NFF budgets N7.5bn for 2020
The leopard, they say, doesn’t change its spots. Clearly, it amusing to read the so shallow outcome of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) Executive Committee meeting as well as the much-vaunted Extra-ordinary General Assembly held in Benin City, Edo State, on 8 August, 2021.
The outcome of both gatherings as contained in the communique released indicated that those at the helm of affairs in the football administration as presently constituted either are bereft of the provisions of the STATUTES or are merely being mischievous.
Besides the fact that the Extra-ordinary General Assembly was illegally convened, the activities of these journeymen at the so-called Congress were embarrassing, shameful and totally a charade.
In one swoop, at the Executive Committee meeting earlier staged, the NFF came out to say that the 2010 STATUTES was OBSOLETE, while at the Congress, a STATUTES AMENDMENT COMMITTEE was constituted. Whao! What a contradiction!!
In the communique of the Executive Committee meeting, they claimed in item 4, that…… and the glaring OBSOLETENESS of the current NFF STATUTES, the Executive Committee resolved to forward a proposal to the Congress for approval of the commencement of the process for amendment of the STATUTES”.
The Cambridge dictionary described the word obsoleteness as something that is no longer used or needed usually because something newer, better and more fashionable has replaced it. For example typewriters have been rendered obsolete by computers.
So, in this case, what are they really saying? Is it that they have replaced the STATUTES with something newer, better and more in tune with the realities of today (as they want us to believe) or they are still looking for the commencement of the process for amendment of the STATUTES?
They are confused! Planless!! Disorganised!!! And perhaps disorientated!!!!.
In trying to justify the blunder of illegally convening an Extra-Ordinary General Assembly without complying with the necessary provisions as laid down in the STATUTES further plunged into more unpardonable abyss of STATUTES violations.
It is absurd, utterly unthinkable and barbaric for anyone to stand up at a General Assembly to move a motion to suspend or set aside any Article or Clause and adopt another within the legal framework.
Certainly not, but the lords at the NFF erroneously believe everybody can be fooled.
In their Congress, they succeeded in fooling themselves. One journeyman stood up to adopt Article 29 (1), while another moved a motion to suspend/set aside Article 29 (3) in order to give them false hope that the gathering had legality, but it is a mere fruitless effort.
As if that level of mediocrity is not enough, they went further to cite Article 85 alluding that the article empowers them to commit the STATUTES summersaults. Very laughable!
Truly, illiteracy is a gigantic hurdle. It is highly difficult to surmount.
Otherwise, they should have known better that Article 85 is not even applicable, not to talk of having connection with the General Assembly.
The said Article 85 talks about unforeseen contingencies and force majeure. It states thus ; “The Executive Committee shall have the final decision on any matter not provided for in the STATUTES or in case of force majeure”.
So, how does it connect to the activities of the General Assembly? For your information, issues regarding STATUTES Amendment is adequately and sufficiently provided for in ARTICLE 30, Sections 1 to 6.
Obviously too, there is no immediate case of force majeure in STATUTES Amendment process.
Consequently therefore, there is no emergency situation that necessitated the convocation of the Extra – Ordinary General Assembly in Benin City without due process.
Now to address the serious issue of the malicious and wicked so called suspension or setting aside Article 29, (3) in order to make activities at the Benin City gathering legal.
Whether it was mischievously done or otherwise, they were absolutely wrong.
Nobody has the power to SET ASIDE or SUSPEND any aspect of the STATUTES even the almighty General Assembly.
How can anyone wake up for his/her dream and move to suspend an article and adopt another in the STATUTES just to achieve a shenanigan? This can only be when there is a military coup.
Then democratic institutions and laws are usually suspended for martial laws. Except they want to tell Nigerians that, that is what they have transmitted to.
So, as powerful as the General Assembly is, it lacks the authority to suspend or set aside any portion/provision of the STATUTES. The AREAS of AUTHORITY and POWERS of the General Assembly is unambiguous and evidently stressed in ARTICLE 23 (a – n).
In fact, the General Assembly cannot exercise any power that is at variance to the provisions of the STATUTES.
This fact is well articulated in Article 23 (n).
It says, “passing decisions at the request of a member in accordance with THESE STATUTES.” Meaning passing a decision of a member request at the General Assembly must be in accordance with the STATUTES and not from the moon or anywhere else.
What they also failed to realise is the fact that DECISIONS taken at any General Assembly do not take effect IMMEDIATELY.
So, the decision to suspend or set aside clauses in the STATUTES by Congress men is nullified by the express provision of ARTICLE 32 on effective date of DECISIONS.
The article states that, “Decision passed by the General Assembly SHALL come into effect for the members SEVEN (7) DAYS after the close of the General Assembly unless the General Assembly fixes another date for a decision to take effect.”
By their glaring exhibition of lack of grasp of their working document, they have also obviously made it known to the people that they lack the wherewithal, ability and capability to steer the ship of Nigerian football to a safe shore.
The STATUTES is very simple and easy read, assimilate, understand and definitely not OBSOLETE.
The real problem here is not the STATUTES, but the operators of the STATUTES and they can go to any length to bastardise, annihilate and discredit the STATUTES.
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