
EXCLUSIVE: Pastor Oyakhilome’s wife finally files for divorce in London court

TheCable learnt Anita recently wanted to go public with the details of her allegations against the husband but reached an informal agreement to sheathe her sword in the interest of the church.

Oyakhilome is regarded as one of the richest and most influential pastors in Nigeria, and co-authors the fast-selling Christian daily devotional, Rhapsody of Realities, with the wife.

However, following the strain in the marriage, the wife had been complaining to friends that her husband had stopped the payment of royalties due her from the devotional.

“She complained of being deliberately starved of funds, perhaps to bring her to her knees in the belief that she would eventually return to her matrimonial home and mend things,” a church member  told TheCable in the UK.


A wealthy Zimbabwean businessman, who is into telecoms, is one of the biggest financiers of the London branch of the church which Anita pastors along with other branches in Europe.

When the crisis got to a head, the Zimbabwean stopped funding the church ─ some said in solidarity with Oyakhilome, his close friend and neighbour in Johannesburg, South Africa.

However, Oyakhilome was said to have been shocked when the wife announced at a fundraiser that she was sowing a “seed” (donation) of $1 million ─ despite her assumed lack of access to funds.


Matters got to a head on Sunday, July 13, 2014, when some relatives of Anita locked up the London branch of the church to protest against the “humiliation” being meted out to their sister ─ who had not overseen services at the branch since November 2013.

Some church members had sometime in May 10, 2014 launched facebook campaign, asking: “Where is Rev. Anita Oyakhilome?”

They said Pastor Chris and Rev. Anita must unite “for the sake of the gospel, the church and their two beautiful daughters”.

They quoted Malachi 2:16 in the Message Bible: “I hate divorce, says the God of Israel.”


The facebook page, which has over 3,300 “likes”, was opened with a stated mission: “This is a Call to Prayer for all believers who understand God’s heart concerning marriage and a Call to Action by Pst. Chris. #DoWhatYouPreach”.

Officials of the church quickly moved to deny any rift between the pastor couple.

One official, Kenneth Achumasara, told the media last June: “I can tell you authoritatively that there is no issue between Pastor Chris and his wife, Anita… If you go to the UK now you will see her along with the kids. She is still with him and there is no issue between them. I have been with him for 22 years and the Pastor Chris I know cannot even utter such words as reported. He will never address such a gathering. She will soon be in Nigeria for a programme and I will definitely invite you to have access to her.”

    1. What is unbelievable? Are they not humans? These people make it appear as if they have everything under their control, but that is not the case!

  1. If this is true, both parties have to drop their egos. And as a wife, you must and should be contented with what you have. A man with a vision sometimes runs with hyper-zeal but it shouldn’t be to the detriment of your home. I think Pastor Benny Hinn should have more experience and probably intervene. I pray that this issue be resolved in the most biblical way. They have blessed and touched so many lives.

    1. I agree with you Micheal. They have blessed a thousands of lives and are still doing so. They should mend fences for the sake of the gospel and the body of Christ. Neither should allow ego to get in the way of the right of the other. I tell you there are too many women around Pastor for his own good. No woman will be comfortable with that. His wife must take preeminence after God, even before the church. He will be setting a dangerous precedent if he does not resolve this.

    2. Your first assumption is that the woman is at fault: “As a wife…etc”
      Please remember that the Bible gives roles to BOTH. It asks the woman to be obedient to her spouse but asks the man to LOVE his spouse as Christ loves his church and laid down his life for her. As you can see, the job of the man is obvious and arguably far greater than the job of the woman. So please, my fellow Nigerian Christians, lets not fault women so readily when the Bible has a balanced view. Read Ephesians 5 : 22-30 and make sure you dont stop after verse 24. You must read it to the end.

      1. You have said it all Brother. A marriage only works when BOTH SPOUSES play their role. Actually I was taught that a man plays 70% of the role to make a marriage work as he is theleader of the home.

    3. I agree with Michael I pray dat God in his mercy shouldn’t allow dat to happen Satan must be put to shame

  2. Thank God this is now coming out. Citizens of the world, it is very true. Theyhave been seperated for over 15 years. Do not be deceived my people

    1. …And I am sure you are happy about it. Keep at it and you will reap the fruits thereof. I’m happy for you and your thoughts.

      1. @ bolaji, do you have a concrete evidence of what you are saying,we should be careful. They dont work for themselves, they work for God and when you think you are talking to them, you will not know you are molesting God. Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. You dont know the kind devilish impression you are creating for people. If you dont re-frame your words, you will be dealt with.

        1. Please Nigerians stop over-quoting this “touch not my anointed…” thing. Remember that Jesus criticized the anointed religious leaders of his time when they sinned. Religious leaders should be respected but also called-out when they do wrong. The key is to call them out in a loving way. “Touch not my anointed…” should not be a free pass for any religious leader. We as Christians are called to speak against sin while loving the sinner. Jesus did this, so did John the Baptist, St. Paul etc. Lets learn to do thesame instead of using this quote as a shield.

          1. You are not jesus and you are not john the baptist. A man of the spirit discerns judges all things but is judged by no man

          2. @kay kay, Servants of the most High are not answerable to you or anyone but The Master who has called them. The pharisees u speak about were refered to as hypocrites by Jesus, and trully they were. That a servant of God has a marital problem doesn’t does not make you a judge over him. Read their stories very well b4 u comment. I repeat that scripture again “Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm”. King David said “far be it from me that I shlould touch or lay hands on the anointed of of God”, that was even when King Saul was after David’s life for just no cause. I am not a Christ Embassy member but a fellow believer, and I’d like to say that even if the pastor has fallen, the wife should help in restoring him and not making a public riddicle of their marriage, knowing fully well that millions of people look up to them. The Righteous falleth seven times but rises again; Note: The Righteous not The Wicked. So let’s stop acting like they are not humans too. Pray for them and do not judge.

          3. Kay – Kay, I think you talk before you reason. Remember what happened to Aaron and Miriam

        2. The quote “touch not my anointed
          ” is often misinterpreted as immunity for the Pastor from being questioned. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God, you need no further mediator. Man must never be elevated to the status of God. This is why most are led astray by False prophets. Paul says, test all things, question all things and hold fast to that which is true. Let the Bible be your guide.

    2. Bolaji is very correct. They hv been separated for over 15years. Let’s stop living in denial and call a spade a spade.

