
US VP calls Jonathan, backs use of card reader

Joe Biden, vice president of the United States, on Wednesday spoke with President Goodluck Jonathan on the 2015 general election, which was rescheduled for March 28 and April 11.

He expressed support for the use of card readers by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in the elections, according to a statement issued by the United States Diplomatic Mission to Nigeria.

Biden also expressed “concern” about recent political violence in the country and “reiterated” the need for Jonathan, the candidate of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and Muhammadu Buhari, candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), to condemn it.

The full text:

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden spoke yesterday with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan and presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari ahead of the Nigerian presidential election, which is scheduled for March 28.  


The Vice President commended President Jonathan and General Buhari for signing the Abuja Accord in mid-January as a show of their commitment to non-violence throughout the election process.  

The Vice President further expressed the United States’ support for the Nigerian Independent National Electoral Commission and its work to deliver free, fair, and credible elections, in part through its essential efforts to distribute Permanent Voter Cards and help ensure that electronic voter card readers are in place and fully operational.  

He also noted his concern about the violence during some recent election-related events and reiterated the need for both candidates to make clear that such violence has no place in democratic elections.


Vice President Biden affirmed that the United States stands with the Nigerian people in support of credible and peaceful elections, and will continue to stand with the Nigerian people whatever the outcome.

  1. This is an insult to Nigeria’s sovereignity. Our politicians will do any for approval, they are so reduced that they will take a call from a desk clerk at the U.S. embassy. What a shall. This should not be a headline, I feel slapped in the face.

    1. Seconded. What utter rubbish. Nigerian elections are our business and resent the tone adopted by the US whenever they pass remarks as if they’re talking down to a subordinate nation when in fact we’re sovereign and equals no matter what.

      1. Nigeria has shown a lot of responsibility in all its affairs. Human lives and properties are safe. We do not need people like Joe Biden or the US of A to tell us what to do, we are grown ups now. I think the US should let us handle our affairs because everybody can see that the election atmosphere is peaceful and not a single blood will be shed. Nigeria is even more free and fair than the US, so they should just shut up. When it all happens people like you will be the first to ask the UN and USA what they were looking at. We shall see.

        Read more at: | TheCable

        1. @Me, you must be currently living in Jupiter! Because there is nothing in your write up to show that you know what’s happening in Nigeria. You talk of peace and no violence, meanwhile in Port Harcourt alone, just this week, PDP has killed 30 APC youths, while 400 are in cell. And thIs is neither the 1st nor 2nd nor 3rd of such violent acts in Rivers state in the past one month.
          So all these spate of killings in the north-east is nothing to you? And you talk about peace. And how can you say Nigeria is equals with US. The US is not only a world super power, but its like the watch dog of the world dog, always trying to create balance everywhere they go, unlike Russia or China. So please stop displaying your too much ignorance. Your ignores glows like a neon sign in the dark! You think for a whole VP of the US to call GEJ and GMB, that he would not be working with accurate info? Let me shock you by telling you that these people, through research and study and technology, know more about your nation than you do! Anywhere there is war, the US is always concerned because war disrupts the smooth running of actvities in the world and affects so many things. Its so important to America, Africa and the world, that there is a smooth transition into the next 4 years of governance in Nigeria, and that there is no war. Its too costly now for global peace. And Nigeria is not more free and fair than the US. The US govt will always deal with crime and corruption no matter how long it takes. So stop antagonising. You have become accustomed to the disorderly way of doing things in this nation that you can’t even recognise what is good anymore, even when it stares you in the face. Pls go get a life.

          1. In fact, what can I say again than to say to you, you get my kudos and thank you for your well thoughts out writing. The terrible things is to have too much educated illiterates around you and people with bigots that don’t care about the level of rotten that pervades our country; as long as their whims and caprices are being serves through sheer sentiments. It’s usually carry go and who cares. God bless and safe Federal Republic of Nigeria.

      2. Our display o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ lack o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ self control Α̲̅πϑ competency I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ handling our own affairs call Fø̲̣̣я̅ that. Our display o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ shame Α̲̅πϑ weakness o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ character. Our selfish politicians deserved τ̲̅ȍ be called by presidents o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ all nations, if that W̶̲̥̅̊ȋ̊ƪƪ bring back a bit o̶̲̥̅̊f̶̲̥̅̊ sanity I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ them.

    2. Nigeria took millions of dollars from USA and EU to conduct the elections and you don’t expect them to interfere in your electoral process?

    3. Not an insult, it is a fact and we should live with it bro. See the big picture and not sentiments. Is this nation truly sovereign

    4. You are one of the reasons sometime I don’t want to claim to be a Nigerian, don’t want to be counted as educated illiterate because it shows u r learned from your composition but lacks knowledge. You might as well say Britain did not colonise us. It’s a mere advice and the world is global my friend. Tell your president to keep his number instead

  2. Nigeria as a sovereign nation must be free from external control, though, it’s because of incapability of our president to be respected internationally due to the failures that he recorded. Anyway, we need positive transformation…

  3. the stability of Nigeria is a world concern. anything that happens in Nigeria affects 1/4 of the Afrcan population. you cannot say that our political affairs are just ours. please, see the broad picture.

