
Invest in yourself, diversify

YouNow is created for the everyday individual who seeks to gain a deeper understanding of Self in order to achieve their highest potential, while staying true to their essence. These write-ups are designed to help you become more conscious and deliberate in your interactions and day-to-day living

“Know what you own, and know why you own it.”

I recently heard the story of a supposedly successful (rich) man who worn out and tired of toiling, begancontemplating suicide because he believed if he died, at least his insurance policy would be enough to take care of his family, but if he remained alive; his family might get into debt and get broke. It struck me that he would rather have his children remain financially stable but grow up without a father. This revealed a person who invested the entirety of his life into work just to  ‘make money’.

There is always going to be someone richer, more attractive or successful than we are. We surely cannot live our lives on those terms!


To some, life revolves around their work. Their friends are from work. They are more likely to go on a date with someone they met in the line of work. The books they read, and movies they watch (if any) relate to their joband even their networking functions are for/from work.

Everyday, it’s business as usual. No thought of what else may lie within, no zeal to explore.

We find comfort where we are, totally terrified of plunging into a completely new life, vocation, career, relationship, environment etc.


-‘Ah! Where will I start from?’

-This is the only life I know

Limitations.  You may have heard that the human brain is plastic. It possesses the ability to change throughout life.

Have some fun. Learn something new. Volunteer.


You are never stuck. You are built for reinvention.

Figure out what you need to know, what kind of experience and expertise you require to pursue the things that stimulate your mind.

Who are you?  What are your interests?

For these things that you feel withinusually translate to talents and when developed, transform into high level skills thathave the ability to sustain you both mentally and economically


So, Invest in yourself.  Diversify!

Remember Freedom is Peace; Optimism is Nature; Action is always within reach. BE MORE!


If you found this article relatable, let me know what you think in the comments. Do you want to live more intentionally and develop your gifts/talents for maximum impact? Feel free to reach me via email: [email protected]. You can also connect with me via;

Instagram @identitycoach


Twitter @identitycoach1

Facebook @identitycoach1


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yetunde Bankole-Bernard is ‘The identity Coach™”

Certified as an Image Consultant, Human connection and Personality type practitioner and Work place psychologist.

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