Yakubu Gowon
Yakubu Gowon, former military head of state, has the agents of national destruction fuelling discord in Nigeria must not be allowed to succeed.
Speaking at a seminar of the Knights of St. John’s International commander 574 in Abuja, Gowon said pronouncements coming from leaders should be “seasoned” and capable of encouraging the populace works towards the country’s unity.
He said that an aversion to divisive actions and utterances is a mark of godliness and depicts the fear of God.
The military head of state stressed that no nation could develop without peace.
“We should not be found with unguarded statements which do not make for peace and development of the society,” Gowon said.
“Every pronouncement must be seasoned with the capacity to encourage and uplift men to work hard towards the unity, peace and growth of the nation.
“We must show love for each other, shun any divisive actions and utterances. This is the mark of godliness and the fear of God that can make our nation great.”
Gowon said there is a need for the country’s leaders to have the fear of God because.
“We really then need to have a serious appraisal of our actions and prayerfully ask God to forgive us and heal our land,” he said.
“I believe too that under God, we shall leave this meeting with resolutions which will lead our nation back to the path of brotherliness, love, unity, faith, trust and confidence in God and one another as well as re-enacting the cherished virtues that have made nations great to make Nigeria recover her place of pride in that comity of nations.
“There is no gain saying that the church and the people of God are the last hope of the crises-ridden world. To fear God and reverence God is critical to human survival and prosperity. Where there is no fear, there will be no order, anarchy, oppression and poverty would reign. We must guard against all these agents of national destruction.
“These laudable objectives can only be achieved through the fear of God. Our leaders in all sectors must really have the fear of God, be it political leaders, traditional leaders or religious leaders–all Nigerians, without exception must have the fear of God if this nation must achieve national development.”
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