      1. @peaches, u do not know what you are talking about. I tend to believe that Anita is being influenced by bad friends and it’s unfortunate that adversaries are using her to get pastor Chris and his ministry. But one thing is certain, the ministry of pastor Chris will come out stronger. Pastor Chris went through so many persecutions, and now Anita is being used for the final onslaught. All the evil tricks will certainly fail, in Jesus Name. Amen!.

        1. You have been taking Pastor Chris God that is why you do not believe he can make mistakes. No good woman will want to destroy her home if the husband is not in consistent clear error. Be properly guided.

    3. @ driftwood and klay
      Please read the entire 1 Chronicles 16 and not just verse 22. There in reading the whole story, you will see that “the annoited” are the WHOLE of Israel and not just one pastor….
      Today, we Christian are Israel (Abraham s blessing is now ours) and we are therefore all annoited.
      Note too that All members of the church are called to judge others within the church: 1 Corinthians 5 :12. This is not to condemn them ( for only God can judge in this manner) but to help them repent. (See 2 Corinthians 2: 5-10 where those who had FIRST been scolded for their sin in the church were subsequentlyforgiven).
      Please read and understand this comment well and go to referenced passages before getting angry.
      God bless

    1. Actually he allows it on the grounds of adultery after which neither should remarry. Read Mathew 19:8.
      Since we dont know whether there was adultery or not, its best not take sides at this point.

      1. Be careful, being Christian, or pastor do not take us out of the world, or problems in the world. No matter what God can fight for his servant

  3. it is very sad to read about this on the internet. It is important to see marriage beyond self and job. It is your life to make it work. It will change a lot if these two part ways. It is about the kingdom and not Chris and Anita.
    Sheath your swords and let the same mind that was in Christ be also in you that seeing the glory ahead He endured the Cross and subject himself to death even the death on the cross.

    1. I align with your submission. The only way the faith we profess and the mission we seek to accomplish is established is by overcoming all obstacles no matter from what angle, even from your spouse. And the only one to turn to while we endure is Christ just as he turned to His Father in His desperate hour. While not judging none of these excuses is sufficient to abort Christ Embassy objective for the Lord. The Christian community must rise with one voice of regret over this error about to be committed and earnestly beseech God Almighty in the Name of our Lord to show mercy by reinstating them as one to continue the divine business committed into their hands. May
      the Lord honour His Name by this two in one Christ ambassador (amen).

  4. This is a warning to who so ever the devil has used to commit this, therefore if you don’t want to die young & waste your future continue but if not cease from this evil you are doing to your self in the name doing what you wan to do, but there is a way that seems right to a man but the end of it is death.

  5. True that d best of marriages is still prone to failure,but I tremble in fear at how our new generation churches and pastors explain away scriptures and interpret it to suit themselves and unfortunately we the followers still sheepishly swallows the junk and applauds it even when we see it clearly negates the living word of God. Something is clearly and foundamentally wrong. Be not decieved, “God’s standard standeth sure, sealed with this inscription that the Lord knows those that are his and all that calleth the name of the Lord should depart from iniquity”

  6. When you give the devil attention, he gives you direction. I am not in any way authorized to comment on this Spiritual issue. They should as a matter of urgency because of souls won through their ministration revert and the wife should relocate and be beside her husband. They need our prayers. Shalom

  7. My soul weeps!!! G6od what is this? D DEVIL IS AT WORK AND SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN CHANCE!!! This family is my role model in family lines. Pastor Anita should please tread with caution. Your husband is a man of God ordained and anointed by God; there must be temptations!! Can you handle them with care??? This is the time to show us that you love your husband and can stand for Him. I’ve learnt a lot from you and your write-ups and have been applying them in my home. Please don’t fail GOD. TWO OF YOU SHOULDN’T FAIL THE CHURCH OF GOD. Please settle out of court and in love. LET D SPIRIT OF GOD help you. I will be praying for you both.

    1. God bless u chidy. Pastor Chris is one man that is right in the territory of Satan giving knocks, particularly through the healing ministry, and devil is trying to get him through rev.Anita. Pastor Chris, be courageous and bold as always sir. You and the ministry will definitely triumph. May God strengthen sir.

    2. Being a man of God does not give anybody a licence to hurt his wife and neglect his children to a point where they regard his presence as a Christmas Gift!! God never said a wife must pastor a church in England and a husband pastor another somewhere in another country! There was clearly a hidden agenda here! This is simply how the doors were opened for the enemy to attack! We cannot fight this truth forever. Another thing: We must stop trampling on Pastor Anita under our feet as if she is not a child of God. Jesus died for her. Stop judging her! Read 1 Corinthians 4v5! The biggest mistake the Pastor made was sending Pastor Anita and children to England while he remained in Nigeria. This is not normal. Stop quoting scriptures out of context. Remember Jesus is coming back soon, we will all know who wrecked this marriage on JUDGEMENT DAY!! So, judge not before the appointed time….

      1. The demands of ministry can cause a man of God to neglect his family. The people always want more….even Jesus had to get away from the crowd many times. In these marital situations and challenges the man of God feels right because he is honoring his call and the woman feels right because she was to be first. It is such a conflict. But it is clear that a wife must not be put into ministry unless she has shown maturity which is measured by consistent obedience to the direction of the Spirit”s leadership. Few women can rise to this task. Because naturally women want to lead men the scripture says the wife must submit. Submission is hard thing to do. Love however is even harder, because it is about constantly dying to self for benefit of the other. But the scripture says love never fails. Hence, men must pray for the grace of Getting God to love even when wives seek to usurp their authority.


  8. Guys am not a member of his church, but let us pray for them, that God forgives them for their sins, because divorce is a sin in the eyes of God.

    1. “He who has no sin should throw the first stone” that was Jesus’ response to those hypocrites. Are you one of them?

      1. where is the hypocrisy in stating that the bible cites adultery as a valid reason for divorce? What does that have to do with casting stones? Abeg shift!

  9. Am glad that if the news is not true then will sell all their properties and leave 9ja. Make sure you publish the truth and nothing but the truth.

  10. I think this will be the biggest test yet for Pastor Chris. How he handles this will have a far reaching impact on his millions of flocks world wide.
    My Prayer is that he has the wisdom and grace to ride this storm, just like Benny Hinn did recently.
    Whether the accusation is true or false, only God knows. But then, sins are meant to be forgiven, especially is repentance is sought.

  11. To our Daddy & Mummy Oyakhilome, what can you do to save a loved one, your partner ! “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son………………………….. ” This is a test of faith, please don’t get carried away by the crowd but by His words. God will see you through.

