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EXTRA: Only the Lord Almighty would convince me to quit presidential race, says Biden

BY Samuel Akpan


US President Joe Biden says he is not considering quitting the presidential race.

There has been mounting pressure from within the Democratic Party on Biden to step aside, after a shaky debate performance with Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.

Stakeholders have also expressed concerns over the president’s health and mental alertness after that June 27 night.

Speaking in an interview with ABC News, Biden said only the “Lord Almighty” would convince him to drop his re-election bid.


“I mean, if the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get outta the race’, I would get outta the race. The Lord Almighty’s not coming down. I mean, these hypotheticals,” Biden said.

“I don’t think anybody is more qualified to be president or win this race than me.

“Look, I’m running again because I think I understand best what has to be done to take this nation to a completely new level. We are on our way. We are on our way.”


Biden also dismissed criticisms that he is too old and feeble to run again.

“I see all these stories that say I am too old.. was I too old to create 15 million jobs? Was I too old to erase student debt for five million Americans? Do you think I’m too old to beat Donald Trump?” he asked.

On Wednesday, the White House said Biden is not backing down from the race despite growing concerns.

“The president is clear-eyed, and he is staying in the race,” Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary, said.


“That is what the president is focused on, continuing to deliver for the American people. This is a president who is strong and resolute.”

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