
JAMB releases results 48 hours after CBT exam

Candidates sitting for a computer-based test Candidates sitting for a computer-based test

The Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) on Monday announced the release of  the Computer Based Test (CBT) examinations written on Saturday.

Mr. Nobel Onukwue, the board’s deputy director (outstation) said the result was released on Monday.

He advised candidates who wrote the examinations to check their results online.

The CBT, which started on May 17 would end on May 31.


Onukwue said that the second day of the CBT was better, because the challenges experienced during the first day were tackled, so there were no issues of candidates logging out mistakenly, server going off, or power outage.

Mr Buhari Aliyu, JAMB’s biometric operator, said that 332 candidates were screened for the first session, and 342 for the second session, as against the 350 expected candidates.

Aliyu said any candidate that came late would be allowed to sit for the examination, but would be logged out the moment the time was up.


The second session of CBT verification at the Digital Bridge Institute started at about 11.50 a.m. and ended at 1.20 p.m; the examination started at about 1.20 p.m. and would last for three hours.


      1. Please sir,i did mine on 21st,i received no alert then i bought d e-bundle scratch card…since that day still no result yet…i need 2 know my score so i can know wat 2 do next…pls i need ur urgent assistance…my reg.no=47234069EJ

  1. Saturday own came out on monday so monday own gaz comeout on wednesday…..buh diz na friday we still dey wait ooo

  2. Jamb is really doing well! But their is something I don’t like about them concerning the CBT Exam, before registration and even after registration we were told CBT’s result will be available after 30minutes…but they didn’t keep their word. Now it’s taking even up till the 3rd day we’ve not seen result. Why are they like this? Some of us who wrote the exam now worry that JAMB might have been manipulating the results, as they have nothing to do with marking it (The computer has taken care of that itself). Please let information reach them to keep to their word!

    1. I agree with you Maxwell. Why can’t jamb stick to the 48hr trend they started. I’m starting to believe that our results are being manipulated.

  3. jamb!jamb!jamb!wats all this…u promised our result is ganna be out after 3 or 4hrs nw its taking more than 2days…who knows if u’ar actually changing marks.Just get this,i must not score less dan 300!


  5. jamb don start shey!!…..dey said in da registration da result will b ready befor an hour…wey ma result na….its exactly 29hours now!!…wey ma result. ..dey wan start to dey change score….!!..

  6. I wrote on 17th and my result was sent 2 me immidiatly after two hours’ time,pls advice ur relatives,friends,and wellwishers 2 always opt 4 cbt and jetison computer phobia i bet u is worth writing 4 young aspiriants who had no tym 4 microchipes bt read their books and the result they give is worth having ,its a field of reality in both writing and result giving, no negative marking,i had no odd mark in physics,chem and bio as de case used to be in ppt, i tell u de truth they gave me exactly what my score and its of hot comfort to me,i mean very encouraging .wish u readers goodluck as u pray 4 success,thank u one thank u all

  7. Please ooo!!! I haven’t recieve any alert on my phone…I deed my cbt on the 19th monday….please I need my result..

  8. I just want to know, if anyone knows how dis happen…. I checked my ppt result before and I scored eng:55 maths:29 phy:72 chem:79 total 235….. I later rechecked it two days ago, to my greatest surprise these are the scores eng:55 maths:84 phy:23 chem:79 total 241…. I dont just understand what happen, pls can someone tell me what happen pls?

  9. Pls jamb I don’t wnt to hear abt d scratch card stuff. my friends hav got deirs on phone, am yet to get me mine… Seriously am losing my patient Oooh. Thanks

  10. I wrote my cbt on d 22nd dah was thrsday nd very early on satday mrn i recieved one rubbish sms frm JAMB2014 dah my score is 44 over what?? How?? Nd since wen has jmb started sendin uncompleted scores to ppls fone. M sure dah result aint for me.