  12. Many christians are sentimental about d issue, is all about making amend because of d church & follower or that God should expose fake pastors who has been decieving the world since ? Adultry is d only reason accepted by God in which people should divorce once is true (read ur bible is there) .devil is transforming themselves as angel of light decieving many people.if truely he did not commit d allegation by d wife God will fight for him but if truely he commited , den fowl nyashi don open b dat. Lex not judge but wait & see

  13. If this is anything to go by, i pray God will intervene and touch the couple’s hearts. This is a big lesson for many of us.

  14. What is spiritual about this? Wives are expected to submit to their husbands. The Pastors of this world are humans after all.

    OUR GOD IS A MERCIFUL GOD, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE,DON’T PACK UR BAGS YET…these are some of the messages that have been preached by the couples,i pray for a divine intervention that will calm the storm in their life. it is well with the family.

  16. Leadership and entire members of Christ Embassy have been denying the existence of a crises in Pas. Chris’ marriage for so many years, even when they had been seperated long ago. They shd all beg God for forgiveness for lies told the world if they truly believe in God.

  17. dont you think that this is a false information? is thecable the only journalist in this world? why not focus on something that you will benefit from, every forum all over the internet is just making reference to thecable. were you there in the court? were you invited to come and witness what they were doing? be very careful.

    1. Nigerian are too religious instead of reality, too many hypocrites.One of the comments reads that Chris and Anita have separated for more than 15yrs is like the world was coming down.Ask yourself what is Anita doing in london. Christ embassy have trained and good pastors at least one can pastor the branch where Anita is and be with her beloved husband in SA if everything is fine.Forget the position they hold they are human and needs our prayers.It is an issue that has been on for awhile lets not pretend.

      1. Exactly. Sometimes they forget common sense and reason. Forgetting that these are good things God gave us to use to make good decisions according to his Word. I guess denial and “touch not my anointed” are smaller pills to swallow for them than the naked reality of sin.

    2. I wish Pastor Cris & his congregation can come out clean and stop hidin. They r making matters worse n makin people curious. After all he is human he is entitled to go thruogh some challenges. This hiding is not good for imsge and his church. We love him irrespect of all what is said about him. This does not make him alesser man of God.

  18. I am utterly worried about the on going trends of wives of pastors seeking to destroy their husbands for no just cause. During our parents days a wife is supposed to be gentle, absolutely supportive and take care of the home front. That is why our fathers can marry many wives and will still be able to handle them. Nowadays, these women have usurped the roles of men and the church and pastors are not helping either. Do you hear of the wife of a sheikh or Imani filing for divorce even though the wife may be No. 5

    Gentlemen and all the pastors reading we need to put our wives back to the position that God has ordained “HELP MEET FOR HIM” not a competitor,insulter, attacker or destroyer.

    A man has diligently built up his reputation or business or church or ministry to an enviable state and because of a little misunderstanding, the wife decides to go to town with all manner of allegations including adultery against the man of God. I don’t have sympathy for these type of wives. She was a huge mistake in the first instance and she should have been showed the way.

    Think of it these way, no one is accusing this man of adultery other than his wife. Attack did not come from another person but his wife, destroyer did not come from another person but his wife. I am utterly angry at this useless wife. What else does she want in life that she hasn’t got

    ALL WOMEN SHOULD LEARN A BIG LESSON FROM HILARY CLINTON DURING THE MONICA LEWINSKY SAGA. Hilary stood in public by Bill all through. Now who is reaping the rewards of the supports. Bill is not a pastor but the president of the USA at that time.

    If this Pastor’s wife has been HILARY she would have destroyed the presidency of bill and invariably several destinies will have been destroyed. Have you thought of the fact that BARACK OBAMA’ destiny could also have been destroyed if Hilary had allowed the LEWINSKY Saga to destroy Bill and His presidency

    Ladies and wives ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Gentlemen, any wife that has been showing the tendencies to bring you down, YOU MUST BE QUICK AND SWIFT TO RESIST


    1. Please please, you do not know what the poor woman was going through? She is a pastor and quite educated herself, with her own image to protect, and pleas e don’t talk about Hilary, she clearly had political ambition, and that was why she came up with that charade. Please be objective, and see things from her perspective as well. A sin is a sin, adultery is adultery pastor or not. Shalom

      1. Thank you for that answer Jay! I have never seen or read such loveless hogwash! Backward, selfish view of marriage. Kai! Women dey suffer sha.

      2. What ever she must have been going through can’t be compare to what our mothers of those days went through. But they remain in their marriages for the sake of their children. ..she could have handled it better for the sake of the gospel….if women in those da6s could bear worst for the sake of their kids, she too can, not only for her kids sake but alsi for the sake of the babes in christ, for the sake of the body of christ, for the sake of the gospel!!! There’s sure a far better way ti handle this, am not saying pst chris does not have any blame at all, but strong women keeps their marriage.
        This is so not good….she just playing the script of the enemy. The bible says even while we were yet sinners christ died for us, yet we can’t tolerate ourselves at the slightest provocation.
        The longer you stay with that love of your life that you married, the more you find out not so pleasant things about yourselves, maturity comes when even though you know and see all your partner flaws, you still love him/her and determine to make it work. As long there’s no physical abuse.
        If you can excercise your faith to grow your finances, to build your church or even grow your business, you sure can excercise your faith for your marriage.
        But I strongly believe that this is not the end….it has happened before with an happy ending. Benny Hinns.

    2. What a biased, misogynistic, myopic and unChristlike viewpoint!

      You are not part of their relationship and do not know what happened or who did what to whom. And even if you were…your conclusions and expectations are spurious and have no basis in truth.

      So,support of a husband is the acceptance and defence of adultery? The idea would be laughable if it was not so appalling that someone in the 21st century can advocate such crap in the name of God knows what.

      No wonder Nigerian women go through such hell in the name of marriage, if the men think like this. May God deliver us from self serving hypocrisy masquerading as religion.

      If this view is what Christian marriage has to offer, I’ll pass. You make it seem better to marry a sincere, civilized unbeliever than to marry a Christian who is ready to pervert the bible to support his selfish lack of accountability to his spouse.

      1. You seem not to understand the original roles of women as God ordained. I am not looking for 21st women, this is the problem. 21st woman is a huge joke, a big problem and a disaster waiting to explode

        The sheiks or Imams wives are not 21st women

        Let return to Genesis chapter 2 verse 18 to 25 and search for a virtuous woman

        Please don’t use the 21st century woman to rewrite the Bible

        1. Why on earth would I want to be married to a sheik or imam or any muslim for that matter? From what I see/hear of them, I certainly wouldn’t want to be married to one.

