
Group asks FG to harness potentials of microbiology for national development

Group asks FG to harness potentials of microbiology for national development Group asks FG to harness potentials of microbiology for national development
Group asks FG to harness potentials of microbiology for national development

The Nigerian Society for Microbiology (NSM) has called on the federal government and industries in the country to take advantage of the many products of microbes as a tool for diversifying the nation’s economy.

This was contained in a communiqué issued at the society’s 42nd annual conference held at Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun state.

The conference was themed “Microbial Resources: A Veritable Option for Economic Diversification”.

The NSM decried the country’s failure to recognize the transformative potentials of microorganisms and the contributions that their products could make on the economy.


“Developing countries, such as Nigeria, are yet to recognize the economic potentials in microbes, which can bring about the tremendous transformation of the economy,” read the commuique.

“There is poor collaboration between the industries and the universities and research institutes; yet, collaborative efforts would culminate in huge economic benefits to the nation.

“The Nigerian populace attach more value to foreign products, to the detriment of locally produced goods, thereby promoting importation and discouraging indigenization of technology.”


To combat these lapses, the society recommended that the federal government and industries come to terms with the prospect of microbes enhancing economy and collaborate with Nigeria-based microbiologists in harnessing the potential of these microorganisms through funding application-based, problem-solving research.

“Government and corporate agencies should come to terms with the fact that microbes possess enormous economic potentials that could enhance the economic base of the nation,” it added.

“Government and corporate agencies should appreciate the fact that microbiologists in Nigeria are capable of unearthing the vast array of potentials in microorganisms towards the recovery of the national economy.

“Government and corporate agencies should see the need to support and collaborate the universities and research institutes in terms of provision of facilities and equipment, conduct of problem-solving research etc.


“There should be a paradigm shift in the overall orientation of Nigerians, especially in terms of value attached to indigenous products.

“Microbiologists should gradually shift from basic research to applied research and input entrepreneurial orientation to the training of microbiologists. This will undoubtedly encourage the conduct of problem-solving research that can positively change the economy of the country.

“Agencies and governments should devote more funds for Microbiology research that could generate product and create wealth.

“The microbes recognized as money making microbes such as: Pleurotus spp., Bacillus thuringensis, yeasts, Azotobacter etc. should be harnessed in the drive for economic diversification.”


The 2020 edition of the annual NSM meeting will hold at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers state.

Download the NSM communique here

  1. Its only in Nigeria that microbiology as a course is not professionalised. I plead with this government to look into this aspect as its efforts to revive the economy is intensified.

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