
FILE: 17 highs and lows of Jonathan’s presidency


Power Outage

It would be harsh to solely lay the blame of the dysfunctional power sector at Jonathan’s footstep, but he did promise during his 2011 electioneering campiagn that he would fix the power problem. Summary is that he never did, and power even dropped to an all-time low in the twilight of his administration. Nigeria has been battling with the inability to generate adequate mega watts and the highest under Jonathan was 5, 500 mega watts.

  1. Thank God for what President Goodluck E.Jonathan was able to achieve. I pray divine support for President Buhari and his team to build on what has been done so far. God bless President Jonathan, his family and lineage. God bless Nigeria.

  2. My humble prayer for Jonathan and wife is that the peace they give Nigeria,the blood of Nigerians they protected and confusion people would have ran into they blocked,May the good God bless them and their generation to come with His Peace that passes human understanding,protect them from maner of confusion and blood shed from their family.
    Their Christian has proved right upon the battle they suffered for good four years yet this family could show the world that forgiveness is Christians way of life and that is what you can find from Eastern Nigeria.God bless Nigeria.

  3. @oramadike, u wrote well but u spoilt it with some iotas of tribal and religious sentiment.
    Try and avoid that in ur comments.

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