          I don’t know which bible you are reading o! My own does not say I am to endure adultery, neglect or heartache to be a virtuous woman.

          You people make it sound as if God requires a woman to be a doormat and live a life without love, kindness, respect, consideration fairness, love and accountability from her husband. She is supposed to endure all for the sake of everyone else.

          You know what God is not a wicked fellow and will not condemn his daughters to the kind of hopelessness and abuse that you seem to be advocating. My bible did not paint such a picture.

          My bible says a husband should love his wife like wife loved the church and gave his life for her. And I’m sorry but like many other husbands, I don’t see Pastor Chris doing that. I’ve seen all sorts of comments about ministry being more important than wife and that it will become stronger despite divorce. No one is wondering what God thinks here o! See, that man’s primary ministry is to his wife and kids and only after that comes church. But he has turned that principle upside down for years. I can beat my chest in saying no woman who the husband has loved truly (in action o! not just words) will file for divorce.

          What we are witnessing is the culmination of years of not walking in love towards your spouse. And the general rule is that it is men who let the woman carry the entire burden of making relationship work whilst seeking other interests. At the end of the day, we will never know the truth

          1. Babe, I have read all your responses to Craig’s totally unfortunate submission, and I could not agree any more with each and every point you’ve made. As they say in today’s parlance, “Your head dey there”! A lot of chauvinistic n******* being bandied around these days. Kudos, babe.

      2. You sound quite sure of yourself: pls kindly take copious notes now as you might think differently after some years into marriage yourself.

    3. But Bill you mentioned admitted he did something wrong, but Pastor said he did not do anything wrong in the marriage to cause upheaval, so he is a perfect husband, he does not need to change anything. So if you don’t have any better thing to say, please be quiet.

    4. You refer to Hillary’s support of Bill but you forget that Bill openly confessed his sins and took responsibility. He made a public apology and repented. Women are very forgiving, but there’s so much they can bear. And pls, we are in 2014, women are being liberated from that slavery mentality African men have subjected them to all in the name of marriage.

      1. Good one. People only speak in favour of man of God and not see the place of the Woman of God. For a woman of God to come out public bearing the shame to stop her marriage, I believe she must be right. I believe she has passed through a lot people cannot see. But I pray that God shall intervene.

    5. Craig, I find your comment very chauvinistic. The bible tells a woman to SUBMIT to her husband whilst being loved and protected by him. Being a woman does not mean you are sentenced to a life of abuse whether physical, verbal or emotional. The issue here is twofold. The body of Christ should pray for this family to be reunited by THE MERCY OF GOD. Sin is sin and that is why we must PRAY for God to show mercy to this servant of God if the accusations are true, so he can repent and mend his ways, for God does not want the death of a sinner. God that helped Pastor Benny Hinn can do it again.
      Secondly, Servants of God must learn to take care of their marriages and invest time and care. You may be anointed but still have to work at being a good husband and father.or wife.and mother. if you neglect your family because of ministry, one day the imbalance will rock the boat of your ministry. Husbands and wives belong together, if you have to work apart it should not be for too long. May god have mercy on this family in Jesus name.

    6. The church is bigger than Sis Anita. In my humble view, she cannot stop the work/move of God in the now with d allegation of adultery. Was there an evidence to support her claims or was it shown to her in a vision/malaria dreams? In any marriage, a woman decides to live with d man and if she is fed up, let her go in love and serve God rather than destroy legacies built over the years. I smell something fishy in the entire report. Only time will tell. This shows that we are mere mortals prone to human frailties. Let’s not spiritualise facts and face realities. Ka Chineke mezie Okwu – Amen

    7. Exactly, my point dear, women have to cover their husbands weakness and so the husbands. There is no use of exposing one another thinking that you are clean, hence the world will see you the same. She could have handle it better for the sake of their biological children and their spiritual children too, she does is not aware of the souls this thing have affected.

  19. I think Christ Embassy should reverse their policy of seperating couples who are pastors.This gives room to the devil

  20. This is sad!!! JEHOVAH ALPHA Pls help this home.
    my advice to Anita: pls be humble and respect your husband the Carrier of the vision. Don’t allow bad influence and pride tear down your home and the ministry you have co-laboured to build over this years.

  21. My heart bleeds for the attempted damage to the gospel the enemy is doing now. I see beyond Pst Chris & Anita to see millions across the globe who took them as role models especially the young generation. Christians across the world should unite in prayer against this move.

  22. I don’t believe any single word from this article, please my people, let us be careful about what we read, hear and comment. God bless you all. Thanks.

  23. I may say that am not supprised in this development. I pray and wish it doesn’t happen.
    The foundation of the society is the family.
    What is happening now is from the foundation that was laid for this marriage when Christ embassy as a sanctioned Church policy were seperating couples in the name of ministry work. The wife will be sent to south Africa while the husband is posted to Togo. It was not one or two but many couples in the Church. For years Anita was in London while Chris was in Nigeria. So this is the fruit of this policy. Husband and wife are supposed to stay together. What God has joined together let no man ( even church) put asunder.

  24. sincerely there are some people who we feel are “not of this world” probably as a result of the love and respect we esteem them. i wish this story is not true.

  25. Its ok for them to give divorce a try and see which is better. No man is greater than another we all have to carry the cross of our actions, just pray for them.

  26. Friend to early and inpatient to describe n to judge. what observed , something is wrong somewhere.
    Note from onset women are always first to destroys home. she’s looking for something not just the divorce ,something has come over her, she has never corrected her husband properly, she is justifying herself before the world and not before God. she has no ideas about God or even the marriage she had been. one thing decides all “Death” then she meet the judgement if the real God. but please blame no one.

  27. Our church leaders Baba Adeboye, Pastor Kumuyi, Primate Okoh Cardinal Onaiyekan , Pastor Oyedepo and others should prayerfully and urgently please intervene. Let us continue to pray for God’s intervention in the peerless name of Jesus Christ

    1. I thought of that too my brother. But pastor Chris has never shown any respect or connection to these people may be he felt better than them except T.B. Joshua. But T.B. is busy now.

  28. It’s all about cash money. May the lord take out the asunder in their marriage. I blame all the pretty women that surround pastor and will not let him breathe common fresh air. Before service, they are all over him and after service, they will circle him. See what they have caused him now. Women can destroy the best of empires built by men in one day. Yes, they have that power. What will kris do now, I am sure some sisters in the church are positioning themselves to take over.Let him not remarry like kris okotie oh.Look well well before picking holy omoge. No dey look for yellow pawpaw go marry another kasala.

