
Fani-Kayode: I didn’t write any petition against FCT chief judge

Femi Fani-Kayode, a former minister of aviation, says he did not write any petition against John Tsoho, acting chief judge of the federal high court.

The former minister is reacting to reports that he wrote a petition to the presidential advisory committee against corruption (PACA) against the judge.

Tsoho once presided over a money laundering case against Fani-Kayode.

“The petition, the story and the report are false in their entirety and I hereby denounce them and those that concocted them in the strongest terms,” he said in a statement released on Wednesday.


“They did not originate from me and I did not mandate anyone to write such an absurd, damaging and defamatory story and neither did I write any petition against Justice John Tsoho.

“I do not know, have never heard of and have never spoken to Mr Lanre Amu who is allegedly the author of the petition and who falsely claims to be acting on my behalf. The claims in the petition and the attachments that were sent with it are fake and false.

“Mr Lanre Amu, if such a person truly exists, is a liar, a merchant of deceit, a bearer of falsehood, a degenerate malefactor and a criminal who is working for some evil forces that appear to be hell-bent on using my name to effect their evil agenda.”


The ex-minister said he has directed Ahmed Raji, his counsel, to inform the committee that the petition did not come from him.

“I have also asked them to report this matter to the appropriate security and intelligence agencies to investigate and to bring those behind this dangerous, damaging, criminal and libellous course of action to justice,” Fani-Kayode said.

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