
Boko Haram getting desperate because its days are numbered, says Jonathan

The fresh suicide blasts in Yobe and Kano states are acts of desperation by the Boko Haram sect whose days are numbered, President Goodluck Jonathan has said.

Two blasts on Tuesday led to 27 deaths at a time the sect is coming under heavy bombardment from the Nigerian military as well as multinational troops in Niger, Cameroon and Chad.

In a statement issued by Reuben Abati, presidential spokesman, Jonathan called the latest attacks “reversion to callous bombing of soft targets in parts of Nigeria”.

Abati said: “President Jonathan commiserates with all families who have lost loved ones in the bombings which continued today with attacks on Kano and Potiskum.


“The president shares the grief of all the bereaved families and is deeply saddened by the continued loss of many innocent lives at the hands of misguided and desperate fanatics who are now feeling the heat of the intense counter –insurgency operation by the Nigerian Armed Forces.

“The president assures all Nigerians and the people of the North-Eastern states in particular that the days of mourning victims of incessant terrorist attacks in the country will soon be over as the tide has now definitely turned against Boko Haram.

“President Jonathan further assures the people of Nigeria that the gallant, courageous and patriotic officers and men of the Nigerian Armed Forces, supported with new platforms, equipment and logistics provided by the Federal Government will carry the ongoing operations against the terrorists through to a successful conclusion in the shortest possible time.


“He affirms that his administration will continue to take all necessary action to guarantee the success of ongoing military operations against the terrorist group and drastically reduce its ability to take and hold territory or recruit, groom and brainwash young persons to undertake suicide bombing attacks on soft targets.”

  1. My able President, continue with the great work you are doing, we are solidly behind you. Years back, we have seen leaders who have plunder this country, but nobody is saying anything about them. If they have performed better as they claimed, the country Nigeria would not have been in the present state we are in today. God bless you my President, success is yours in the coming polls. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

  2. Kudos to our able president.Even though this action could have been taken by the president long time ago to prevent all the numerous casualties that had been caused by the fanatics;but I believe that the military action against the insurgency is being carried out at a perfect time.This is a very critical moment in Nigeria,when everyone is filled with fear because anything could happen because of the boko haram.So the

  3. This action would have been taken a long time ago but lack of co-operation from neighbouring coutries and the wicked blocking of the sales of game changing weepons to our army by some western countries is the reason why it took so long, we apreciate the russians and the israeli’s assistants, they have proven that they are the real friend we have, not the west that conive with some wiked nigerians to sabotage the goverment’s effort to arrest the situation

  4. The president has finally taken the right step in the right direction towards the protection of the lives and properties of the citizens of this country from the “boko harams”.We all have been fervently praying for long for peace to reign in our country during this forth coming federal elections.Long live,Mr President and long live the federal republic of Nigeria!

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