  29. I pray for Almighty God intervention in this divorce issue between Pastor Chris Oyakhilome&his beautiful wife Anita. I cannot believe it. I pray dat it is not true. All the same, I pray that God should take control because I do not want the both of them to divorce.

  30. filing for divorce is never the best thing to do especially when u 2 re globally recognized whr is the fear of God. Anita u have to claim ur husband even if ur alligations against him are true. Hold back that which u have before the enemies take it away from you.

    1. She doesnt have to “claim” him if an adultery happens. Adultery is one of the grounds for divorce in the Bible. Read Mathew 19:8. Since we dont know whether there was adultery or not, its best not take sides at this point

  31. Oh! What a shame and disgrace this will create in the lives of Christians all over the word…even if humans cannot reconcile this beautiful and handsome couples respected worldwide…. Oh God! Why can’t you put the Devil in charge to shame that he deserves.

  32. if de Lord shouldest mark iniquities who shall stand psa 133.marriage is for better n for worse. nw dat
    de worse has happen according to de women let her bears it since she is de suporting pilar.there is no problem witout soloutions. de soloution here is for de both parties to search their conscience and then invite GOD for total deliverance amen.

  33. Pastor Chris n his wife are indeed mortals but they have done things beyond the ordinary together.
    This seems more like a warning
    if you love Jesus Christ and the gospel as you profess, then start praying for the ministers of the gospel now.
    Power must change hands.
    This is a call to prayer

  34. Glory be to God, for He Is the Alfa and the Omega. However the man of God’s issues will be resolved through His presence to the openness of their hearts and application of His word towards a resolution. Regarding the many women and man of God in their ministry worldwide, i pray that the might God you serve is the ultimate, He is not moved by such issues, as much as you should not flinch from His presence because one of His own children, one of us may have, or has transgressed. All sheep shall not abandon their shephered for the jaws of the lion simply because one of them has strayed; He finds himself in the midst while the flinching have themselves strayed for good. Glory be to God and His majesty.

  35. Praise ye the lord you wil say, no no no no devil is at work i employ both to sit down now and resolve because if not resolved they may lead people to heaven and they themselves shot out of the gate of heaven.

  36. Babe you have concluded already that adultery is the cause of this divorce case. It is wrong. If the wife really loves her husband and the husband equally loves his wife, they shouldn’t love the church more than themselves by living apart because they want to control separate branches of the church

  37. The truth about all this is devil has created his own people and church so he wants more congregations just like christ embassy,you can blame anita or pastor chris because its out of their hands.devils at work

  38. Please Rev. Anita Oyakhilom don’t turn Holy Bible upside upside down.Let me remind this Chapter Matthew 5:32. Whatever Pastor Chris has done or doing to you don’t be the judge let the God we service be the judge. Submit to your husband as Sarah did to Abraham. You should be the one telling me this not me telling you. May good Lord give you wisdom to reconsider your Divorce Plan. Thank you. Pastor Oliver Ojobor, Founder, Christ Possibility Ministries, Abule Egba, Lagos, Nigeria. +234 8039416664

  39. This is too bad.. Pastor Chris has enough influence that this should have never made it to the streets like this. The truth unfortunately is ego and power corrupt absolutely. when you are revered like God and control unfathomable resources like he does its difficult to relate to reality. Where are the mighty? where are you Rev Tom? Rev Ken, Rev Ray? how did u guys allow this to spiral out of control? what about all the teachings on “engratia”? Pastor where is your phronesis? I don’t expect any response, nigerian christians are conditioned to be sheep and there is no accountability in pentecostal churches, if u don’t like it go and hang, the only true way to be a faithful disciple in a nigerian Church is to remove ur brain as you come to church then wear it again to confront everyday life. This is sad

  40. Let’s be quick to hear and slow to speak, let’s not conclude so fast, the Cable news should keep pace with this issue, the Elders and leaders of Christ Embassy and other interested persons or groups should follow this up with the basic information(the court, location, date, and case file number,)etc. Let somebody else come up with facts and figures as to the uthenticity of d news or otherwise. C**** is on any one that will come up to tarnish the image of this couple! And woe be on who soever will try to cover the truth, calling evil good.
    God is no respecter of persons, HE did not cover King David, a man after His own heart etc. Let’s be ware, God is doing something

  41. This is the devil at work, and I ask everyone who has spent time commenting on this to kindly take a few minutes and pray, not just for them but for you as well. Its amazing how so many people have already believed this write up, concluded and even apportioned blames. When you deal with God you will understand the concept of authority, it is not in your place to correct your Pastor, read the book of Jude and the case of Moses, Miriam & Aaron. The best you can do is to pray against this rumour!

  42. Please read 2 Tim chap 2-see excerpts here:
    13 Being destined to receive [punishment as] the reward of [their] unrighteousness [suffering wrong as the hire for their wrongdoing]. They count it a delight to revel in the daytime [living luxuriously and delicately]. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their [a]deceptions and carousing together [even] as they feast with you.14 They have eyes full of harlotry, insatiable for sin. They beguile and bait and lure away unstable souls. Their hearts are trained in covetousness (lust, greed), [they are] children of a curse [[b]exposed to cursing]!19 They promise them liberty, when they themselves are the slaves of depravity and defilement—for by whatever anyone is made inferior or worse or is overcome, to that [person or thing] he is enslaved.
    Find a church where God’s name is the only name held high. We must not be deceived and God cannot be mocked. Follow Christ Jesus alone. Don’t go to any church where the Pastor is a celebrity (idol).

  43. Injury to one is injury to all.If you are a child of God kneel down and pray for them,yourself and other believers facing similar challenges.It doesn’t call for arguments or fingerpointing.

    1. Why do we accept and reproduce this without all over the internet. False story. Why should we believe this. Has anyone verified this info, even the supposed address of the solicitors, their location and all that? Do you believe because this portal said so? Let us type and comment with love. let love lead. Only God knows why this site put out this alledge divorce. If they were any of us family members I know our comments would have been different. let the love of God guide your talk and not hatred. The secular media have their own agenda. It is ungodly most of the time. Divorce is not an unfogivable sin in the sight of God. He who is without sin….

  44. Dont forget that we are in the end time. No body is above temptation. If one over look his or her foundation, future will proof to the world. Therefor let every one be careful with his or her foundation. Both of them should check themselves whether they are working under the spirit of God.

    1. so are men. they too are dangerous. if your daughter marries a man that beats her everyday, would you say she should remain in the marriage at the risk of her life? Am not saying that is what is happening here. But be wise. evil can influence anyone – woman AND man. Therefore you should say: the devil is dangerous and to “women are dangerous.”

