
‘I made a huge mistake’ — Bill Gates finally speaks on divorce

Tax collection in Nigeria is low, says Bill Gates Tax collection in Nigeria is low, says Bill Gates

Bill Gates, billionaire businessman and co-founder of Microsoft, says he made a huge mistake associating with Jeffrey Epstein, a disgraced American financier, and convicted sex offender.

Gates relationship with Epstein is reported by the New York Times and WSJ as one of the reasons that may have cost him his marriage.

In May 2021, Bill and Melinda Gates announced they were ending their 27-year-old marriage, but would continue to work together at the Gates Foundation.

On Monday, a Washington State judge finally made it official, after a 90-day waiting period mandated by law. The duo had a private separation contract, which would impact them going forward.


Granting his first personal interview since the divorce, the billionaire said he regrets the divorce and his relationship with Epstein.

“It is a very sad milestone; Melinda is a great person, and that partnership that we had coming to an end is a source of a great personal sadness,” he told CNN.

Speaking about Epstein, Gates said: “I had several dinners with him, hoping that what he said about getting billions of philanthropy for global health through contacts that he had might emerge.


“When it looked like that wasn’t a real thing, that relationship ended. But it was a huge mistake to spend time with him, to give him credibility. There were lots of others in the same situation, but I made a mistake.”

In July, the foundation released a statement claiming that the duo will work together at the Gates Foundation.

Gates butressed the foundation’s position by saying “we are communicating and working at the foundation so that partnership we’re going to try and continue.

“We always enjoyed our work together. The two of us can go out and work with leaders and help build the organization, so that would be definitely the best thing for the foundation.”


Gates said he believes Melinda is an incredible person, and it’s best for them to keep working together.

  1. The news of the divorce of one of the most benevolent couples in the world left me depressed. How will their adult children feel? I have this hope that they will reconcile and be married again. True love never dies! Our healthy friends of Africa, you are blessed! .

  2. I dont like divorce. It eats deep into the soul. Mostly on the immediate family. Bill has a repentant heart so theres a great chance for them getting back together. Wish them well.

  3. The positive hand which you have dealt humanity you will reap. There will be difficult days and critics but they are not meant to destroy you but to make you stronger in those places where you need greater strength. My humble wish for you is greater love and strength.

  4. Conscious is an open wound only truth can heal it. Bill isn’t far from the truth accepting his error, we are all humans and obviously imperfect. My prayer is for God heal the broken hearted and reconcile this union for your glory in Jesus Name. Amen!

    1. Bill n Melinda Gates has done a lot for humanity,globally…My prayer for you is for you both to find peace in togetherness again. Thankyou Bill for accepting the blame, it would make you stronger and a better person. You are indeed a good Man and Angelic being . May you both come back together as a force that you were…Love You and all that you are doing !!!

  5. I’m 42. right now, I could forgive almost anything. Life is too short and way too hard and twisted to hold a grudge. I hope she lets go, remembered the good times and gets back with you. If she doesn’t, I hope the kids do better. If not all of them, at least I hope 1 does.
    Either way, don’t fret it, you don’t get to live forever. Just take it one day at a time and, as long as you don’t break the law, do whatever makes you happy, even if its just enjoying a cup of ice cream.

  6. Your mistake was getting married to her in the first plaece. A woman with a Ph.D? She will belittle you even though you were her employer! What happens to for better for worse? Credit to Hillary Clinton.

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