a team of lawyers for the divorce case instituted by his wife, TheCable understands.
In April, his wife, Anita, had filed for divorce at Central Family Court, High Holborn, London, UK, on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and inappropriate relationships with members of staff, a euphemism for “adultery”.
The charismatic pastor strongly denies charges of adultery and has now resolved to engage the services of reputable family lawyers to launch his defence.
TheCable was unable to ascertain the names of his would-be legal representatives, although they are expected to come from the UK since the wife also engaged the services of a British law firm, Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors.
It is yet unclear the position to be taken by Oyakhilome on the case ─ either to stall the divorce or to stop the wife from getting hefty alimony.
“The pastor is sending mixed messages all the time. We honestly don’t know his mind yet,” a pastor with the church told TheCable in Lagos, citing instances of Oyakhilome getting angry over his wife’s action and other instances when he appeared conciliatory, seeking that she should retrace her steps and return to her matrimonial home.
Oyakhilome had got wind of his wife’s divorce moves as far back as February this year and tried to stall, but she still went ahead to file the case in April.
For two months, he avoided being served the court papers but was eventually tricked into accepting service by the wife’s lawyers who went to visit him at his London hotel incognito.
Although the marriage was contracted in Nigeria, Anita might have chosen the UK for the divorce because that is where she resides and Western courts are known for their strong stand on family issues.
If the case ends in her favour, she could get alimony of up to 50% of Oyakhilome’s assets, which include hotels and real estate in many countries.
Under the divorce process, he is expected to file his response to the wife’s allegations and state grounds under which he thinks the marriage should not be dissolved.
He could also try to prove to the court that the wife does not deserve significant alimony because of the circumstances of the case.
At the time of writing, he was yet to file his defence, according to sources in the know.
Anita’s lawyers may now be forced to ask for the next step ─ which is the actual dissolution of the union ─ if Oyakhilome’s lawyers keep them waiting.
After reports of the divorce suit were published, an angry Oyakhilome reportedly spoke with members at the London headquarters via a conference call asking those who wanted to leave the church to feel free to do so.
The troubled marriage appeared to have finally broken down last year when Anita stopped ministering at the London headquarters, which she presides over along with other churches in Europe.
She also stopped contributing to Rhapsody of Realities, the highly successful Christian daily devotional which is sold around the world and is a major source of income for the couple.

The devotional, which is written in 550 languages and is currently distributed in 242 countries, is on course to reaching 300,000 cities across the world with 100million in 2014, according to the official website.
Much has been read into the removal of Anita’s name from the devotional after the news of the divorce proceedings went public.
A member of the church in the UK told TheCable that Anita was complaining that retaining her picture and profile in the booklet was creating the wrong impression that she was still contributing to it.
Unconfirmed reports said she ordered the latest edition to be confiscated in London because it was still bearing her image and she had not been paid any royalties since last year.
Christ Embassy is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria, with branches all over the world.
The marriage is blessed with two teenage daughters.
The lord is ur strength, Daddy
All their issues could have been handled in a more matured manner.Truth be told Pastor Chris is seen as a man of God not God of man,hence first as a man he is prone to mistakes. However what do I say of the wife,also an acclaimed follower of Christ, should have not made this go viral through her public actions…She’s denting her image more than the Pastor’s right now. What would the poor teenage daughters pick from this,you should imagine what they would experience as a result from their peers.
I am on no way a supporter of unfaithfulness to the spouse as I am not inclined to supporting divorce.
God’s will shall prevail
Pastor u are one of d men of God that I respect so much My prayer is that The Lord will touch your wife to change her mind for Heaven’s sake She should know better If Clinton’s wife can stay by him @ a time like this, what happens to a supposed child of God who is not a baby Christian If all woman were to divorce their husbands on charges of adultery, 99% of homes would have been broken and note that this would surely have negative effect on Generations un-born It is well sir Am not supporting aduitery or fornication but two wrongs does not make a rightm
I’m sorry, but I think you need to follow the latest news, aka, she is not divorcing him on the terms of adultery. On the other hand, divorce doesn’t seem to be the only reasonable solution, as many other ways could have been deployed to save the marriage, which we actually may never know if they did or didn’t try. Point is, no man, man of God or not should be separated from his family for that long and not expect a divorce. For all we know, she could be tempted herself to commit the very same sin, after all, they are both human. Please, pray for them, but I don’t think the wife is to blame here. He’s the leader and should have known better.
