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Jonathan ‘too gentle’ in tackling Boko Haram

BY News Agency


Sunday Adebomi, a Nigeria-born US army captain, believes that the war against Boko Haram would be won if President Goodluck Jonathan adopts a stronger approach to combating the sect.

Speaking with NAN in Ado-Ekiti on Sunday, Adebomi said the president’s approach has so far been gentle, while the option of dialogue should be considered a no-no.

“There are several ways of wiping out the sect and ending the killings. If government is determined to end Boko Haram today, it will be achieved,” he said.

“Who are those in the sect that dare face the government? But unfortunately, I suspect there are some bigwigs behind these people.


“Mr President is being too gentle in his handling of the killings; but unfortunately, it is daily assuming dangerous dimension; gentility cannot win the war.

“Although gentility is not a crime, Mr President will have to be more aggressive because this is a security threat to the entire nation. Mr President will have to take a stand on the matter either to continue to tolerate the sect and leave Nigerians to be mourning every day with the several killings.

“Mr. President should give a matching order to the military to wipe them off once and for all. Not until a strong stand is taken Nigerians may not be able to sleep with their eyes closed.”


Adebomi acknowledged that the military had been doing a good job in the affected states, but noted that they were fighting unknown faces and faceless groups.

“Government will have to first identify the cause of the problem, the root, sponsors, as well as where and how these insurgents get their weapons,” he added.

“The security agencies do not also understand the terrain where they are fighting the war, because most of them are alien to the battle fields.

“They know nothing about the sect, how then will they fight such war and think they will win? It is difficult.”


He appealed to Jonathan to read the riot act to the governors of the affected states or be made to face the wrath of the federal government. He also urged the president to compel the governors in the states to account for each soul lost to the insurgents.

“What I am simply saying is that the matter deserves an aggressive reaction; enough of a gentlemanly approach, because you don’t dialogue with faceless groups.

“The question we need to ask ourselves is: When will enough be enough? I woke up this morning with this thought in my mind asking Nigerians when enough will be enough.

“I ask the president when enough will be enough. I ask members of the senate and house of representatives when enough will be enough.


“Is it not time the government declared full state of emergency in the affected region? Since this insurgency, what concrete intelligence step has the government taken apart from fire for fire, exposing ill-equipped military men and women to excessive fire power of Boko Haram.

“Let us ask, when will enough be enough? Nigeria is dripping blood on daily basis; it is time the government woke up to its task.”

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