  45. I am not a member of Christ Embassy neither am I a fan of the Oyakhilomes. Those who are, God bless you all. I have opened this way to explain my stand on this matter. I believe that (anybody)you will not be happy if your home is falling apart. You will certainly not watch it go up in flames. You will do something. For the NAME of CHRIST that they have on them, let every Christian who hears this not mock but pray for them and for the Church and for marriages because the enemy of our souls is looking these ways to destroy the work of God on earth at this time. May God give every reader here wisdom and understanding to follow the part, hard as it may be, which pleases the Lord. Amen.

  46. Adultery is not enough reason for divorce.

    If God did not break up with us in spite of our sins, then who are we to break up with others, because of their sins?

    Those who don’t know how to forgive will never know how to love.

    And God will have mercy only on the merciful

    God answers and treats us as we answer and treat others.

    Read Matthew 7 and learn from what our Lord and Messiah Jesus Christ said.

    Jesus Christ never approved divorce, because of adultery.

    No true Christian will divorce his or her wife, because of adultery.
    It does not show maturity.

    1. Actually adultery is enough reason for divorce. This is what Christ himself said. Actually he allows it on the grounds of adultery after which neither should remarry. Read Mathew 19:8.

  47. Please pray for them both – Chris & Anita Oyakhilome. Lift up their children and the body of Christ to God in prayers for mercy.

    It doesn’t matter who is right or wrong. My question is where now is Kenneth Achumasara? I thought he vouched and claimed Pastor Chris said there was no rift in the marriage.

    Certainly that lie is now blatant to the world.

    It is best to ask God for mercy for the church because judgement starts from the house of God.

  48. Reading most comments it’s not hard to see why Nigeria pastors are among the richest worldwide.We Niaja likes to play osctrich when it comes to politicians and so called Man of God.We are all equal b4 God.He didn’t give them the right to use money of the church live the extravagant lifestyle most pastor enjoy 2d.Did Jesus live that way?if u an ordinary church member is expected not to commit adultery pastors shld even be more so! Romans 2 : 21-24.

  49. U guys argue so well just as the Pharisees who feel d have so much knowledge of evil from good.. I dont tink you will prove to me your various leaders in church are above sin… remember the devil is always at work to destroy God’s own… all u do is pray for your various leaders in church and stop finding faults and judging.. pls

  50. Well, I am not surprised because I have observed Chris for years and not for one day have been convinced about his ministry. The emphases according to the story are on very terrible vices – adultery, greed, ego and pride. These traits according to the story are exhibited by both of them, so they are both not sincere to each other. Then, whoever is serving God should not exhibit those traits rather we should be reading about love, humility,charity, piety, purity, fear of God.

  51. So lost and unaware I have been on this whole issue. I am no judge but one things is for certain. Women are blessings and will always be the cause of a great mans down fall. It happened to adam, samson, david etc. Pastor is no different. However the case maybe regardless of who’s fault it is, they should have contained this issue without letting it go viral. I am certain that if pastor anita was Nigerian filing for a divorce suit will not cross her mind, I mean christ embassy is too big for this kinda b*******. I hate this I most confess and it vexes me. Who the do we look up to now if pastors can’t keep there marriages. I used to attend christ embassy while I was phc as last year it really changed my life and now look this whole mess. To the founder of BLW- I pray God gives u the wisdom he granted solomon to make right the confession the devil has started.# Godspeed#

  52. We are in the end time and devil is working seriously to make those called ministers of God to make them stumble and commit a costly mistake which can forfeit their original calling into the ministry and end up of not fulfilling God’s purpose for their lives and His kingdom. There is need for great ministers of God to rise up and intervene into this matter by resolving the issue in the name of Christ Jesus so that the Devil be put shame.

  53. I believe you my brother kay kay. No body is above mistake not even pastor Chris nor the wife.. We dont get deceived but we do our part, and that is pray. We need to pray for them even though we don’t support any wrong doing by either parties.. Bible says adultery is the only reason for a couple to get divorce period!!. Lets pray for God to intervene in his infinite mercy and sav their marriage..

  54. Yes, the young man Craig is right.. Wetin women dey suffer?, compared to what our mothers suffered in the hands of our fathers yet they grew old together.. These women of nowadays just want more and more of everything and anything, they are never satisfied and contented, did you read the news well, that the wife made a donation of $1m as seed. For Christ sake if it wasn’t for the man would she have been that rich?.. be wise

  55. If the Woman really wants a divorce, is she going to make a better life with it? Never! Is God also going to be glorified too?
    You see, we just need to pray for this country Nigeria,because this is certainly another bitter pill for the nation Nigeria. If people like Pastor Chris, who have contributed a lot to the progress of this Nation,not to mention his Kingdom impact, can be hunted and haunted like this, then we all mmust pray for God to help us.

  56. This is a big test in the mist of their times, but as Christians who understand the infallable word of God, should stand behind the gates with our Prayers for them, and not equally joking with the unbelievers in this matter.
    God will surely restore unto them their first love

  57. let God’s will be done He will judge them but surely divorce is a sin and does not set or give a good image or example to new christrian , marriage is for better for worse , people should face the reality and stop using scriptures in wrong places yes d bible do say touch not my annointed one n do no harm to prophecy and it does say do not judge , Here i dont see any judgement by telling d truth and no harm by telling d truth if we continue misusing d scriptures we will go wrong . lets use common sense in some things Pastor and his they arent Jesus or God any sin that we can commit they can fall into it too . praying for them is best , divorce will b shame

  58. Oh God pls intervene in tis situation in times like these. We are hoping on, to put enemies to shame. Thanks u Jesus !

  59. If she [Rev. Anita] filed a suit for adultery, then i think he is guilty. Remember she is a pastor and she has been with him for a long time. Would she accuse him of adultery for no reason? We should be reasonable and truthful. If he was innocent he would come clean with a good reason other than ‘bad friends and hunger for power over her seniorities’ because his reason isn’t logical… Bad friends?.. A Reverend?.. Really?..

  60. dis is a lesson to all men of God who are G.O,when u are cald by God to pastor a church,u shuld not make ur wife the second in command becos she may not of d same calling with u.U have some minister who God has cald to assist u in the growth of the church,instead of using them some pastors prefer to use their wife,it is total wrong,the church is not suppose to be a family biz,but a spiritual house.

