
Float like a butterfly; sting like a bee

YouNow is created for the everyday individual who seeks to gain a deeper understanding of Self in order to achieve their highest potential, while staying true to their essence. These write-ups are designed to help you become more conscious and deliberate in your interactions and day-to-day living.

“Competitiveness only comes with insecurity” Lara Pulver

“I am not good enough”. “I am not worthy. “He’s richer than me so he gets better opportunities’ She’s more beautiful so she has more friends’

Most of us feel insecure sometimes, but some of us feel insecure most of the time.


Certain situations trigger insecurity. When we feel we’re not as intelligent, not as attractive or well-situated in life as we could be.

Insecurity is a feeling of uncertainty that comes from feeling vulnerable or even inferior in some way.

You can also be made to feel insecure by actual occurrences in your life. Job loss, failed relationships, childlessness, solitude, social unease, negative opinions about yourself, or having a parent or partner that constantly criticizes you.


Comparing yourself to the people around you can make you feel even worse especially if they are the kind that constantly brag about their achievements.

That in itself is a show of insecurity. We all have a fair share of it.

Daily, people struggle with insecurities from not knowing who they are and what their purpose in life is.

Therefore, always surround yourself with people who inspire or motivate you and fan your curiosity and ingenuity not your inadequacies and weaknesses.


As long as it depends on you, be determined not to let your own insecurities push away the people who truly add value to you because sometimes our thoughts are backed by so much insecurity that they create lies we believe.

In the long run, we all need the spur of insecurity to force us to do our best.

Life is generally what we make of it. Be kind to yourself. Find your happy place. Do what you love and love yourself freely.

Allow yourself evolve.


You are so much more than they can see.

‘Float like a butterfly’, sting like a bee.’


Remember Freedom is Peace; Optimism is Nature; Action is always within reach. BE MORE!

If you found this article relatable, let me know what you think in the comments. Do you want to live more intentionally and develop your gifts/talents for maximum impact? Feel free to reach me via email: [email protected]. You can also connect with me via;


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