  4. What the American VP has done is to point at the right course for Nigeria which is what is expected of a true friend. Political violence has coused thousands of death in Nigeria which has understandably become a source of great concern to our American friends.i therefore suggest that we take their counsel very seriously.

    1. You seems not to understand the argument here, What stops Obama himself to call our president than sending his lieutenant to call our presido?
      They should take extra back seat joor

      1. When has Joe Biden become so small that our president can’t take advice from? Moreover, they have gone ahead of us. So, that count.

  5. @Sowtonite, very well said! When the number one citizen has adopted the spending of another nation’s currency at the expense of the currency of his own nation that he promised to defend at all time. This is nothing but an act of treason. Honestly, I don’t care who rules this nation whether education, ethnic or religion background so long there is security, naira is strong and can compete with other currency, Nigerians are well respected externally and internationally, there is staple food for masses, standard cost of living is moderate (not with per capita income of less than $1), potable water available, there is justice, stable power supply, harnessing the God-gift resources to favour the masses and not to the cabal, our refineries are performing optimally (if government does not prioritize selling crude oil), our military gallantry is second to none, my nation is not jittery at hearing the voices of the super power but maintain her sovereignty, standard and functioning health facilities and policies etc. Tell me how a self-acclaimed super power will want to destabilize my nation. How will they be able to predict that my nation will break up in a particular year, have the gut to publicize it and now our leaders are doing ‘yessir’ to them as errand boys. Don’t blame them, they have siphoned our money abroad and compromise. The white guys know their secret. They know how desperate Nigeria leaders are and what they can do to retain their seat. I am terribly disappointed in the political class for the betrayal of the trust we reposed in them. But remember, the day of reckoning is around the corner for the evildoers.

  6. Nigerian leaders should remember to call their US counterparts to remind them that they should condemn all cases of racial policing in their domains as well as the passive aggression reflected in supporting coups against unfavourable(to them) democratic governments in places like Ukraine et al. Thereafter, our local embassy should issue the full statement of details of the conversation

  7. I feel Sad when I read from Nigerians that they are sad thaat American are telling us what to do. Is it not what we reduce ourselves to that enboldens your neigbor to correct you? If Nigerian were to emulate the Abiolas free and fair election partern we would be far ahead of the Americans. Today I encourage Joe or Barack to councel the so called Jona and Buha to comport themselves. Need I say that the involvement of a Lady who speaks and incites violence is something we can control? if yes, why is it continuing when nobody has been able to put a lid on her? We wake up eery day with the news of blood spilled by unkown gunmen to our friends and brothers and yet we say they should not talk about us. It is a world problem and not a Nigerian Problem, we have gone back 20 years instead of going ahead 10 years.

  8. The fact that US VP who is currently enjoying the proceeds of electronic rigging, has backed the same system that brought him to power on Nigeria is the main reason Nigerians should stand up and reject electronic card reader in the coming election.

    It is alergged to have been massively rigged electronically. In fact during the last election, despite the fact that his popularity has taken a massive nose dive, Obama was busy playing basketball on the day of election. Because the system has been skewed to favour him.

    In fact there is a video made by some Harvard students to prove that the last US election was rigged.

    Now coming back to Nigeria, since President Good signed the anti gay bill into law, the Obama administration has taken a position against Nigeria and the current administration. They refused to sell arms to Nigeria and when Nigeria decided to buy from South Africa, America blocked it on two different occasion. It took a wise decision from Goodluck by approaching America’s arch rivals Russia and China to enable Nigeria buy the much needed arm to fight Boko Haram. In fact it appears that US was secretly supporting Boko Haram by their act of omission or commision.

    Now for US VP, who may in America knows a supporter of gay right to insist that Nigeria must use card reader for an election that is not taking place in US, says a lot.

    Now there is this news flying around that Buhari has entered and agreement to abolish the anti gay law in Nigeria once elected. No wonder the renewed support for and insistence on card readers that will skew the election to favour the opposition.

    And let’s not forget that the campaign strategist of the opposition is the same campaign Manager of Obama. It is a blatant arm-twisting of Nigeria to succumb to whims and caprices of the administration that has become hostile to Nigeria’s interest and progress.

    To this end, Nigerians must rise up against this new slavery being foisted on her. PRESIDENT Goodluck Jonathan must sack Jega at once and the PVC should be used for identification alone before voting.