  61. it was a great mistake that my own brot

    her left nigeria, the entire africa to nexus with no moral-guide homo-sapien. imagine her family locking the church in london this is a clear indication that her parentage are non-christ like. diplomatic or divination aid should be applied but rather resort to unyielding demonic infected approach. i believe she was assuming this dispensation to be the colonial era where her ancestor once came to exploit. yilome dont i we prepare a obedient and non usurp authorities wife for thou

  62. iits realy not a good thing to hear about pastor and his wife and iam realy suree that it is not a true story it is aframe up from one of those who are not for the word irealy feal sory for pastor and his family because they have been of much help to me and the growth of my spiritual through theirr famous rapsody of realities . i pray that god should look in to their problems and that the shall be a lasting solution because they have been of great help to the lay world

  63. The church must rise up to divorce bible from modernity.divorce rate is so high among the liberals because we seem to knew better than God.our forefathers will rise up to condemned this generation that is puffed with knowledge.pfn should break their fence with LOVE and reach out to this family and others.As many praying for this family will surely get a prophet reward.A wise woman builds her home.

  64. my fruends you talk as if you are not a christian. Even if you are not, but u are a human. if it were to be your father will you say the same thing? you as a person how many lives av u changed for God? Pastor Chris have changed so many lives. Remember the scripture said touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.The man of God is accountable only to God. So my friends if you have been among those postin criticism I will advice you to to ask God for mercy bcos d man in question is an anointed man of God. Am not a BL member but I know what the scriptures expect of me……… forgive my grammatical construct.

  65. We are following. Please why is that when one of you commit adultery or fornication you attribute it to the devil’s handiwork. But when other than you is involved, you will go overboard using adjectives

  66. Pastor Chris, I pray that the Holy Spirit would give u the wisdom to overcome this challenge.
    This is my personal advice for u.
    1. Love your wife more
    2. Say only positive and loving things about her.
    3. Never be tempted to say anything negative about her
    4 Never justify your actions by criticizing her in public.
    5. Note where you offended her and beg for her forgiveness.
    6. Pray more and talk less

  67. Let the two(chris & anita) confess.cos who no wat d woman or d man pass tro b4 d issue come out.dey need to confess…o

  68. Lets us look at d side of change.may b woman or d man want to change their style love or to expose d hiden lesness-love. or d man is more dan endurable to d woman or d woman to d husban. may God help us

  69. What God has joind together let no one put assunder.devil come with 3 things,to kill,stell,destroye.God will not let satan to succed over his children.

  70. This story doesnt speak well of the 3 parties
    The Man, his wife and his ministry. A role model in the Christendom that is solving like-issues ,is now facing the same bugging war, that can kill the church members moral in the spirit.
    We need to pray for both victims, this is where the Church should stand/fill the gap in prayers. ”They are in need of our Prayers” for restoration irrespective of the insults and lash words they ve exchanged 2 1anoda.
    May the Lord restore ’em back to their home for greatness in Christ in Jesus name!

  71. everyone not asking “what if the allegations are true” Ps Anita is a Pastor, she knows the word of God. She must truly have good proof to be divorcing her husband on ADULTERY charges. Even the bible does say you can divorce if a partner is caught in adultery(Matt 5:32. maybe you are all a bunch of Chris worshippers. Why must Anita stay with a scandalous lying pastor if her allegations are true. Why must she stand next to a lying man who will take many souls to hell. If Chris cheated he is compromised the glory of God is gone in him. Achabod. Why must his wife let many perish because of a man, this woman is opening your SHUT eyes. WAKE UP

  72. mr satan, is that all you can steal-destroy-kill ? you devil rest assured you must be disgraced in the name of Jesus of Nazareth.

  73. I hate to say this. But I am a UK citizen and a Nigerian too. Here in UK the law does not allow you to accused someone of ADULTERY if the is no proof. My wife is a lawyer we have critically looked at this and we thing Anita has evidence for the court to have accepted the hearing and approve decree nisi.

    Guys read about “DIVORCE LAW UK – ADULTERY” directly from here and then make up your mind.

    This is a wake-up call for Nigerians. A country built on lies, cheat and money grabbing without since hardwork. If we love our country Nigeria so much lets stop talking let’s start using our head, acquire knowledge ( hey not univerysity degrees), but real knowledge that allow us to only do that which will help all of us grow and build a foundation for our nation and our selves that will last and our children can be proud of. As it stands at the moment… I think we lost the game.

    I church is a charity, or if you like call it an organisation, where leaders have a target to meet. That target is to play the role of a leader that followers can look forward to. If you cannot, then the people should ask him to step down especially when the leader is becoming a problem to the organisation. Pastor chris can be asked to step down if he does not want to apologise to the people that own Christ Embassy or Believers love world. Even in the business world, one of the greatest companies on earth right now is APPLE makers of iPhone. He got fired from his own company at some point when other shareholders think he was no good to the business.

    I think churches should start doing this. No man should be allow to rule a church in such a way as to handicap members and avoid check and balance.

    The church need a change. if we can ask government to change what about the church, NGOs and charities. Definitely there must be a change and leaders should be held accountable in character and in conduct.

    Hey and before I forget, if Anita and Pastor Chris decide to mess u themselves, guys that is their businesses. They just fooled themselves don’t let them affect you. if their act affect you , then you are not born again and you were actually one of many men worshipers. My question to you is .. DID GOD CHANGE? if God did not change then what is your problem.

    Did Jesus not tell you not to put your trust on men? All pastors are men, they are not better than that guy you know that lives next door to you. So move on guys. Here is life for us all. This is a wake up call.

  74. After reading all these comments I see alot of people are still looking down on women. Most comments are Pastor Anita should be humble and keep her marriage. If it is true thay he commited adultery then he destroyed his marriage on hos own and Anita is only right to want a divorce from adultery which is very much allowed in the bible. They are so many verses that talk about how bad adultery is but he did it anyway. Why must Anita not divorce to save a marriage. He should have never gotten himself in suvh a situation. Stop blaming Anita and see where the real problem is. Isn’t she also a woman of God? God is not a respecter of persons please.if you are going to use the Bible andsay God hates divorce. Use the same bible that says adulteryis a serious sin. It says there is no place for adulterers in the Kingdom of God. And that divorce xan be granted on divorce. Whobis in the wrong here?

  75. I thank God,this rumours came at a time like this,my advice to all fellow christians,don’t be ignorant of d vices of d devil,media! this is not the first or d second rumours have head abt this adorable ministers but it doesn’t last very soon u all will close ur claims. I rejoice because it the fulfilment of the scripture that says you will face persecutions,people shall say all manner of things against you for the sake of the Gospel,ofcourse it not new they did it during Jesus and d apostles days so they will continue to do so but we have the victory bcus the greater one lives in us Glory to God.