Why will a true man of God be separated from the wife&children for 16years that I can’t imagine,only ve time for them once in a year owing to regular yearly church program,it’s a shame and not a good example for a husband& father,am sure if the two daughters speak out on how much they have missed their dad& love of a father it will be more messy.No man is perfect so I expected pastor Chris considering his position to forget pride,fame etc and apologies to his family for negligence rather than building a supposed empire for The Lord when you can’t even build&manage your home
God will bless you sir!! i wish every one could reason same way!!! tanx and remain blessed.
Pastor, please do everything within your power to stop this divorce.It will be a shame ti the christendom If allowed to hold.Though I still doubt the autheticity of the adultery claim, but if that’s the case you are houman, tough i Don’t support it. i advise that you talk things over with your wife. Our God is a God of peace. SHALLOM
There is a lot of immaturity at play here. Anger, fight and unfirgiveness are all deep signs of stunted growth for adults. My advise to pastor chris is to come down from his high heavens and make a public apology to his wife since the matter is already public and that is irrespective of whether she is going ahead with divorce or not. The so called property she may be entitled to get from the divorce are all tithes and peoples gift. So getting God’s gift will not stop chris from fulfilling God’s mission on earth. Anita is emotional charge and may not be subject to reason, they only window is to communicate to her and her friends through emotional language. We will appeal along with our beloved chris when tows this line. Finally, chris prepare to live in same house with your family, irrespective of your desire to have a global church. That is the cross of marriage and carry it. You can’t escape it. Go for training on delegation and acting within a balance system. And for Anita be ready for appeal when chris openly humiliate and humble himself honestly and sincerely. This is the institution of marriage which we have to find happiness when we look deeply inside it.
You are totally right in your comment and advise. Pastor Christ has been known and respected as a man of God. If he has derailed from the word, he needs to apologize to his wife and the congregation world wide and ask for forgiveness from God who sees it all. Wealth as Solomon said is vanity upon vanity.
Sincerely the genesis of all I denote on this ,divorce issues is a struggle for sovereignty by the wife.nobody is a above mistakes bcos we are all human and judging with there more exposure to the world of God they should set exemple to a lot of d much multitude.its sad that she couldn’t even look at the gud works d rhapsody is doing to millions of people in the world instead of d gains.if only can spread the gospel of Christ without gains it should be her happiness that Gods world is been promoted even by her not been a contributor.i pray there marriage find a steady grounds and whoever is the source of concern to put them apart may they not have peace too in the home.amen
Please, before you start talking of sovereignty, look it up. No man is sovereign. But that’s beside the point.
You seem to have absolved the “pastor” of any guilt in the matter. I ask, wash she married to an angel? Is he not the father of her children? Can you live separate from your spouse for 16 years and not ask for trouble? Were you living in their house with them?
And who told you that she is not happy that God’s word is being promoted? are you now in her mind? Please, stop making silly sweeping and judgmental statements. As far as parenting is concerned, she is a single parent. Her kids see their father more on TV than at home.Is that normal? Will you take that?
And we all know how men are. If you have tasted s** once, no matter the angel that is guarding you, you will want more. And woe betide you if your wife is not near you. Please, remember that he is a human being who also makes mistakes. He is still on this planet and so is she. Why should a man not see to his marital affairs? Leaving his own bride and catering to the bride of Christ? Jesus does not take the church as an excuse for abandoning your home o. Be warned.
At KennyO, quoting you “and whoever is the source of concern to put them apart may they not have peace too in the home.amen”
To make it clear to you, Chris Oyakhilome is the source of concern to tear his family apart. If you look at the basis of Reverend Anita’s allegations, you will see facts but what Chris could do is lay emphasis of people in the scripture which the Holy bible didn’t tell us they were married. Chris in the pursuit of his ministry neglected family issues and union. The truth should be told for people to learn and understand the right way for family Union.
Any analytical person and of sound critical reasoning will see that Chris Oyakhilome is actually “the source of concern” to tear his family apart. May God help us.
I think these are trying times for Pastor Chris, i pray the almighty God grant him grace and wisdom to overcome IJN
The body of Christ must rise up and pray against divorce cases in the church today. We must not condemn Pastor Chris and Anita rather pray for them and put the devil to shame. The devil’s target is always at what could cause disharmony in the body of Christ. Family is one of the areas where believers must ask The Almighty God to intervene. Where there is peace in the home front, there will be peace in the church. Remember our family is the first church. May the good Lord who instituted marriage restore them in Jesus name. Amen
What you are saying here is true. we should not point finger on any of the two instead pray for them and ashame the devil becuase his plan is to destroy the church but the Word of God says God has built his church and no devil and his cohorts will prevail against it.
