
How to cure motion sickness on a trip

Travelling is one activity that several people enjoy and look forward to. Every day, whether for fun, business purposes, family re-union, people travel from one city or town to another. Some love travelling but do not do it so often because they experience what is called motion sickness.

Motion sickness is a sick feeling you get when travelling. Whether travelling by road (car sickness), railway, water (sea sickness) or air, motion sickness visits its victims without prior notice. It also occurs during a roller coaster ride, on a swing or any other activity that involves motion. It is not a communicable sickness.

It displays itself in several symptoms such as irritation, dizziness, headache, weakness and even vomiting during trips. It is most common in children but it affects adults too. Two types of motion sicknesses are experienced. The most common one is caused by the conflicting messages from the sensory systems: the inner ear, eyes, skin and the joint sensory receptors received by the central nervous system (CNS). In other words, when the eyes do not see the same type of movement that the body experiences. It can be worsened by foul smells e.g. smell of fuel.

The second one is called “reverse motion sickness”. Some quick tips to help those experiencing motion sickness:

  • Take a nap: During a trip, close your eyes and meditate with some music in the ears or take a nap. This helps to solve the conflict between the eyes and the inner ears.
  • Chewing: It may be gum, ginger etc. chewing has been said to help people who feel nauseated. It follows that it also helps cure motion sickness. Ginger can be taken as pills or in its raw form.
  • Fresh air: Fresh air does wonders to motion sickness patients. The fresh air distracts the nauseating feeling temporarily making the patient feel better.
  • Do not read or watch videos while travelling: Now it may be hard to avoid this especially when one loves reading or there’s something interesting to watch, but it really helps prevent motion sickness. All reading or watching of videos should be saved for when the vehicle or plane is motionless.
  • Position: People who experience motion sickness should sit at the front of a car or the middle of a boat. They should also sit at a position where there’s enough ventilation and should sit at a position in the same direction as the vehicle. In an airplane or car, sit by the window and look outside.
  • Avoid strong smells immediately before and during travel: Strong smells such as fuel, spicy food, offensive odour should be avoided as they kick-start the nauseating effect before and during the journey. Also avoid eating heavy meals, eat light before the journey.
  • Avoid discussing motion sickness during the journey: Looking at somebody experiencing motion sickness or talking about it can cause the symptoms to occur. Therefore avoid any discussions about it and remain positive.

Motion sickness generally occurs in mild cases and can be self-remedied. A physician should be consulted for further advice if symptoms persist. Now you can plan for that fun fare, go on that travel tour, take that roller coaster ride and do so without dread or fear of motion sickness.

  1. Yeah.. So true. This is the major reason I hate traveling. I think I sleep through most times.. I will definitely imbibe the chewing idea

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