  76. The Ministry of this Mighty man changed my life. I knew were i was coming from and i also know that he is yet to touch more lives. It is not all about Christ Embassy it is all about christain. And i cant stand and witness this happen to them and

    I pray in Thy Mighty name of Jesus, let the spirit that raise JESUS from death breath upon them and let there be peace, love and unity in their life. Both might be hurt emotionally but only you oh Lord knows hw to heal them. Father please heal this marriage. We dont want to know who is at fault, heal them Lord and give them a new heart to love each other again. In Jesus Name.

  77. Genesis17:1
    And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

    Perfection is a command, do not use the words nobody is perfect, holier than thou, that is not faith, but devil talk. All those who are the blessing of Abraham should be perfect, that means all Christians should be perfect. “The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat it’s fruits”.

    By William Tsepo Mohapi

  78. I must commend many commentators on this issue, particularly KayKay and MK. I am happy that a few people are becoming very much aware of some of the problems in the Christian communities. People are choosing to be worshippers of “men of God”, rather than God the almighty Himself. Why? Most Christians of today don’t know their bible. They lack basic knowledge of biblical doctrines within the ambit of redemptive history: faith, total depravity, election, atonement, justification, the righteousness of God and the righteousness from God, church history, etc. These are no longer taught in the pulpits. An average christian dont know who Charles Spurgeon, Smith Wigglesworh, D L Moody,were. But we are happy to idolise men of this generation in the position of God. I am sorry, some people may be receiving their rewards in the world already. Some preacher/leaders keep worshippers in perpectual ignorance, because that is the only way to get them follow them sheepishly. Where are the “Berean” Christians?. I am sick and tired of Christins worshipping men of God. These are sinners saved by the mercy of God, including my very self. Some have been deceived by the riches and are piercing themselves with many sorrows. No living man should be made our model. Christ is our example. Our God-man redeemer who love His own to the point death. I have been a Christian for a while and I have worshipped across many denominations. The truth is that I have been underfed until the last few years, when I began to search for the truth of God’s word and interpretation of the scriptures. I get a lot preaching around prosperity, overpowering witches, doing business with God etc. But do we really know this God. it is a hard work. We have many good preachers from Nigeria, but I have not seen many good teachers lately, who wants you to really really know God. Yes, many build messages around our needs for now not teaching us how to know God. For me this is like feeding on snack rather well prepared food. Jer 9:24.
    God bless you

  79. The righteous shall fall 8times,but the Lord shall lift them again,as true & matured born again christians,we stand togather in prayer & God will hear us & restore the family.Ps Chris & Annita, we love you.

  80. while praying for the peace to reign amongst the couple Chris and Anita and their home, we should accept when we go wrong. Non is perfect as long as we still have the mortal body, there is bound to be constant fight between the body and the spirit. king David erred time and again , but often he prayed to the Lord and repented from the acts. Let both evaluate themselves and speak their consciences to God. I wish you well couple. May God show you mercy. Let His will prevail

  81. Any woman that’s sleeps with another man husband is in to destroy the marriage because there are some women who can endure to certain time. If this adultery is true then pastor chris has allowed satan to come into his home. Satan uses women against pastors so if he does not see it then he is not a true man of God. The bible said women submit yourselves to your husband and husband love your wives. It’s the responsiblitiy of the man to keep the fire in the marriage burning. Men cheat but that should not be a story of pastor chris! If Anita still loves this man he married she will not be filing divorce. And to Christ embassy members stop worshipping your pastors they are human. “Touch not thy anointed” is about every christain. These pastors need to set example because what about they allowing pagans to question our God and why can we question their doing. I was a former Christ embassy member the church teach nothing about holiness or they talk about how we are free from sin when the church has arm robbers, to the extend that a pastor will say if you go rob and pay your tithe God accept it because the only way you rob God is by not paying tithe, they never taught about proper marriage whether you can marry a divorcee,all they do is give positions to the rich,squeeze the poor and use strategy to take more money by preaching prosperity! How can a pastor say most of you woman are looking for jobs husbands etc etc but have jewelry on come forward and sow it. All they talk is prosperity and people are doing anything to make money. Some Christ embassy members are doing prosittution which I ask my God to judge me if I did not witness it and just fabricating stories. The church should be teaching holiness sanctification repentance resitution not about selling church book,writing new bibles,preaching prosperity. Wake up people the end is near. Jesus will appear soon the goal is to make heaven. The only bible I read now is King James Bible! Thank God for apostolic faith. My life is change and will never be the same. People stop looking at pastors as untouchable when they are playing with your salvation. People need to wake up and seek the truth. The only person you should defending is Jesus Christ not a pastor because no man can tell the heart of a man. I digress, people make your own decision because I know some people are about to bash me and I don’t care because I thought I knew God but was making stupid descion and was cussing out anyone that wrongs me. Nothing like a born again christain

  82. It aches my heart when people especially CHRISTAINs are so quick to use the word of God as a “sword” to pierce other Christians as soon as they notice a wrong done.
    If we all had the chance to have our lives bare on the internet the way this article is….
    How many of us will be able to walk with our heads up the next day?
    Yet all we can do is point fingers, raise accusations….
    When what is expected of us is to pray for our brethren when they are in crises……..
    For the sake of the Kingdom of God and children of God who have been blessed by this ministry one way or the other LETS ASK FOR THEM THE GRACE OF GOD AT THIS TIME.. THAT IS WHAT CHRIS AND ANITA OYAKILOME NEED… Especially because of their teenage daughters

  83. Mathew 7:1-Judge not so that you be not judged.
    Mind your buisness we aint all perfect in areas of our lives.
    Mathew 7:3 -And why do you look at yhe speck in your brothers eye but do not consider the plank in your own eye?
    Thats all.

  84. 60 – 75% of pastors wives are going through the same trauma that Anita is going through worldwide, especially in african communities. Pastors wives are going through hell because the same reason “women in the same church, not the church next door, same church,are working so hard beyond the clock to destroy the marriage, and it is unfortunate that the Pastor will not soon see neither listen to any advise. and in most instances they become very agressive and untouchable. But, you know what, its all the tricks of the devil, i can assure you , even if devorce is confirmed, they will reconcile and be together again in Jesus name , am the testimony , myself and my husband we were once a disgrace in the community and we were in the top news, but guess what we are together, they will reconcile i do not doubt that , Father Holy Spirit i pray for your intervention.

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