
Jimoh Ibrahim seeks law to develop bitumen, says it’s alternative revenue

Jimoh Ibrahim Jimoh Ibrahim

A bill seeking to establish a commission to regulate the exploitation of bitumen in the country has been introduced at the senate.

The bill sponsored by Jimoh Ibrahim, senator representing Ondo south, passed the first reading on Thursday.

Bitumen is found in large quantities in the south-west geo-political zone of the country.

Speaking with journalists in Abuja on Thursday, Ibrahim said his legislation is seeking to harness bitumen as an “alternative” revenue for the country and “diversify” the economy.


The senator said the commission could be sited in any of the areas that have high bitumen deposits in Ondo, adding that jobs would be created through road construction.

He said if the bill is passed by both chambers of the national assembly and assented to, it would be a landmark legislation for the exploitation of mineral resources in the country.

“If the proposed legislation scales through in both the senate and the house of representatives with the attendant establishment of Bitumen Development Commission after presidential assent, it would be the first law on exploration, development and possibly exportation of bitumen in Nigeria,” Ibrahim said.

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