
FCT park and pay policy

Nine years after the suspension of the on-street parking scheme in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory Administration said it had concluded plans to commence the enforcement of the reintroduced policy.

Wadata Bodinga, the director of traffic management at FCTA Transportation, announced that the policy is aimed at bringing sanity and addressing disturbing traffic congestion in Abuja. No matter how the FCT administration wants to spin it, it’s just a way of increasing revenue. In a period where 133 million Nigerians are poor, I have a problem with the timing of the policy.

I can bet many Abuja residents are not amused with the announcement that the policy will start again and the reasons are not far-fetched.

Recall that the city’s park and pay policy has come under fire for its numerous abuses and lack of proper implementation. This policy, which requires drivers to pay for parking in designated areas, has been plagued by a number of issues that have made it a source of frustration for residents and visitors alike.


One of the major issues with the park and pay policy in Abuja is the lack of proper signage and parking attendants. Many drivers have reported that it is difficult to locate designated parking areas and that there is a lack of clear instructions on how to pay for parking. This has led to many drivers receiving fines for parking in the wrong area or not paying for parking at all.

Another problem with the park and pay policy is the lack of enforcement. Despite the fines and penalties for non-compliance, many drivers continue to park in unauthorised areas without fear of being penalised. This has led to a lack of accountability and has made it difficult for the city to effectively implement the policy.

The major reason for the abuses of the policy is because of the antics of the revenue officials. Most of them are thugs, touts and urchins. They harass and sometimes even go physical with motorists. In a sane society, this should not be allowed.


The park and pay policy has also been criticised for its high costs. Many residents and visitors have complained that the fees for parking are too high, especially when compared to the cost of parking in other Nigerian cities. This has made it difficult for many people to afford to park their cars in designated areas and has led to a reduction in the number of people visiting the city.

In addition to these issues, the park and pay policy has also been criticised for its lack of transparency. There have been reports of parking attendants accepting bribes and not providing receipts for parking fees. This has led to a lack of trust in the system and has made it difficult for the city to effectively collect revenue from the policy.

To address these issues, the city of Abuja needs to take a number of steps to improve the park and pay policy. One of the most important steps is to improve the signage and instructions for parking. This will make it easier for drivers to locate designated parking areas and will reduce the number of fines for parking in the wrong area.

Another important step is to improve the enforcement of the policy. This can be achieved by increasing the number of parking attendants and implementing stricter penalties for non-compliance. This will make it more difficult for drivers to park in unauthorised areas and will increase the accountability of the system.


The city should also consider reducing the cost of parking. This will make it more affordable for residents and visitors to park their cars in designated areas and will increase the number of people visiting the city.

Finally, the city should improve the transparency of the system. This can be achieved by implementing a receipt system and by cracking down on corruption among parking attendants. This will increase the trust in the system and will make it easier for the city to collect revenue from the policy.

In conclusion, the park and pay policy in Abuja has been plagued by a number of issues that have made it a source of frustration for residents and visitors alike. To address these issues, the city needs to take a number of steps to improve the policy; including improving signage and instructions, increasing enforcement, reducing costs, and increasing transparency. With these changes, the park and pay policy in Abuja can become a more effective and efficient system that benefits both the city and its residents.


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