People should look at this issue beyond Pastor Chris and Anita, Satan has a goal he wants to achieve by stirring up this matter…. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter… The church is under attack and the faith of our present and unborn generation is at stake. Attack the family attack the foundation of the society… What will happen to Christian marriages after this… Let the church arise and fast and pray … Don’t judge!
Mama, even if Pst did is a human and learn to talk things over with him not devoice……..the Bible does not welcome it, after all you’re a Rev. Please Rev Anita withdraw back that devoice notice and God will honour u.
anita is greedy,and doesn’t want to be under d control of chris,if not so,if not so,if she as a messenger of God worldwide could do did,what we the listeners do,she has bn a teacher,what about the students,my advice to her is to relax nd reorganize herself,nd follow God instead of following our properties,after all,marriage is 4 better 4 worst.
don’t judge.
Excuse me, it is people like you that would have divorced their spouse ten years ago on the same charge. Don’t go and be pointing fingers.
Please, answer these questions. Do you know her personally? Have you spoken with her on this issue? Has she confided in you? Are you their mediator? Are you even a member of their church? Are you the one that has been playing the role of husband to her? Are you acting as the father of her children? Are you there to hold her every night? Has she asked for any of the property they share? Are you his lawyer?
The world needs less people like you. You are too sentimental. If people like you are in her shoes, you would have scattered it a long time ago
Be judging matters that don’t concern you there. Let’s see how your own marriage would turn out.
This is without doubt one of the wisest comments I’ve seen on the internet concerning this issue, I really wish a lot of people would take out time and reason in this light before opening up their mouths to pour out folly
How can this be true
My Pastors and spiritual parents please whatever is wrong seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit as you have taught us, we cannot let you divorce, you are role models to many and think of the million souls that God has entrusted on you. Let not pride, greed, bitterness rule you, God is against this, please reconcile for the sake of the souls that are looking up to you and your lovely kids. This reminds me of King David who killed a husband of a wife whom he wanted to have an affair with and that was totally wrong but he repented and Almighty God forgave him. You have taught us the Word and that we are expected to forgive, please my respected Pastors do the Word. We love you so much and we are praying for you, have time alone and seek the counsel of God, you cannot go to court no matter what, you are an example to us. Whatever or whoever has done what please humble yourselves and reconcile, apologize for the wrong you have done, you wont lose anything, please disgrace the devil who is attacking your union as its strategy to attack the flock that you lead.
I love you Pastor Chris and I love you Pastor Anita, we dont walk by sensory perceptions but by the spirit.
God bless you all. Pastor Chris and Pastor Anita, we want you to know that we love you so much. We know what you both are going through right now. We know how tough it is to contain this public mess. We are praying for you. We know that the Devil is trying to smight the shepards so that the sheep will scatter. He’s only trying his best shots. Unfortunately, they are not good enough to take you and your ministries down. We believe God that all these will come and pass but you will still be standing strong. God that has brought you this far will not leave stranded. God is watching to see how you both will handle this Devils’s attack on your personalities and ministries. We look up to you, please look down at us. Remember that God will require the blood of these sheep from you both. Be courageous and strong enough to stop this divorce. We anticipate your victory over this trial. GOD BLESS YOU. AMEN.
Please note that “inappropriate relationships with members of staff” is not necessarily a euphemism for adultery. As professional journalists kindly limit your reporting to the “facts” as you know them and keep away from unecessary interpretations.
We will keep praying for both Pastor Chris and Rev Anita. May God give them the grace, wisdom and strength to prevail.
Thank you very much!!! Some sense at last.
If they sue his a** for libel now, he will start crying.
And yes, they are both human beings, subject to human temptations. May they pull through unscathed. And may they have this victory for theirs and the Church’s sake.
God bless you.
Pastor chris I pray that d mercy of God prevails over your marriage so that d plan of d devil nd his cohorts will be twarted in Jesus name amen.
The body of Christ must rise up and pray
against divorce cases in the church today. We
must not condemn Pastor Chris and Anita
rather pray for them and put the devil to
shame. The devil’s target is always at what
could cause disharmony in the body of Christ.
Family is one of the areas where believers
must ask The Almighty God to intervene.
Where there is peace in the home front, there
will be peace in the church. Remember our
family is the first church. May the good Lord
who instituted marriage restore them in Jesus
name. Amen
I love you Rev Anita n Pst Chris,though not in the ministry, I’ve learnt a lot on God’s word through your. Ministration both, PST Chris messages, Rev Anita’s book’ don’t pack your bags yet’. I remember changing my name to Anita through the influce of knowing you both from a distances when i became saved some 17yrs ago.I admirer your family alot.