    1. Mr Nel Please do not display your ignorance in the public domain. I pray you limit your comments on issues you are conversant with. By the way why are you using the internet instead of writing letter and posting in the post office. If you are averse to using card readers then you should as well stop using the internet. As for your other comments, they sound like the kind of things you hear from market women (I hear say.. I hear say), no substance, just motor park jist.

    2. Seems you pick all your info from pepper soup joints. Last US election rigged! What many refuse to recognize is that the U.S. has a policy of arms sale restraints when there is likelihood that such arms may be used for internal repression or in violation of human rights. This is a general rule and not targeted at a particular country. So if your military is involved in Odi or Sarkin Biam, it is very unlikely you will get the nod to buy US weapon, except, of course, you are Israel. Unfortunately the strategic relationship we had with the US is ebbing.

  9. I’m amazed at some of the comments here by our youths. So even the violence at almost every campaign events in Nigeria is something that we are still denying? ?? Wow!! I guess some of your immediate relatives has to be hurt before you realize this gotta stop.
    Why can’t Nigeria youths be active participants in politics as candidates but only in violence? Question for thought

  10. Non issue! why is America meddling in the affairs of Nigeria. We do not need the USA to tell us what to do. Errant nonsense for USA to tell us what should be used or not used in our elections. Busy body USA should be more concerned about racism and other economic issues affecting their citizens.

  11. You all have good points, let us all be very serious with this political issues, no nation can survive on its own, even the USA can’t they also listen to ideas, critics from other nations, they don’t compel you to take advice/advise, ideas, or any contribution, our leaders can deduce from their submissions and come up with meaningful ideas, come to think of it, have you ever seen any whiteman in any part of the world chosen Nigeria as a destination where to receive medical treatment, or send his children to Nigeria for qualitative education? Why let us ask ourselves these questions. We need to change our ways; the way we react to issues, the way we manage our Godly gifted resources both natural and human, majority our human resources are widely disperse around the world, contributing to the positively to the growth of those nations.

    I have seen and heard majority of our leaders and their wives and mistresses whom we entrusted our nation’s management in their hands travelling abroad almost every weekend, buying houses around the world with their loots. Go to any popular store in Europe, there is a slogan and this is if’any person that buys or shops in our store for up to £10,000 and paid cash MUST BE A NIGERIAN’, This statement is from a store cashier, imagine that.

    We need people of the same genuine vision, ideology, true people oriented leaders and not international robbers who loot the economy and transport their loot outside the shore of our land. It’s only an idiot that will steal money from US or UK and bring it down to Nigeria, though this is possible in Nigeria. Instead of investing their loots because of insecurity they choose to toake it abroad to better their economy and drain ours.

    Fellow Nigerians any leader who could not perform for 4 years CANNOT perform for 8 years such leader needs to be removed and the process continues until those who are ready to perform within 4 years period and this will be the yardstick for re-election.

    God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A great Nation greater than great Britain in terms of natural resources but in the midst of plenty we are still lacking.

    Sooner than later the whole world will want to associate with Green White Green.

    1. US, UN, EU, AU and others should mount pressure on this administration to do the needful and allows the needful to be done. How a government that claimed to have fought corruption in certain areas (such Agriculture) with the use of modern technology be so averse to the use of Voter’s Card Readers machine which is primarily intended to AUTHENTICATE the voter? There sometime cynical and phony about the current leadership.

  12. Most Nigerian citizen evendow u sold there generational lineage into slavery they don’t care provided u have given dem out of d public. Stoled money, all. Of u dat against d advice of foreign white pple are directly supporting jonathan, and one man one vote of Nigeria citizen to choose who they want to rule over dem is not there concren,,, pls I want anyone of u to tell me any work dat jonathan has did dat both d rich and d poor of Nigeria can benefit, Obasanjo is bad but he achieved communication and pay our debt,,, we should allow justice to prevail after several years of corruption, I neva siad Buhari is God but if he failed us 4 d first term he will neva be re-elected again, so d issue of card reader will pave way 4 Nigerian citizen to vote who dey want and not riggin all d time

  13. This is the first time a northern candidate party would (APC)whole heartedly surpport an advance technology device to be used in an election or anything that affects them. hmmm.. I smell a RAM not a rat. The north most likely has its own agenda with the use of that device. USA they could not supply us arms to fight Boko Haram ( They supplied Cameroon) their VP should take his advice there (Cameroon). They surely dont have our interest at heart.

  14. Until the Muslim US president leaves office, we can be sure there will be a lot of irrelevant advice coming from the us to Nigeria. Obama rigged his re-election, he wants to desperately rig thus one for buhari. Obama refused to designate boko haram a terrorist organisation for 2 years because he didnt want to upset the north even after they killed UN Workers in a bomb attack. Obama was supplying weapons in benghazi, that’s why he left a US AAMBASSADOR to die at the hands of terrorists. Let it be known that the current US president is not a friend of the nigeria people whether buhari wins or not and a vote for buhari is a vote for slavery

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