
FG will subsidise adire fabric production, create industrial hubs, says Betta Edu

Betta Edu, minister of humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation, says the federal government will subsidise the production of adire, a local fabric, and establish industrial hubs in Nigeria.

Betta Edu, minister of humanitarian affairs and poverty alleviation, spoke on Saturday during her visit to the Adire Mall at Itoku in Abeokuta.

Edu, who also visited the fabric’s production grounds in Asero, Ogun, said “the government would create an industrial hub across the country to further boost revenue for market women”.

She also assured the market women of the government’s intention to ensure the fabric becomes known around the world.


“This is why there is a need for the government to ban the importation of foreign Adire products,” the minister said.

“First, you must be able to push local production to meet the demand. Local production must be enhanced at all costs to meet the demand.

“When local products are enhanced, subsidised, and supported by the government, it will automatically eliminate whatever infiltration that comes into the market.


“We do not want to be selling fake Adire, made-in-China Adire brought into Nigeria. What we want is the local one made by our people.”

With this, Edu said, jobs will be created, as well as build the micro and macro economy — helping Nigeria to become a manufacturing country rather than an importing nation.

“These are the things that are affecting the exchange rates. The government will provide that subsidy for the people,” she added.

“Since we took the subsidy off fuel, we will provide it for the Adire makers so that they can provide local Adire that will be used and exported out of the country.”


Edu appreciated Dapo Abiodun, governor of Ogun, whom she said had promised that the state would create hubs in Abuja where the original Adire would be sold.

“It is another opportunity to showcase the fabric to the world,” the minister said.

“Our Adire is a precious fabric all over the world, people recognise and identify with it.”

Edu said investment in the sector would help to build local production and ensure that more people make money for themselves and their families.

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