  11. Am so tired of waiting!!! Written mine since 19th wch is monday!!! Ech tym I check all I get is no result yet!!!?huh!!! Plz try do sumfin abut it cause its just so crazy

  12. I wrote JAMB on Monday 19th and about 4 questions in d Maths were not set properly and about a couple in d Physics
    Pls!!! adequate measures should b taken 2 ensure gud grading 2 affected candidates

  13. This CBT exam jamb introduce was a pleased one,I really hope and advice my fellow student to go for CBT exam,well I enjoy mine so well.

  14. Wat is wrong with jamb,I wrote my cbt xamz on d 23rd nd uptil nw av nt seen my result.pls jamb officials do sometin oooo.

  15. nawa 4 una o jamb cbt piple@ i wrote ma exam since 24th, i heard dat d result wud b out b4 48hrs,but till naw no result or alert has been send 2 me,plz am i hv waited 4 xo long nd am tird,i ned u piple help,ma number ix 08109244286 and ma registration number ix 47001342CE

  16. Yh friend i also did ma exam on monday the 19th and u’re right,there were were some wrong questions in the mathematics,i dnt knw’bout the physics,maybe its cus i’m not too good at it..but the sad thing is i’m also yet to see my result..may jamb no go se were ooo

  17. good job jamb,but remain little,i did my on saturday and scored in phy.78,biolo.85.eng.74 and chem.11 =248.waitin happen 2 my chem?

  18. quakes and Chison Anumba what you are saying about maths is true oo coz i did mine too on may 19 some of the mathematics question r nt properly set.

  19. Please I wrote jamb yesterday around 12pm, when will they send my result to me! Jez givin me suspense! Please help! 07035408867 dats my number. Thanks, God bless you!

  20. Its about luck..cause we that did ours on the 19th of may haven’t seen our results yet and you that did yours yday..is so worried..I guess I shud just go hug transformer…tired tho

  21. aint finding this funny anymore. what’s wrong with this jamb pipo sef? they said the result will come out after 2 hours now it’s turning to days. this ppl are not just reliable. am tired of waiting o! wetin sef:/

  22. I wrote may26. StilL AVENt gotTEN ALart. My frenD DAT WROTE D SAMe day with me got hIS OWn yesterdAY MorninG. What is d pROblEM.

  23. I would say jamb have not really set up the standard they have started with, why release others result and ignore the standard you have set?

  24. I wrote myn too on monday buh of to date no any alert I but d eboundle no result yet I didn’t tink dat dis cbt make sence, ALLAHAMDULILAH I make myn peacefully.

  25. I wrote jamb on Monday 19th of may…all I could see is “no result yet”..am really worried.. I want to see my result oooooo

  26. no hurry in life.jamb thanks 4 d cbt introduction.we are very happy wt it.pls officials,try to do somethn abt our results.we wil die of high b.p o.my no is 09031886097 reg no_47009594ad.27th may dat i wrote mine at oko poly.

  27. pls i wrote my exam on 17th may, and yet to see my result,pls help me out with it,this is my last hope

  28. So annoying and terrifying!got a message from jamb telling me i scored 46..ridiculous!when did jamb start sending death scaring score messages to people??

  29. I think i might go crazy in any minute..did mine on 24 and jamb later sent me a terrorizing message saying i got 46..how on earth!..jamb should do something quick about it.for heaven sake!please

  30. plz 4 even sake .cbt should stp racism ..aw kan a jamb kandidate scor 46 over 4oo .nd sum are scorin 28o nd abv. Plz dnt encourage diz evil ideal .cbt shld try find solution to dis .gv d ryt skor to whm owns it nd stp racism amng the jambites. I pray 4 the good of mine nd wish otherz d best of luck.

  31. jamb u people are taking too long to released result since five days now no alert hmmmmmm na woooo.

  32. Weyin dy do dis jamb slf na. I wrote my on d 26 n til na is no result yet my junior sister wrote hers on 30 n hav seen her result

  33. They sent 92 as my score, I wrote on the 22 of may, three questions were not properly set in phys but it’s say no result yet on jamb website, I believe that is not my result b/c I still have some of the question in my head.

  34. at is all dis jamb!!!!!! i wrote mine since 19th 0f may and of dis moment i have not seen my result i dnt knw wat to do

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