I pray that the wisdom of God will prevail during this season in your marriage, and that you may both have absolute victories, without breaking apart, that your testimony will be of laughter, that will build more homes at the end of this season.
Please bear in mind that I love you both, and I speak the mind of much more people.
Thank you Pastor Chris and Pastor Anita for feeding our spirits thro the Rhapsody. My life is not the same. Now it’s time for both of you to ACT on the WORD of GOD, dear Pastors. You have to win this for the sake of millions who believe in you and your message. Humility is the key to more grace. Grace will see this challenge overcome. We are praying for you both. Don’t fight back , don’t fight in court, don’t defend, just begin to love .. as Christ loved us. We lovebyou both, you are great Pastors.
I’ve always sensed that there’s something fishy with that woman. & when I saw that the ‘pastors’ pictures were removed from rhapsody I sensed trouble,that could have been the Holy Spirit speaking to me. My faith has been challenged here. I don’t think I’ll ever go to church again,ever! I’m so dissapointed & angry right now
Look at you, the Devil’s got you right where he wants, so you go to church because of pastor Chris and pastor Anita, my dear brother, wisdom is profitable to direct, because we aren’t ignorant of the devices of the devil, haven’t you learnt anything from Pastor ?? You don’t allow the devil any breathing space, don’t let this hinder your faith, don’t be a babe in christ, we should not forsake the gathering of the brethren as the manner of some is, remember our shield of faith is to be held high as we quench the fiery darts of the enemy.. God bless you, I’ll be praying for you
The case if Clinton’s is different from the oyakilomes. Clinton despite his infidelity keeps up with his family. Chris had no time for his family. how can a married woman stay without the warmth of his husband for months to years. The Bible said a man who can not take care of his family needs (including emotional) is worst than a person without faith.
Why do people always relate any issue to either God or the Devil? We sometimes forget that human beings play role in their greatness/downfall mostly. Why would God -ordinarily- allow the Devil to prevail in such situation as this, knowing fully well that the outcome of this issue has great effect on many lives out there? I don’t want to pray for any of them as there is always an acclaimed will of God concerning all human situations. So be it as the Lord pleases therefore. So be it if it is the consequence of their hand-works.
Ppl blame the Devil for all unwanted situations. Sometimes human beings are the cause of their misfortunes. God ‘in his will’ would never allow the Devil prevail in such situation, knowing the effect on mmany lives(a loving God?). If so be his will then, good! If it is the consequence of what they have done, okay!!
Pastor Chris and Anita don’t do things that will make me to go back to sins again,because I was recreated through the word of God I heard from your ministerial materials(rhapsodies of realities) and church activities. I pray God to wade into the mater.
For me, the will of God should prevail. I pray for them and that’s all
I wonder how people respond to issues like this with no rational reasoning, this people have been praying, and the Church too have prayed and still praying for them, as well individuals, what these persons need is to accept responsibility, blame and make positive adjustments to keep their home, there should be a practical approach to this and not arrogance, pride and unwillingness to make positive changes. A simple apology, humility and redirecting things for better could have resolved this issue much earlier.
honestly,what i think about all this is ” the devil is at work”..Anita is being manipulated by the devil to destroy Chris..if not,then why is she fighting for a divorce? (for hefty alimony i guess)
good news cannot be replaced by anybody’s character.
pastor anita has been struggling for too has been so difficult talking to herself.she said with her own hand writing do not pack your bags yet anita.
the bible says they have ears,but cannot hear.
people of God i personally repent i am sorry Lord for not presenting anitas case to you ,when she needed help.
cc anita God is bring a bright light on your life.
we love you for your humility & patience you are a real woman of God.
Has any one be thinking, if God is using this to set the captives free of worshipping in the wrong place.Think about his address, asking people to leave the church, if they wish. May God be praised.
Its not the time to throw blames. You don’t steal because you want to, even if you think you want to. The spiritual controls the physical, so whatever happens in the physical, has a spiritual trigger. This is the Devil at work, for sure brethren, targeting the foundation of the church through prominent Men of God. It did not start today, and its going to more prominent Men of God if we just keep throwing blames and not PRAY. “If the foundation be destroyed, what will the righteous do” Ps. 11:3. Yes Ps Chris might be a defaulter, but we should wipe away this DIVORCE MENTALITY from the Church, because that’s what the Devil is planting. The devil is a liar, FIRE FIRE FIRE
Pastor keep on with your good works, God will help your overcome this situation.