
Jime: The right man for Benue government house


The Gubernatorial elections are around the corner, and as usual, there is a beehive of activities from the various political actors. This is an era of promises upon promises. Some even go as far as promising what they know in their hearts they cannot deliver. But as they say, all politics is local, and one of the ways to localize it is to tell the people what they want to hear to get their votes. The case of Benue State presents us with such instances of empty promises especially from a government that has from all indications failed to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people.

I am always troubled writing about the state of affairs in Benue state in the past three years. It can be stated that the state went on overdrive from bad to worse under the current leadership of Samuel Ortom, a governor that has continued to play to the gallery at the expense of quality leadership.

I took out time to study the array of candidates vying for the governorship of Benue state, and the name Emmanuel Jime struck me. It hit me not because I haven’t heard the name before, but I was struck by his blueprint for the development of Benue State if given the mandate to pilot the affairs of the state.


And of course, Emmanuel Jime is not a new face to politics and governance. He was Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly and also a former member of the House of Representatives between 2007 to 2015. He is also a grassroots person who understands the challenges faced by the ordinary man and woman on the streets of Benue state. This much has been said about him in numerous fora . And this much he has also demonstrated all the while he straddled the political space in Benue state.

And when he offered himself for service to the people of Benue state, I was more than happy because his candidature has once again reinforced the fact that it is time to take Benue state to the next level of growth and prosperity.

In my opinion, Emmanuel Jime represents all that is needed in Benue state at this critical point of our existence. In terms of experience, exposure and qualifications, I do not see any other candidate competing with him. Make no mistakes; he is a man that has imputed his name in the sands of time in politics both at the state and national level. When he was a member of the House of Representatives, his contributions on the floor were always laced with intellectual deftness and political correctness.


It is also on record that throughout his stint in the House of Representatives, there was never a time he was associated with any scandal. That is the quintessential Emmanuel Jime, one that places a strong value on the sincerity of heart and purpose in all that he does. Tell me, is this not what the people of Benue state deserve at this point of our existence?

Your guess is as good as mine. In my opinion, the choice of Emmanuel Jime as governor of Benue state is a non-negotiable one due to the level of poverty and suffering in the state. The worrisome aspect of the Benue debacle is the way and manner the leadership of the state deceives the people all in the name of playing politics.

Every true son or daughter of Benue knows that we cannot afford this golden opportunity to make Benue work again with Emmanuel Jime at the helms of affairs pass us by. The time to liberate Benue state from the hands of the locust has been presented before us with the candidature of Emmanuel Jime, a man that has broad appeal across the senatorial districts in the state, and also a man who has an aura that exudes unity. If you would agree with me, Benue state needs such a unifying personality to make substantial gains in our march towards greatness.

And that is what Emmanuel Jime is offering Benue people. I cannot disagree less or doubt his sincerity of heart and purpose. He is someone I had taken the time to scrutinize his antecedents including when he was elected Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly at the youthful age of 30.


I also took out time to study his blueprint for the development of Benue state, and I must confess that here is a man that has prepared himself for governance and if given the mandate, he would hit the ground running. Unlike others, there is no rhetoric in his blueprint for developing the state. What you have in the blueprint are tangibles with a clear roadmap on deliverables. This is quite commendable, and an indication of what to expect should the people of Benue give him their mandate.

It is, therefore, my considered opinion that Emmanuel Jime is aptly the right man for Benue Government House and I trust the civil servants that have been denied their wages for months would agree with me. I am also sure those that have lost their loved ones due to the recklessness of the present administration would also agree with me.

For the people of Benue state, I would say the coming of Emmanuel Jime into the fray is an indication that God has indeed heard the cries of the people who have been abused, humiliated and denied the dividends of democracy by the present administration. And as the famous saying goes, for sorrow may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. And with Emanuel Jime as governor of Benue State, there shall be joy in the morning.

I charge the people of Benue state to do the needful by voting for unity and progress. I am also encouraging the good people of Benue to ensure that come March 9th, 2019, they should choose light over darkness. Benue shall be great again.


Agbese is a public affairs commentator and contributed this piece from Apa- Agila.

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